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A member registered Mar 26, 2023 · View creator page →

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This is so cute :) I have a black cat of my own as well, does that make me a witch?

This is great! I love the transformation concept, could very much see this fleshed out into a full game mechanic

This is such a sweet comment, thank you so much! That's a great time!

Thank you :))

Ahh thank you!

Thank you so much :))

Super fluid movement and animations! love it!

Fantastic, polished, and vast game!! Loving the world and surprisingly enjoyed the bump to attack mechanic. The team should be proud to produce this in such a short time!

Fantastically spooky, love the beginning cut scene intro! Well done!

Really cool proof of concept, I can totally see this expanded into a full mechanic! A few softlocks and disappearing bones glitches but overall I like it a lot. Great work

Fantastic little game! Love this little world, so much character and life. Super job

Love this so much :) Can't wait for it to be completed

I'm in awe, this is fantastic! Congrats!!! Dynamic lighting is heavenly

Great laughs in this one. 5 stars for quirkiness

This is insanely well polished. Congratulations in advanced!!! Super well made, everything about it is great!

This one made me laugh and smile a lot haha. Lot of potential here, I'd love to see it continued. I think there may be some scaling issues with the sprites but overall pretty cute!

Wow what a kind reply! Thank you so much!

Superb art (absolutely killer title art!). I appreciate the slower frame rate animations a lot. Relatively simple mechanics though as I realized I can just spam attack to kill everything haha

I absolutely love this concept!! Fantastic interpretation of theme imo. Like others said I'd love to see a full version of this game with more polish like animations, selling mechanic, and more 'enemies', but overall well done!

This is so fun! Lot of potential in this one, I can see it being a full game!

Haha thank you so much for playing!!

Thank you for playing!!!

Thank you so much for your feedback! Yes, I believe I made some stuff too difficult and in hindsight would make it more forgiving. And yeah, I understand the toxic gas blending in too much. I will make changes to those following the jam. Thanks again :)

Unfortunately I don't have a controller at home to test this :(

Thank you!!

Maybe I'll add an option to disable particle effects, that may help. Thanks!

That's a great time! Thanks for playing :)

Thanks for your feedback! I just updated it to have alternate controls using arrow keys. Is that what you were looking for?