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A member registered Aug 07, 2018 · View creator page →

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Thank you so much! I have to confess I spend way too much time on just setting up the scene and doing that animation 🤣

Thank you so much! =)

Thanks a ton! You're right, I should have put the ammo count on the HUD. Would have made it much more readable 😅

You're in for a surprise in Industrial 😁
I did initially plan to have more feedback on the planet as civilization grows but ran out of time during the jam 😅

Thank you for checking it out =)
I definitely wanted the game to kill the player eventually - I'll probably bump up the difficulty so that happens before you can max out all the resources 😅

And "Add Max Resources" as a cheat button sounds great! I'm assuming that's what you meant? Something to take the player directly to the next age?

Yes. That's intended. Minimal interaction - so nothing beyond launching the game 😁

Nice work. Love the music too =)

Loved this!

Very fun concept!

Loved the game! Solved the last puzzle more or less by chance but it was a lot of fun nonetheless.

Hilarious take on the theme

Cool concept. I personally would have preferred it to have been a bit faster paced though.

Apologies! That's a bug. You should see one more image in the first level - the one corresponding to the letter "O".
That said - the solution to the second level does not use the letter "O" - all letters are from previous level except one that you have to guess.

Thank you for giving it a shot =)
You'll have to read the first text "Speak Words" and associate the letters with the symbols. All the puzzles will follow from that.

Thank you =)
You'll have to read the first text "Speak Words" and associate the letters with the symbols. All the puzzles will follow from that.

Thank you =)

Thank you! I was trying to achieve that - but with the CGA 0 palette instead.

Quite an interesting idea - I liked how it keeps you on your toes by switching inputs every now and then. There were some minor bugs related to the character teleporting around and getting stuck in level geometry but it was fine otherwise. =)

Very neat idea!

Thank you =)

Awesome! Will look forward to updates =)

This was a really fun game! I loved the poses, really funny =)

This was really good!

Interesting idea. I would recommend adding controller support for this - it seems to be made for them.

Interesting idea but it's too unforgiving. For instance in level 2 I almost reached the end (I think) but then fell all the way down to the start because my input got disabled XD

The popups were very funny!

Liked the very cheeky portal vibes this is giving XD

Cute game. The last level really ramped up 😅

You'll have to reupload with the _Data folder as well for this to work :)

I really want to play this but it seems to be broken :(
The music sounds like so much fun.

Excellent concept

Highly relatable! Loved it 😁

Very interesting take on the prompt!

Interesting concept.

Thank you 😁
It's a bit like what rage can do to us, right? In the moment you just feel like destroying 😅

Thank you! I was initially planning to do the music myself but realised Sunday morning (my timezone, ~12 hours before submission) that there was no way I would have the time for it. 😁

Thank you 😁