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A member registered Dec 10, 2017 · View creator page →

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Thank you for the feedback.

I wish I had a bit of a hint on what the potion for the quest requires

Thats one off many thinks I would like to add, but didnt had the time during the jam.

I'm not a big fan of “clicker” games and I didn't have the heart to harm the lovely looking purple monster :)

Well done. 👍🏻

Well done.

The concept reminds me, of my own entry for  the "Godot Wild Jam #36 - Our third year!" - Theme: Uncontrollable Growth :)

Good job. 

Also like the art and the ambience

brew potions

So we probably had the same idea ;)

Like the "tamagotchi" like mechanic.

The "flappy-bird"  part seemed a bit random.


Good point. 

I still have some ideas to improve the variation of the potions more.

Thanks for your feedback.

Yes, settings would be something that should be added

Really funy, made me laugh :)

This game contains bad magic, worse jokes, and a parrot who’s definitely judging you

Nice job, like the "Plants vs Zombie" concept :)

Awesome work done here. The Art is awsome and also the idea is "simple" but funny and nice to play.

I had some starting difficulties, didn't know exactly what to do and how “cards” can/should be used.

But a really cool game, great concept and nice art-stlye. Great work 

Really like the art style (design, colors).

Awesome art and really realxing sounds. 👍🏻

Love 1-bit art. Interesting approach, good work

Like the art, nice graphics. :)

unfortunately  I got an error, in the Browser:

The following features required to run Godot projects on the Web are missing:
Cross Origin Isolation - Check web server configuration (send correct headers)
SharedArrayBuffer - Check web server configuration (send correct headers)

Thank you for the feedback.

Yes, i need to figure out how i can adapt the difficulty a bit so thats still "uncontrollable" but not unfair.

12 is really good, my best is 14 :)

Thanks for your feedback.

Thanks for your feedback.

Yes, the difficulty is really "hard-core" at the moment. Have to figure out how to adapt it or maybe, ay sou say, let it and maybe add an "easy", and "normal" moder or something.

Nice game, great job.

I like the "Warp" mechanism, unfortunately, i played the browser version, it oftens happens to me that  the mouse leave the window and then when i shoot or warp i lost the focus.

Thanks for your feedback.

Yes, thats something which needs to be adapted. Of course it was my intention to make it "uncontrollable" and difficult like flappy bird, but not that its to unfair for the player.

Thank you for the feed back :)

Awesome job done. Nice game.

The controlls are smooth and overall the game looks and feels very polished.

Nice game, good job.

Like the idea of this reverse snake game :)

Great game, nice use of the theme.

First had some problems to catch the rain drops, but then it was easy.... maybe too easy ;)

Nice game, well done.

Good tutorial at begining, controlls are clear and easy to understand.

Good game, greatjob.

The tentacles reminds me of "Day of the Tentacle", very nice :)

Thanks for your feedback.

Yes, thats something that i need to adapt in the future.

Thanks for your feedback.

Fullscreen is a good idea, didnt consider that the key will also move the browser/website.

Thanks for your feedback.

Yes, due to the uncontrollable gorth of the graph its realy difficulty and has a high frustration rate. 

But yes i tryed to make like it was (is) for me playing flappy bird... frustrating but still challenging to get further :)

Maybe something like:

Movement: W/A/S/D
Attack/ (Axe): Space
Stone: Control

What also could be helpful if there were some indicator/inventar to show if you have a stone/appel picked up.

Well, good job. You finished and submitted something, and hopefully had a good jam time, thats the most important thing.

I like the idea of the game. I only needed some time figure out how to controll the units, because it seem that clicking on them was not enough i need to "drag" select them. And at the moment it seem that you cant lose :)

Good job. interesting interpretation of the theme.

Great job. Like the art style, the "facy mushrooms" are awesome :)

Really great job done. its an awesome game that you greated, design, art and sounds it fits all perfectly together.  It has many specially little details which i like.

Even if its not completey clear to me what it cause if you put a Task on hold or kill it with fire.
And it was not possible for me to fully read all tasks :)

Well done!

Awesome job, nice and well polished game that you made here.

Like the pixel art style, of course specialy the bunnys :)

It took for me also a while to realize the potato is a stone :) the controlls (x and c)  are a bit unintuitiv.

But anyways good job

Awesome job done here. Great Design and Pixel Art, also the Music and Sound-effects fits perfect together.