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A member registered Apr 19, 2015 · View creator page →

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Hey thanks, I really appreciate it. Balancing is hard at the best of times! Thanks for playing and for your entry too!

Oh thanks that’s a good call out. I did test a few “shortcuts” on the tutorial to make sure it didn’t break everything, but obviously I missed that one! The idea was that if you missed the ship at that stage you’d go bankrupt and have to start again, but I may have messed that up with one of the final balance changes.

Thanks for playing and for the feedback!

I found it a little bit confusing, but enjoyed watching the mushrooms grow and consume the disenpixellated animals.

I’m bad at potions :D I would have loved a spell book to keep track of potions I’d already made. Nice work, cool idea!

Thank you for remind me how bad I am at these escape room type games haha.

Fantastic visual style and ambience, well done!

Neat mashup, and quite frantic gameplay :)

Neat idea, I liked the music and watching the molecules zing around! I wasn’t quite sure what the heat meter did, at one point I had two bars, added maybe three molecules and the whole thing went kaboom!

Thanks for the feedback - balancing your own game is definitely hard :)

Thanks, I really appreciate the feedback!

Nice work, congrats on your first game ever!

A very authentic recreation of working in a lab haha

Thanks for the comment! Yeah I picked 1024x768 to preserve my sanity when developing and doing art. It might be a bit small on some screens lol.

Hey, thanks for reporting. I haven’t tried with that combination of OS / browser. Its most likely a bug or incompatibility in the game engine’s WebGL support (which is still experimental). I find sometimes switching browsers helps as my default browser blocks WebGL, but no idea if it will do anything in this case!

Hey no probs, thanks for the fast reply and keep up the great work :)

Looks great! I’m a bit confused though, I only see animation examples for the one character, are there animations for the other characters in the pack as well?

Thanks for the feedback, some good ideas!

Nice job, an interesting idea and pretty well done.

A very nice looking game, well done. I couldn't really work out the crafting but I had a nice time just spamming the space bar and watching the colour spread out.

Loved the audio (although it was pretty loud!) and was very satisfying to slingshot around bashing things. Nice work!

yes I programmed in sound effects but for some reason they weren't playing 🤣

Nice mechanics, the slingshot release was quite fun.

Cool idea! I found the pacing a little off the first two days, they could have been sped up a little I think as there wasn't a whole lot to do early on. Fun!

(1 edit)

Can't argue with a penguin!

Nice work, very polished. I found having my moves counted while on a timer a bit stressful though  - would love to play a "zen" mode!

Great job, this was a really cool puzzle game that looked and sounded great.

Sounds are great and the idea was cool. I would have liked a bit more feedback when attacking or mining, as I wasn't sure when I was doing damage or getting that sweet sweet glom.

Slightly awkward controls (don't know how may times I reset when I meant to rotate!), but a really unique take on a puzzle game. Nice one.

Looks really great and plays nicely. I love the effects as the ape gets larger.

Neat idea. It took me a while to work out that I could vary the power of the spins (oops!) which added a bit more strategy to the battles. Some of the battles got a bit repetitive when all we were spinning was heals for about 5 mins, but definitely an interesting take on turn based battles.

Ok this is brilliant. Made me lol quite a bit.

Quite interesting, it was actually quite satisfying to squish the sheep against the wall, does that make me evil?

Holy cow 700!!?! You might need to give me a tutorial haha.

Well I never thought matching up my socks would be this enjoyable. Thanks!

Looked great and made me chuckle (although given the number of people I ran over now I feel bad!?) but wow that was hard :D

Fair enough! 48 hours is a ludicrously short time to make a game :)

Hey thanks - when I originally thought of the idea it was as a coop game, but I hadn't tried it with two players so glad to hear it works. Thanks for the feedback :D

This is fantastic, the minimalism really appealed to me, and the mechanics of building up were pretty interesting.

It looked great, I just wasn't really sure what to do.

Interesting concept and was fun to pick and mix my guy. I found my thingy wasn't centered on the screen which meant I couldn't see what was ahead.

I died in the end because I spawned in the middle of a group of reddy shooters and got hit by about 20 red blobs at once.

Reminded me of a cross between Pacman and asteroids!? Interesting idea.

Took a while to get the mechanics but a very interesting puzzle system, nice work.