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A member registered Nov 21, 2023

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I liked the game. I thought the idea of doing quests without any sort of combat was neat. The only issue I ran into was once I finished the game my mouse never returned and I was unable to press the exit button, I had to alt f4. 

The controls were very complex, and I don't think the game had much of a ruin theme. But it was still very unique. I managed to wiggle the character across the floor and land a punch on the opponent once before falling over, so I think that is a win.

I couldn't get the game to move after opening it.

I think the idea is really cool, but after restarting a new ruin a couple times the game stopped displaying text after I pressed a button. Kinda a weird bug. I am curious if every outcome had the "try again" text or if there was one path that lead to some sort of victory. 

I didn't know how to control the spaceship and it was stuck at the bottom of my screen. I pressed a lot of buttons trying to figure out the controls, but never was able to get the spaceship to fly :(

I wasn't sure what to do with the files, and looking at the other comments I see I am not alone here. 

I really liked the idea for this game, but I found it hard to see where I was going with the camera angled behind the player's head. Also colliding with walls was pretty much an instant game ender. But still very cool :)

I really liked the game and I think this was a super fun idea. Somehow I ended up making the snakes size increase massively, but after dying and resetting it was all normal from there on. Really liked the idea of being a snake.

At times the game was uncomfortable to control with the stiff camera angle. The lack of animation of the player was also a little odd. The 3D platforming design was cool though, and I liked the check points.

I liked the game. It was cool, but after collecting the fifth artifact the ground disappeared and I fell into space. Does that mean I won?

The game was very interesting and I thought the effect of having the game "loop" like it did was pretty cool.

I think it is a cool idea, but I kept getting stuck on ladders, which sounds weird but idk. I climbed up a ladder and the ground above had a collision that wouldn't let me pass, and then I wasn't able to go back down the ladder either. It happened twice, even after I reset the game. But I still think it was cool.

This was very engaging. The last jump was quite something, but I did it. I beat the game :) Fun

I think this is a very cool game. The way you were able to make the first person player was very neat. I had a couple weird glitches with the menus tho, such as my mouse disappearing and having to reset the whole game to continue. 

The game was fun and I think it was cool. I was trying to go out of my way and get all the diamonds but then I died and it totally reset and that was sad :( Then later on I got to a section with lots of jumps and spikes and I got killed by a spike that I didn't touch :( Ultimately I liked the game, I just had a couple very unfortunate encounters.

The game is interesting. I had to restart the game at first because I was somehow placed in a totally black room with seemingly no escape. On my second attempt I did make it all the way to the end of the game :)

I think this game is good. I was having some difficult with the jumping but I think that was from my end. I think the sounds in the game were very neat and fitting.

Sources Cited: 

Endless Cave Ambience -

Low Poly Weapons VOL.1 -

Ancient Ruins and Plants -

Ancient Ruins in the desert Part1 -

Fuga spiders with destructible eggs and Mummy -

Egyptian Tomb: Cat Statue -

Mummy Warriors -

Desert Kits 64 Sample -