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A member registered Jan 26, 2017

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I think where stability is concerned, each tick would could as one projectile hit, which would work fine in beam vs. projectile cases.

You're right, though, for beam vs. beam things would need to change, but not necessarily for the worse. Thinking about it now, each time a beam would lose a projectile, it could shorten a little until one is pushed all the way back to the shooter. Adds some good old fashioned beam on beam battling, I'm thinking like DBZ. It shouldn't be too complex to calculate the beam tick rate and stability stat to determine which beam pushes the other back and at what rate. I think increasing the size of the projectile also affects projectiles canceling each other out, which probably wouldn't be too difficult to figure out and balance and would be pretty cool.

Would switching to a beam once attack speed hits a certain point reduce lag? The beam could tick at whatever rate attack speed is at. Once attack speed reaches a certain point, the individual projectiles look like a beam anyway.

Would it be possible to switch from individual projectiles to a beam once attack speed approaches a point where it causes lag? They start to look like beams anyway, and you can set the tick rate of the beam to whatever the attackspeed is and only show the damage that happens per second instead of per tick. Ought to reduce some of the lag, I'm at wave 80 and it's unplayable because of the volume of fire coming from the enemies.

I definitely like what I see so far. I would like to see some mobility work, moving over corners while wall climbing doesn't work very well, if at all, and falling is quiet easy. A nice fix for the fall would be automatically deploying a strand of web to catch yourself so you can crawl back up or all the way down. I would also like to move a little faster or at least have the option to.

Solid start, looks great. Do you have any gameplay in mind?


I've always wanted to play a game about a spider that just spins up a web and catches shit. There is like, one or two 2d flash games with web spinning.

Would love to see a 3d one.


The slow motion is cool, I think you could keep it. It would just need to be earned. Maybe the character pulls out a fresh cigar and lights up to represent the duration of the ability.

Incredible game! Very challenging at first, then I kept discovering things that made it fun and only added to the challenge at higher waves.

Unlimited slow motion does seem a little powerful. Is it intended to remain unlimited or is that just the case for the demo?

Throwable spears? What about sprinting?

Awesome! Could we could get a bow in build 6?

It might be nice if you added some deer or something. Having to get water and food from structures is quite strange and kind of difficult. Being able to catch or kill food while on the move would help with ranging.

Do you plan on adding walls and siege machines?

If they were multiplayer, I would be. That's the most important bit for me. Raiding, trading and roleplaying.

Perhaps carrying items would be a useful idea. Backpacks and pouches, that sort of thing. With nothing equipped, you can carry very little, which makes sense. You could have a few different sized backpacks for carrying different amounts with maybe a speed penalty. That would be interesting for trading/raiding. If you want to trade safely, then you need to do low volume so you move quickly or large scale with many wagons and a guard escort for safety.

I agree limiting the NPCs trading capacity is a good idea. Perhaps caravans can only be formed with a player present to escort from point to point and without a play only individual wagons can be sent. I think players may be a big enough threat to trading, but NPC robbers would be interesting as well.

How many people are working on this game with you?

I went back to my base and picked up some water. Do you have logs?

I was just running around looking for some stone (way too rare) and I needed to eat and drink. I ate a couple of pieces of meat, but when I tried to drink, it wouldn't let me. My character just swung a punch. As I kept clicking, he kept throwing punches and my stack of meat broke in half and spread to the next slot. My meat was keyed to 4 and my water to 3.

I now have 1 piece of meat on my hotbar I can't eat and can't drink. I'm abut to restart my client, but I thought I'd point this out.

Thank you so much, man.

I was thinking about a game very similar to this, but I don't have any of the skills necessary to make a game so I thought it was going to be one of those things that would be awesome, but would never see the light of day. I'm so happy someone is making it!

When I said villagers, I was talking about lumberjacks, hunters and warriors as you stated. Just a bunch of specialized minions to do your bidding. Having some regular villagers, though, people without any real purpose would add some nice ambiance to the world, a spark of life. Perhaps something like a spouse for every worker. I don't know how out of way it would be, but it would be pretty cool to have the population of your village grow organically. NPCs meet and have children who take a short while to mature to adults to have a role assigned. Not enough homes and they leave.

For the outposts, you wouldn't necessarily need a store house to draw resources from. You could have resources loaded onto a wagon and the builders could draw the resources from that instead. I think, especially for your outposts and clan wars, it is important that instant construction is gone. For example, if you're the person with a sweet town and an enemy clan rolls up and starts constructing an outpost nearby to stage a siege, you might have a chance to stumble upon the camp before they get a chance to full prepare. That forces both defenders and attacks to be vigilant. Defenders will scout their lands to make sure intruders are scheming and attackers will need to plan carefully where to build an outpost to stage their attack from. Build too far and you lose time travelling to make raids, stage too close and the defenders might find you before you're prepared. It adds depth to the siege gameplay. Also, if they could build instant you might have a full outpost right at your doorstep before you can even react to it. That doesn't seem fun.

I noticed you also mentioned traders, I think that's an awesome idea. A game like this has many different styles of play and layers of gameplay. Adding traders, especially with wagons to form caravans, adds even more depth. When you introduce trading, it lets people delve deeper into specializations. Why do I need to mine when I'm the king of lumber. I'll just trade a bit of wood and we set to go. It also adds what will possibly be the most fun --and annoying-- play style. Highwaymen. Banditry. It's no train heist, but a caravan robbery would be pretty up there.

I'll definitely keep an eye on this! Keep up the awesome work!

I don't know what the end game is for you or what things you might have planned, but have you considered NPC villagers?

It might be interesting to remove the instant construction you currently have and replace it with timed building. For example, you have a store house where you put all of your resources and when you want to build a house, you place a blueprint and your villagers (assuming you plan to add them) go back and forth from the store house to the construction site ad build the house up over a set period of time. If you intend to PVP to be an aspect, this would certainly add some depth and strategy to warfare.