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A member registered Jun 14, 2019 · View creator page →

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I really do not recommend playing this game, I was a new developer when I made it soo its buggy and terrible. I have much better games/Demos you can check out if you want

That would be my shitty Discord integration, you need have discord open before starting the game. (I really wanted that panel that says what game the user is playing for my game in discord so I tried to integrate it ...... terribly)

Thank you for the kind words and yes i do plan on working on this game more.

Oh thank you

Hello that seems to be a glitch on's side, here: you can go and download the demo there. 

i use 4k

Alright here is what my Thoughts on the game, 

I liked the world Design and progression of skill and abilities, I enjoyed the art, sound design and had fun with the core gameplay but i had issues the second i opened the game, it was clear that different screen sizes are not supported : 

Aiming was slightly difficult at first but it got a bit easier, Camera was also a bit disorienting but i got used to it later on and the controls were not clear until i looked at the control tab of the settings.

other wise i very much enjoyed the experience.

Actually enemies and better art are currently a work in progress and yes i will absolutely play your game and rate it after i come home from work. Thank you very much for the thoughtful and kind criticism it is very welcomed. 

I like the art style, original and fun but there are major design issues, for example not even a minute in and i am stuck in a room, Controls aren't clear and un-responsive plus enemies can get stuck in you and outside the sword hitbox. It needs some work but it has potential i like this game

Maybe i'll tweak the game a bit after the jam that seems to be a reoccurring thing both the slow movement and the gun balancing issue  (obviously i'll leave the submitted version alone and release a tweaked version later on)

noted XD thank you for the feedback


I loved it.

i loved the gameplay

Thank you for the heads up a browser version well be released later after the finished version is  ... well, finished 

(1 edit)

Thank you very much for the feedback your words have been noted for a tweaked version of the game which will be released later on. :)

(after the jam of course )

That is absolutely fine, thank you for the feedback it helps a lot :)

I loved the gameplay the visuals were also great

(1 edit)

I loved the visuals, the gameplay was also quit addicting 

I liked the gameplay

i liked it, interesting gameplay

Amazing visuals and art, i liked the gameplay and now am embarrassed of my own game XD

i liked the gameplay

I am amazed and now embarrassed of my own game

Hey jonas can you show us the game stats on itch

Holy god that graphic is good the game play was good as well i gave it a full 5 star 

oh no i just jokingly made the game paid and expensive because no one played it anyway when it was free

i loved the game it looks really good

this is amazinng 

why do you like every youtuber i like we are way to much alike 

ok this game is good but has some problems first collisions it's so badly detected that i can hardly walk in the game. second item's i cant use them, background when you get to the edges you can see the default unity background, the water is pointless and i can walk on it like Jesus, some collision's are so bad that i cant even get close to some character's and talk, but i liked the game's graphic   

i sadly don't have the money to purchase the game but i have seen a video(i have also seen the devlog's) on it and it's such a amazing game 

you got it right MickLeinbach

tnx for explaining

yo I liked the game but I didn't get the game and the control's were a bit funky

and hard except that I liked it