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A member registered Apr 29, 2018 · View creator page →

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thank you!

(2 edits)

what is a coyote time?

edit: Nevermind found it never heard of that before though

you can definitely use it to your advantage but we tried to make the level time shorter in those instances 

its updated now sorry

its updated now sorry

its updated now sorry

its updated now sorry

I didnt make it in time to rate, but I did download it and did go through the tutorial portion of it. overall those physics were outta control. 

I didnt make it in time to rate, but I did download it and did go through the tutorial portion of it. overall those physics were outta control. 

The chaos with the noise was enough to drive you mad, it was really fun to explore and I clear enough to understand without knowing what stuff said

This was very challenging!  Initially I must admit I got a little lost with the kitchen being in the back, but aside from that it felt very straight forward and your started to develop a rhythm with the game, ended up making 34 bucks! 

It was pretty chaotic, I ended up floating in the air for a bit, i think i somehow walked on top of a box and then walked off it. but it made it quicker to get through the mayhem in the air! lol,  my best playthrough ended up with 42 boxes delivered, nice work

I enjoyed this a lot more than i thought i would, soup break gave me a good laugh. The one thing on the up arrow key it kept moving the screen up so that was a bit difficult to deal with. 

Great bullet hell demo! I felt like the pattern had a good amount of difficultly, excellent job on the art as well 

Overall really solid game, I enjoyed the pirate ships firing at you. Other than a little background music there isnt must missing, great work!

Sorry to hear that areas were not loading for you, could you tell me which browser you are using and what os? 

probably could of had more chaos in the story but thank you for playing!

thank you very much for playing!

thank you! I had tried to add in some more items for battle but got distracted with the art. I appreciate you playing!

definitely agree the ui could be improved! Thank you for the kind words and feedback

thank you for playing!

thank you I appreciate it, it’s not my first attempt at making one so I used a lot of previous experiences 

thank you! I can’t take credit for the sounds other than picking them out from open game art but I appreciate the compliments, definitely agree I can get the action going sooner

thank you very much for playing!

great work I loved the happy ending, the days skip was a great touch, so much being said without words.

concept was fun and the music was enjoyable. the 4:3 ratio for me removed the full screen option so i couldnt see the cheese or sauce part. but the tutorial in the beginning helped me get those items cut off by the screen.

reminded me of my first year of IT. depressing you captured it beautifully. great work

very cute graphics, didn't realize how long I played it for I got really into it. Great work all around, something that could improve on the game would be a volume slider to turn down the music just a bit. 

echoing the same as NightModeGames, once i went past 1k i had to call it quits but I liked the art

I was able to solve the first part and get to the top of the screen, i am not sure if the camera was following the players though because it didnt go up any higher. from what i could play i feel like the challenge was good!

5 stars! love it, jeff the unclean lol. great ending!

(1 edit)

Very fun, great art, great music had to keep trying to break 3k!

The graphics were great, there were weird times when i was going through walls though and the animation would twist the character around. all in all I am giving a follow hoping you make some more great looking stuff! 

Fit the limitation really well, the idea of the explosions damaging the enemies was good. Although I felt like i needed to jam the gun to get the most shots off, when waiting for it to cool down not being jammed it was taking a while. 

echoing the same from the people below on the web build this is what i ended up seeing on my end. Using chrome, like the duck though! too bad my duck isnt nice like that

First time playing something like this it was pretty unique for me. I wasnt sure what was supposed to happen after drawing five cards and sometimes they would disappear. 

The audio was really hard to deal with, I did like the idea of rampage 3D though. The simplistic art was pleasant.

On first glance I thought I was going into a tower defense game, but after playing it I really enjoyed the concept. solid all around, although I noticed the unity web player/itch gave you that weird boarder thing. if you go into the index html and switch the <body> to   <body style='margin: 0px;'> it should clear it up for you

This was brilliant! Having played a few word games in the past this could be something really fun if you decide to fully flesh it out. like a moving scrabble. Areas of improvement could include a timer in the lower left hand side and some sort of indicator maybe a color change when the tile cannot be changed any further. All in all great work! 

Fully embraced the limitation, it was quite chaotic. I played through a few times finally being able to get the a score of 8.

A small improvement might be including the players current health. But thinking about it more it might be left out by design