Left a comment on the game page itself :)
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I’ve played a bit and I must say, for a prototype this already seems very polished. The visuals and music are very nice!
Some points of feedback:
- pressing esc to cancel a card selection also exits fullscreen. I would prefer if I could click somewhere on the screen, away from yourself or the enemy, to cancel.
- After the tutorial, the game became very laggy. I played in browser, maybe if I had downloaded it would have been different. Because of this, I didn’t play for long.
Thanks again for playing my game, I’m very happy you liked it!
My main takeaways from seeing you play are:
- I think I have made the game too difficult, and I don’t want people to get discouraged by it. I think I said this already, but I want to ‘rebrand’ practice mode to normal mode, and normal mode to hard mode.
- I want to make it clearer where you can find the settings haha
The UI in battles is another good point, and a challenging part of the design I think. There is a lot of info to convey to the player but the game gives the player very little time to pay attention to it haha. It’s definitely something I need to experiment with more.
I really appreciate the feedback :). It’s definitely a work in progress (and will be for a long time) so I really want to get as many opinions as possible so I can take this game in a good direction.
thanks for playing :). There's not just one path, the world always generates in such a way that there's choices for which direction to go.
I didn't think about the story yet (but I have some ideas), about what the character is and why it's in this world. I just thought he looked cute
You can enable fullscreen by pressing P in the world, there is an option :). I know this is not really made clear, will work on this
I played this game until I got to the bossfight. Here are my thoughts:
I like the gameplay loop of playing, gaining XP, increasing your stats and retrying a lot! The turorial is nice. The gameplay feels a bit too chaotic and the character movement a bit too limited to feel like you can really get good at this game. I would really like to be able to dash/blink short distances to dodge.
What adds to the chaotic feeling I think is the colored 'lights' (not sure if this is the right word).
Like the large red/blue (depending on wave) edge around the screen and the green light around your player. I think if you tone those down and create a clear distinction between the dark background and the player/enemies/bullets (maybe with some bright outlines), that would improve visual clarity a lot
Apartfrom the health and double bullets, I didn't really understand what the those squares I could pick up while playing gave me.
When I reached the boss, it seemed like I could not hit it? The bullets went through and I saw no damage numbers. This discouraged me from trying again.
A few other thoughts:
- The music is really nice!
- The explosion animation doesn't really feel like an explosion to me
- I would really like to be able to pause mid-game
Looking forward to see where you will take this game!
Hi, thanks so much for taking the time to write out all of this feedback, I appreciate it a lot :)
I agree the game needs more visual feedback and particles etc, up until now I've mainly been focused on the gameplay.
Practice mode as it is now was really just thrown in as an afterthought, and it could have been thought out better. At first I didn't think it was worth the effort to do more than a few number tweaks, but I think now it is worth it to put more thought and effort into this mode. I think reducing the number of things to dodge is a good idea. Maybe I will change it around and make what is currently practice mode the ''normal mode', and the current main mode 'hard mode.
I'm not a fan of the idea of hints for what rewards you should pick honestly. I really want to leave that choice completely to the player. But hopefully, if I can balance the practice/normal mode well, thinking about what are the best rewards to pick can really make the difference between winning or losing, rather than it now feeling like it doesn't matter anyway.
I didn't really think about a that much tutorial yet, I guess when you're developing a game it's really hard to gauge what a person who hasn't seen it before will find clear and unclear. It's probably a lot more important than I thought.
The intense colours may be because I'm a bit colourblind XD so I don't have the best idea of what colours to use. Learning about shaders is definitely on my planning, hopefully I can improve on this.
A story is also definitely the planning, but that is low priority for now :)
I have 1 big question, because you say the ability buttons didn't seem to do anything for you. Abilities are pretty important to the game so them not working is a bit concerning. Could you give some more details on this? Did you have an ability picked up, and if so, which one? Did the buttons not work on their own or was it while pressing other buttons? Do you have a non-qwerty keyboard maybe?
Again, I really appreciate the feedback! If you want to stay updated, you could follow me, I write a post for each update describing the changes.
I will definitely try your game, but it may take a while as I'm pretty busy the next few days!
Hi everyone,
I just released an update for my game, RogueBlock (working title). It adds more items and makes the game a lot more fun in my opinion.
I would love to hear some opinions on it! Whether it is fun, too difficult, what you think about the style, etc. Thoughts on the game page itself are welcome too :)
The game is free and playable in browser, check it out! https://unaware-robot.itch.io/rogueblock-working-title

Hi everyone,
I just released an update for my game, RogueBlock (working title). It adds more items and makes the game a lot more fun in my opinion.
The game is free and playable in browser. Would love if you checked it out: https://unaware-robot.itch.io/rogueblock-working-title

Hi, I tried the game, here are some of my thoughts:
I like the concept of the game, with the different types of attacks with different effects. I feel that could work very well if you take this in the direction of a puzzle platformer, where you have to figure out which types of attack you need to move past the enemies.
One thing I noticed quickly is that the character always faces the direction it is moving in, rather than the direction you press. So when you are running right, and then turn left, it takes a bit for the character to also turn left. And because this determines in which direction you shoot this felt a bit wrong.
The items don't really make sense to me, e.g., tomato and chicken freezing the enemy. If there were more levels where these items returned without the explanation boxes, I would have a hard time remembering the effects.
I also tested some of the accessibility settings, it is very nice that there are so many available. The difficulty setting is great! The auto-fire is nice and works well. The auto-jump didn't always feel great. The character would jump also when you walk down a ledge, which is not needed, and there is one ledge in the 3rd level where the auto jump did not work.
The pit wind sound I found a bit hard to hear, I had to turn down the music to be able to hear it.
Lastly, I could not change the UI keybinds, is that intentional?
Good luck with your thesis!
I've played the game for a bit (finished the mines) and these are my thoughts:
The concept of the game is very interesting! I had a good time playing it. The levels generally have nice solutions that are fun to figure out. So gameplay wise, this is great :)
The main thing that occurs to me is that the game needs more polish. The screens that show when you run out of time or trigger a paradox seem out of place. The watch showing the time is very cool, but the art style clashes a bit with the style of the game I think.
I found the background music a bit annoying and just turned it off after a bit.
Overall, a good experience. Not sure if you are still updating this, but would love to see it be improved even more!
I found the tutorial pretty clear! The only thing I didn't realize after the tutorial but much later was that the phase jump ability also damages the planets.
Other than that, fun game! Only other point of feedback is that sometimes the player ship can overlap the 'upgrade' button or the name of the planet, and then it is difficult to see where you are. Maybe make those more transparent when the player is near?
Also I found the 7th boss to be significantly easier than the 8th, which was a bit unexpected.
You make a very good point with the dashing that I didnt think about. None of the enemies before the boss encourage you to dash, so it makes sense that suddenly requiring you to use it in the boss fight is unintuitive. In the future, I will try to (re)design enemies more with the dash in mind.
About the boss's difficulty: For me the fun of games like these is that you fail often, retry, learn and become better over time. It makes finally winning feel more rewarding. Therefore the boss being difficult is intentional, I don't want people to generally beat it in the first few tries. I hope that doesn't discourage you from playing :)
First of all, I need to say that I am really not the target audience for this game and I've never played games like this before. Therefore, I feel that I am not the best person to judge this game. Take that into account when reading this ;)
I didn't have access to my computer today and tried playing the game on mobile, fully expecting it to not work. But the game ran perfectly, so that's great!
I think the game can really benefit from more polish. I noticed many spelling mistakes, in the 'Sunny' menu the close option falls outside of the black box, and (not sure if this is a mobile thing) the choices on the screen block you from checking stats/items. I also think adding double quotes to lines that are conversation would be a nice addition.
Gameplay wise, I have a few things that were unclear to me. The first time playing, I could not find out how to actually talk to Allura. I only realized when restarting that, in the opening dialogue, Allura tells you to meet her in the garden at noon. I think some type for reminder of this would be really helpful.
I didn't really understand what the requirements are / how many points you need for levelling up your skills.
I like the random events that happen where Sunny sees something and can react in different ways, but they did feel too similar. More variety here would be really nice.
I think character portraits for the characters, even crude ones, would add a lot to the experience.
I hope this doesn't come off as negative. Because this isn't my type of game, it is difficult for me to appreciate the good, and therefore my focus is on points of improvement. I can see this game has a lot of personality and charm, and I hope you keep improving on it!
Thanks a lot for taking the time to give all this feedback, and I'm happy you liked the game!
I see your point with the name 'easy mode', it makes it sound as you are not playing the 'real' game. It's something I didn't think about too much as I added it to the game late. I will give it a different name.
I get what you mean with the laser, to me it is very situational, it can be good against some enemies but very difficult to use against others.
I'm most interested in your experience with dashing: I intend to make attacks that you need to dash to dodge (there should be one already). So when you say you feel that dashing is a hassle that is something I really want to make better. Do you think possibly different keybinds would work better?
I liked the idea of the previous post by Rainbow Bytes, to exchange feedback :D
So I will do the same: If you try my game and leave some feedback (preferably in the comments of the game page itself), I will playtest one of your games too. Just send me the game you want tested :).
EDIT: This game is now playable in the browser
Hey, love the idea of exchanging feedback!
I left the feedback as a comment on your game Worlde Unbound, but I'll also post it here.
Overall, the game feels really polished, the sound effects and animations are nice!
The only points of improvement I see:
- I think the color scheme used is far too dark. I think a lighter / more colorful palette would make the game look much better.
- When I saw you could adjust the word length, I hoped you could increase it above 5. I think that would be a nice extra feature to make this stand out from other wordle games
- In the same vein, I think it would be nice to be able to customize the number of guesses you have.
Other than this, there are not many things that I can think of that would improve the game.
I only have posted one game, would be great if you could have a look at it!
Hey, I played the game and had a good time!
It feels really polished, the sound effects and animations are nice!
The only points of improvement:
- I think the color scheme used is far too dark. I think a lighter / more colorful palette would make the game look better.
- When I saw you could adjust the word length, I hoped you could increase it above 5. I think that would be a nice extra feature to make this stand out from other wordle games
- In the same vein, I think it would be nice to be able to customize the number of guesses you have.
Other than this, there are not many things that I can think of that would improve the game.
Hey! I tried your game.
Overall, I liked the gameplay, especially being able to try and create a 'build' by focussing on rewards/towers of certain types!
I have a few points of feedback / bugs I found:
- I think the white and yellow colors in the tower names/cost are difficult to read (can't post an image for some reason?). I'm a bit colorblind, that might have to do with it.
- When starting a second run after losing the first, the game exited fullscreen and I could not get it back to fullscreen again.
- The difficulty of the waves spiked a bit quickly IMO. In my run, for the first few waves, the enemies all died very quickly and I thought I was doing well. Then suddenly, one type of enemy (turtle?) just walked through and did not want to die.
- Somewhat related to the last point, I think being able to see HP of individual enemies would be nice. It also puts the damage numbers you see on screen into perspective.
- I think the game could benefit from an even higher speed than 2x for some of the early levels
Overall a good experience, hope to see you refine this game even more!
Hey, I didn't play the game but wanted to give my thoughts on the itch.io page:
From the page itself I am having a hard time understanding what the goal of the game is. The screenshot attached doesn't tell me much either.
I think adding a few extra screenshots that show the basic concepts of the gameplay would help the page a lot.
Hi everyone!
In my free time I've been working on a passion project of mine, and I released a first version a couple of days ago. This version is pretty short, but I think it embodies the core gameplay loop of my game and I've taken time to make it decently polished and bug-free. I'm hoping some people are willing to give the game a try, and share some thoughts/feedback. If not, I am also interested in hearing what it is, based on what you can tell from the game without playing, that makes you not interested in playing it.
Any feedback is welcome!
EDIT: The game is free and now playable in the browser!
Hi all,
This post is not necessarily about feedback on the game itself (although that would be very much appreciated:) ), but more on the appeal of the game based on the screenshots and the itch.io page.
I have been working on my game for a while and recently released a first version. I posted around a bit on Reddit, hoping to get some people to play and get some feedback. I did get some upvotes and positive comments, but this did not translate to many page views, and the game has barely gotten any downloads that are not from friends.
So my question is: When looking at the itch.io page, what aspects of the page/screenshots make you gain/lose interest in playing the game?
I would really appreciate it if some people could take a quick look and share some thoughts :)
Nice that you fixed the issue so quickly!
I played again and got 3 floors deep :) I am a bit confused by the shop though. For example, I can purchase max stamina 100 -20, but when you buy it it goes to 140.
Hope to see you improving the game even more!
P.s. I think you need to round the value in the firing rate upgrade, it says 0.099999999994 now :0
Hey, nice game!
I think there's still a few bugs in the game (playing in browser). At some point I had explored the whole map and found the hole, but couldn't enter it. then my oxygen ran out, but nothing happened
Furthermore I think it would be nice if there was some visual/sound feedback for when you hit an enemy, like the sprite flashing red or something.