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A member registered Oct 07, 2018 · View creator page →

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right now? sadly not much. You can create ‘Item-Graphs’ using the editor and then import them into the ‘game’. That’s all we had time for, since we had to recreate asset (de)serialization and the node graph UI for runtime.

Yeah I totally get that, we too had bigger plans that what was possible during the jam time. I hope the feedback didn’t sound rude or anything, it was a nice game for a jam :D

It lacked some variation in the level/puzzle design but the core mechanic is interesting to explore. It just needs some more supporting mechanics like things your dream version is too weak to do or a barrier it cannot pass to prevent you from solving the level in your dream and then just walking through it afterwards.

Thanks for the feedback, I’ll try to fit your game in with my exams :P

Glad you liked it, it took way too much development time to get it working xD

You should be able to turn your camera by holding the middle mouse button down and moving the mouse at the same time. As for the spade, have you found something to blind the tree with yet? (like a flashlight, hint, hint)

Hi, sorry for your troubles, you just need to extract the files from the Windows Build archive and run the executable file named “Dreams are not real.exe”

I’m sorry but I don’t plan on developing this game or rather prototype any further (I’ve also updated the description to reflect that). You’re not missing out on much anyway. The stuff you see is pretty much everything this “game” contains so far. It was just a quick concept for a Game Jam about converting an existing mechanic into a different dimension (hence the bridge construction in 3D).

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I agree with all the comments pointing out that an in-game tutorial would’ve been better, but I will try my best to explain it here. The core mechanic is the time manipulation (UI Slider on the top screen edge). Just drag that slider around to move through time. Then, at any point in (valid/not red) time, you can add a force to any physics-based object by just dragging. When you are done creating a force hit the play button (bottom left) to re-simulate the new timeline. If everyone survived you can move on to the next scene.

My bad I updated the description ;)

Yeah, I totally agree that sounds would improve the game feel tenfold. Sadly I didn’t know how to approach SFX in a game where you can move through time pretty much until the last day. I have had this idea to record them in a similar way to the dynamic objects motion and velocity and to play them back when the time slider gets moved but sadly it was too much to add as I’d have to create my own sound file data.

Instructions, on the other hand, I didn’t even think about apart from the description on the Itch page so thanks for pointing that out to me. I think when I playtest a game I forget that I’ve been through the entire process of its creation and therefore already know what to expect and how each mechanic works down to the source code.

Yeah the messed that pick up mechanic up a bit because I used the mouse position for the raycast instead of the center of the screen and it turned out that in the web build the mouse doen't get moved to the center when its locked. It should work on desktop

I like the idea and I dont know if its intended or not but the fact that the werewolf doesn't know that he can jump fits with its simple mind and bloodlust that overshadows any rational thought like jumping to reach enemies. On that note he also doesn't seem to understand that pit = bad. Cute little puppy has a lot to learn ;) Only real downside is that its looking kinda washed out and not crisp and sharp as pixelart should and the occasional gap between tiles but overall a solid concept. Could be interesting with more transformations with different goals and immunities each like a mervolk that can swim, vampire that can fly but not in sunlight etc.

That is true, as you probably have noticed this is not a finished game but only a prototype for a gamejam.

thank you! A lot of effort went into making it :)

First of all your game has a very great gamefeel (the meat feels "meaty ", the graphics are very clean and the clones are easily distinguishable).
Your game has a nice learning curve its not too difficult to get into and gradually builds up like it should. Ofcause the 'difficulty ceiling' is very low because its a jam game made in 48hrs and theirfor doesn't have as much content as other puzzle games, but that doesnt hurt the experience.
The soundtrack is a little boring but blended in with the overall feel and theme when I didn't actively pay attention. 
I have noticed some minor bugs like being able to role the meat back up a block when it didn't fall long enough or a door pushing the meat upwards when closed while moving onto it but nothing gamebreaking. You could consider waiting untill the meat has fallen / the door is closed before you let the player make an input again or make the fall/closing faster so the player doesn't have the time to move again.
All in all a solid entry!


the graphics are amazing! TOP gameplay 10/10

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10/10 best game ever

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Thanks for the review! The movement is a good point, at first I noticed it too  but  got used to it quickly because I tested a lot so I didnt think about it. Probably should've asked someone else to test or take a break and test it later again.

ive spotted a bug.. when playing with more than one screen you can drag planets out of your viewport... they do however still collide so its just harder for players if they drag planets out of their views

very nice game! The sound isnt even as bad as you said it is and I even kinda like it! I really love the concept had something similar in mind but didnt have time to do it, great to see that someone else did it! if youd invest some more time into it and add some Anno like features, e.g AI that competes with you, more diverse ressources etc... you could release it as a small idie title