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A member registered Jun 10, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thanks for giving the game a go! I appreciate the suggestions :> Crosshair and locking the mouse would be great additions to the game but I ran out of time to add a UI pipeline into the engine.

Thank you! I’m glad you enjoy the game; The engine part was tough and I did not know if I was going to make the submission deadline until the last hour

The music is too calm compared to the rage inflicted to the player. Jokes aside the game is very well executed. I love glitch shader

I love the Zen-like music and the puzzles are very well designed.

Really cool game. The art / perspective reminds me a lot of the Kingdom series. I think the difficulty is just right.

I’m curious as to your intention with the dash ability. I ended up never really using it besides platforming and only arrow spam (without holding down to the maximum) at the monster den.

Incredibly polished game with a cool interpretation of the theme. There’s definitely an among us joke to be made somewhere here.

I love all the mechanics you introduced to spice up the levels. Level 14 was pure evil. image.png

I love the terminal aesthetic and writing. It adds a lot of flavour to the game.

I think something like a jet propulsion vfx would help explain why I’m moving in a certain direction and indicate where I’m moving towards, especially on the edge of the map where the camera no longer pans.

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I love the cute aesthetic and use of procedural animation. My strategy was just to circle for a while so the mobs build up, and then throw a grenade into the middle. Then collect grenades and repeat.

Short and sweet game with solid platforming; I like the level design of the last section of the game and would love to see more.

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I’ve compiled the fix and put it on github as a release. The link is in the Install Instructions. To be fair for other jam participants, I think it’s best that you refrain from rating my game if you do use this method to play it.

Thank you for the high praise. I’m glad you had fun with the game :>

The mechanic is very interesting and the visuals are clean. I ran into a bug where I hit the spikes and became invisible and had to restart, but overall I had fun with the game.

I love the cute visuals. Getting a perfect with the little text pop-ups feels satisfying. Great job :>

I love the colors and CRT camera effect and the fact the art model pulses on beat. This is very well made. Great job!

Thank you for giving the game a try. Tutorials were on our list of todos but we didn’t get to, same as mechanics that would make movement required. The stuns happen either if your attacks gets blocked too many time or you failed to hit a beat.

Thank you! and thanks for giving the game a try!

The pixel art is cute and fits well with the song :> I love the spirally mouse pointer animation

there's just the musket :> and gameplay centers around it

This is the coolest game I've seen in a while :>

Here are some minor technical nitpicks:

- Your jump button seems to be mapped to both on down and on release. You want either one of the two (right now clicking W once jumps twice)

- Usually you'd want jump in a platformer to be separate from WASD (so something like c or space would do). This might be my personal preference, though.

This is the coolest game I've seen in a while. The puzzles were really engaging, and surprisingly tricky for such a simple mechanic, and the levels are very well designed.

 im glad you enjoyed it :>

Thanks for checking the game out and giving us detailed feedback.


We also noticed there wasn't a health bar to indicate progress --- we would have dissolved the tendrils by health percentage with more time.

Thank you for playing the game! I really enjoy looking at your gameplay. Your suggestion is spot-on and I'll be implementing changes to make the character more visible in the next iteration.

Incredible game! Everything's so clean and juicy, though I'm left feeling that the tutorial boss was more interesting than the Kraken.

I love the impact effect on hitting the boss. That would also be the perfect place to add some screen shake, if you plan on further extending the game.

Thank you for the suggestion. I'll definitely make that adjustment! 

Thank you! I'm glad you enjoy the game.

Thanks for giving the game a go! I agree with your comment -- there is a lot that we can do to improve the game leading up to the fight.

Incredible! I didn't know it was possible. You nearly landing on the spike at 47 seconds is very nice, and idk if that was intentional.

Well done.

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I love the edits and memes sprinkled in. Thanks for playing.

Ayyy nice! I watched the run and that was some really nice pathing.

I'm glad you see potential in the game and had fun with it. I'm not sure if I will develop the game further, but I might make similar games in the future.

Also, those are some impressive records for both 0/12 and 12/12 versions. You beat my pb by a landslide at least (I think around 3 minutes for 0/12). Let me know if you do get it onto

This game is really cute. The up-beat music coupled with the wholesome adventures through town really sells it for me. I don't currently own a pet, but this reminds me of the time that I did.

The two minigames were enjoyable, especially considering this was made in 2 weeks. I did find the platforming portion to be a little clunky; sometimes, I would bounce a tiny bit after I land (are you using Unity physics?). Animation-wise, I think a little bit of squash and stretch on Skippy's avatar would make him look bouncy and emphasize his adorableness. 

This game is really cute. The up-beat music coupled with the wholesome adventures through town really sells it for me. I don't currently own a pet, but this reminds me of the time that I did.

Thanks for the high praise. If you do feel like your life is spiraling downwards though, I hope that you hold onto the hope that there will be people or things you value and value you. To be honest, this is one message that I felt was missing from the game and would love to work in had I have more time.

Looking back at it, I can see how the teddy can be menacing. My reason for its inclusion at the end is two fold. For one, I was using it only in scenes where the protagonist wasn't depressed. Secondly, I usually end all of my games on something "satisfying" as a reward for the player completing it. I thought the camera zoom + sound progression at the end would do, but with more time I would have liked to put in some particles and perhaps fix the whiplash transition to the ending scene.

Your narrative with the teddy being the killer is intriguing. I think it's the nature of this textless jam that all of the games have epic unintended interpretations.

I like how, when text is restricted, you turned to audio as the primary story-telling medium. I think other projects in the jam also utilized sound but not as the core of their story. Overall very nicely done, especially the reveal at the end. Although I didn't get it the first playthrough, the change in tone was well executed enough to convinced me to give the game another go, this time with headphones so I could catch the last part. 

I know that the visual style isn't consistent, but there's charm to it. It reminds me of rpg maker games I've played back in the day. And the sprites for Scarlett are all so cute. The first part of my first playthrough was entirely about getting Scarlett to show her happy face, although I'm pretty sure now that it's outside my control.

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Your comment actually inspired me to end on a higher note. I was going to end on the protagonist dying, which happened in some of the chapters of the manga, but decided against it. I recall Dylan also saying something about why stories shouldn't just be depressing for depressing's sake, and I thought I hadn't shown enough of his life before the incident (or at least the happy things about it) to warrant ending the story in such a manner.

Glad you enjoyed it :D

I like the puzzle elements, although I have to admit I've brute forced some. The inventory mechanics is very intuitive, and I like the fact that you teased the player with the TV and printer that isn't immediately usable. 

The analognorisis was something I didn't see coming. At the beginning, I thought the player was just any other inhabitant of this well-secured building, given that they sleep. The UI and music shifts were very well executed, and the texture on the art really adds to the game feeling polished.

[Spoiler] The last puzzle reminds me of Collatz's Conjecture, but I'm pretty sure it doesnt follow the same pattern. Interested to know what the actual pattern is (I kinda just brute forced the thing with some pruning, in particular to never go for powers of two).