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A member registered Aug 04, 2019 · View creator page →

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There is a helper class called Geometry2D which contains many functions that interact with polygons and lines. I highly recommend to watch this video that describes them. After you draw a curve the game creates a polygon that starts from the bottom and ends with that curve, then an intersection is calculated.

The problem with the disappearing polygons is that after the clipping is done the vertices order sometimes gets messed up - the polygon is still there, but because the points are not ordered sequentially, some parts get inverted and then the whole thing becomes invisible.

I should have had a smaller scope. You can see what I was going for, more or less, here .

Thank you for trying.

I published separately the same game spending almost twice as much time.
Link here

Allowing people to choose between more than one mode makes sense to me

Thanks. I feel stupid now :D

Are you sure that all puzzles have solutions? It is difficult to demonstrate with only 20 s. available, but I think this is a valid example:

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Hey, it appears that you have your game in restricted mode instead of public. You can change that in the game settings page.

Great game. I love the dash-slice attack!

The movement controls are like a car-game: W and S go forward and backward relative to the pointy end. A and D go sideways relative to the handle. The sword points towards the mouse so it can be a bit confusing

38 on the 3rd try :)

Amazing what is possible in such short amount of time

today's daily: Behacked without being Behacked 

Great game as always!

I am missing some reward related to killing viruses. Right now there are only negatives when encountering them (not counting the vampire upgrade). Maybe each virus cluster has an origin node and killing them marks that node as a point of interest? 

Hey ITR, thank you for trying my game and very much appreciated the effort for writing your feedback.

This is my main way to share the game with friends and to gather feedback, I am working on improving the stability, but right now it seems to be inevitable to have some bugs.

The idea behind "less xp" is that sometimes a quick level up with a lucky upgrade is all you need to save yourself from a tough situation. This curse is suppose to space out such saving level-ups. I agree that it doesn't make sense without more variety in terms of upgrades available.

the "destroy any tile you step on" was a bug, it was intended to be for a specific color. I have fixed that immediately.

The lack of indication for the UFO was bothering me as well, I added one more button. I think I will change it at some point.

This prototype doesn't feel mature enough to have proper options menu. That button is just a placeholder for now.

Some upgrades were meant to be stackable like the added hp or moving up with more than 1 square. I will make sure to have only stackable upgrades repeat in the future.

My biggest problem is with the enemies standing still. It is a problem that has been plaguing me for a long time and I feel like I need to rewrite many things to get rid of that problem.

Thank you again for your comment. It is very motivating to see people care about your game.

amazing. So simple yet with much depth

I think I had enough for now :)

reaching 6th place in v.1.3.1 feels like an achievement :)

For me paladin is the best for reaching high scores. Guaranteed potions + good starting health + holy waters to remove curses. I try to avoid any and all skills that destroy tiles as those cause game over in late game. 

I was about lvl 110 when I started receiving curse options together with skills. Even with 10 gambler rerolls I started getting the same skills over and over again - I guess there is a limit on how many times you can get a certain skill.

It would be cool to be able to "forget" a skill every now and then. 

During one of the mass killings of monsters the sound and music completely disappeared. Such sound "clipping" happens from time to time, but it usually is temporary. At around 30-35 monsters it sound didn't come back at all.

There are multiple bugs with the tile movements. You can switch tiles places without matching (not related to skills) and some times there is a pause between input and board action, but those have their charm and can be considered tricks of the game.

I hope to see an update in the future :)

I love this game too much

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Would you be interested in collaborating with someone on it?

This is from the daily today:

Early in the game monsters bugged out and they stopped moving. My guess is that an explosion + level up happened at the same time. The only gameplay modifiers at the time were a wildcard (purple + red) and monsters acting slowly.

Cause of death:

I had active teleportation, so during one explosion while teleporting to a new piece, my increased multiplier caused more tiles to be destroyed - including the one I was teleporting to. This one is more of a feature than a bug, but would be a feature which I wouldn't miss :)

do you plan to work on this game further?

Hey, I have been following you from previous jams and am always curious to see your next game!

I might be missing some content as I only played around 5 levels, but I think it got repetitive very quickly.

Maybe a score counter could bring some sense of progression?

There doesn't seem to be any difference between a 4 beating a 3 and a 6 beating a 1.

Looking forward to your next game!

People who like this game, would definitely love Excavate!

It is a Flash game about archaeology management in Poland. Amazing experience from 2015.

@scriptwelder , if you have the possibility to port that game you will make many people happy.

Hey this comment is almost a year old. What is the current status of the Linux version?

I will upload a new/improved version after the voting period is done. Thank you again

Hey MGC,

Thank you for thaking the time to play my game.

You stumbled upon the bug where if you press X during the cutscene it skips to the platformer without enabling movement keys. I have fixed this in a new release, but in the current jam version you can only restart to fix it.

Very enjoyable game. I like the little hat animation and it is getting very challenging after 5-7 points.

I love the music and would prefer to have it transition more smoothly between respawns. This could be either with fade-out/fade-in effect , use a different sound/music when dying or even just keep playing the music without restarting.

It is fun because the idea is ridiculous. I love the cute animations. It would be nice if there was a turn around animation and the bunny was facing the direction it was moving to even when going to the right.

Games about flying score high on my list!

As another user mentioned. There is a bug where pressing X before the end of the dialog changes the scene, but doesn't enable the movement. I already fixed it in my new build, but I won't upload that until the end of the voting stage.

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Hey thank you for the very valuable feedback! It never occurred to me the idea to press X before the end of the dialog. I will release a fixed build after the voting is over.

I keep making the same mistake with my games - I dedicate 70-80 % of the time for one game mechanic and then rush all the rest. The dialog bubbles suffered from this.

I love the randomness of it all. Definitely fun idea to become a wizard apprentice "am I going to heal myself or turn into a chicken with this next spell?".

I suffer from performance issues, either my computer is not strong enough for this kind of 3d games or the controls are buggy.

Every idea in this game is great! I think each animal character in a video gamecshould have a dedicated sound button

I love the "Congratulations ... what are you looking at" screen :)

This shows great imagination. I agree with JK5000 that I would have enjoyed one or two of these games in a more finished state rather than have 4 games that don't have all the desired features.

My favourite was the white walkers game

Jeff, according to this page , if I make a development build you could access some information that is available in the browser console...

Honestly that will take way longer than watching the youtube video of the 3 minutes game.

I don't know how to debug this.

May I ask you to send a screenshot of the moment where you are stuck?

You are the second person who says this. Are you using Opera by any chance?

Very well drawn! I was taken by surprise by the bunny's mouth at the end.

It took me some time to notice the health bar at the top and there was no other feedback if I am dealing damage. Using a more contrasting or bright color for the bar might have helped or a different sound between swinging and hitting.

Just an idea for the controls: if you have SHIFT for attack and SPACE for dash you can use those in both WASD mode and arrows mode

Hey, thank you for the great feedback.

The voice over for the sound effects is a great idea and I should have done it!

The screen spacebar is a non consistent bug that I left there as I was pressured by time

I love your character animations definitely makes the game much more engaging!

I don't know what to advise you. The game is super short. I made a let's play video and it is 3 minutes long :)

Nice little game.

I always have problems with the UI on different screen sizes. Could it be that in full screen you are still missing the bar on the bottom that shows which keys are available to you? Have you tried pressing "X"?

I want to see a video of the developer solving this