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The Seahorse

A member registered Nov 18, 2019 · View creator page →

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Yeah, sorry about that, glad you liked it in spite of that

Third time's the charm, pink flame OP!

Would have liked to have a separate button for the slowdown effect


I have no idea how I got 12 000 on my first attempt, can't even come close to it now xD

Best I could do was 16 000, really like the idea

Once you figure it out it's just the same pattern over and over but I liked it nevertheless. Different kind of puzzle thinking

What do you mean with "a background for the level"? Was the background black or white for you?

Actually pretty good and fun to play, thought it was just gonna be a joke game but then I enjoyed it a lot :D

Really liked it! Made it to lvl 16. I feel like the level difficulty scaling is a bit off but that's a really nitpicky thing in a game jam haha. I like that you can solve the puzzles in multiple ways, I feel like 50% of the levels I didn't solve the "intended" way, which is a lot of fun!

I can already hear Mark talking about this game in the winner video, good job guys!

Started with 2, but it was after I got the first bug of the round not starting (and I refreshed) so maybe it had something to do with that

Got 64

After playing this I'm thankful that moving usually happens with the keyboard and shooting with the mouse xD

Unfortunate! We didn't have time to implement actual pathfinding so sometimes the adventurers do get stuck, but happy you enjoyed it nevertheless.

We almost named our game "Loot Goblin" as well! Settled for Loot Gobbo though :D

Took like 7 attempts to get the 5 star loot but it was worth it to see the smile of the lvl 2 thief noob

(3 edits)

Stuck :( Like the idea though!

Banger idea, when I got to the portals my mind was blow, really clever mechanic!

Wouldn't have taken too much time but we just prioritized elsewhere, hard to do everything in these jams :D


Hmm, i like it but I encountered some bugs, first the second game never started, only the (turn) graphic was on screen. And second is that I got played as a green 4 even though the rules were "Cards with ODD values" and "Cards that are NOT GREEN", so not sure what that was about. Like the round I got through though!

Yeah 8 directional movement was on our todo list but we didn't prioritize it since we only had animations for 4 directions, and then we ran out of time🤣

(1 edit)

Maybe I should try downloading it because it lags super hard after a certain point, (around 200 score). When I understood that it's the upper body of the cyclist you're supposed to balance it became way easier, got 255 but think I could complete it if it didn't lag out on browser. Good job!

*Edit 464, damn the path becomes really narrow🤣

(1 edit)

Didn't get past the second laser puzzle but I'm guess it's because of the bug you stated in the description. I like the idea, would like to try playing it co-op with somebody

You can upload multiple times after the initial upload as long as it's before the time limit. Uploading early is always a good idea but then you can keep working on the game and upload again later, and if the servers completely crash you still have your first upload. Just a tip for next year :D

Really liked this one, good idea and great execution! 1882 score any good?

The song is a certified BOP, good job guys!

Best I could do was one bullet and one body left (and some blood ofc). Liked it!

Was loading for 3 minutes with nothing showing up, is it supposed to take that long? I have pretty good internet

No game engine! Very cool

True and real

xqcL my doggie

Very good!

How do you kill the bad guys in the first red level? I was shooting at them for 5 minutes straight but nothing happened.

Got 3472!

Ah I see, I was not good enough to get to the second one then XD

Was the player speed too slow even when upgraded?