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A member registered Nov 26, 2017 · View creator page →

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I LOVED this - wrote about it for my Playdate website! Icy Dungeon — Playdate: The Unofficial Website ( Felt like DOS shareware games I played growing up, will absolutely get this day one, whenever it's ready. Thank you for doing cool things on the Playdate!

I wrote about your game on my new Playdate website. I also have been to Boulder and Minnesota with my wife and had to get a bigger bed to fit our giant cat. And then he... died yesterday and I wrote about that. Thank you for making this game, it helped me a lot over the past day. Hot Steam — Playdate: the Unofficial Website (

I am ready for the super bosses! Love to spread the good word of the Playdate, hoping the site grows a lot over the coming months. :)

Oh! I made a Playdate website and wrote about your game, hopefully you and everyone else likes it, too: (also it’s on my GOTY list, loved it a lot: :)

Hey! I played/beat this during my Christmas break and really loved it. Thank you for making it! Really appreciate the encounter/drop rate adjustments you can make. Felt emotions at the ending, was not expecting that. One of my Games of the Year, for real.

Amazingggg I love the RHYTHM of this. It’s a poem and it is beautiful.

Ahhhhh great stuff! As a game collector, I can relate.

All endings are best! You always make the nicest little games. :)

Thank you for putting more nice into the world. I love it!

Just what I was hoping for. :) Thank you!

And thank YOU for listening! I made sure to use the same instrument selections on all three to keep them cohesive. Glad it worked out!

Siren’s Chase! *chef’s kiss*

(1 edit)

Yeah it’s my first try with Ableton, doing my best. :) Thanks for listening!

Did NOT expect music like this based on reading the description first, but it totally fits. This is one of my favorite things in this whole jam, and would love to hear the rest of the stuff you make in the future. Great work!

Run Away! is the star here. Feels like, I dunno, Tim Burton Batman? Liked them all, but that one stood out to me especially.

This is great??? Cyberpunky, feels like a good biological/cybernetic mix of sounds and settings. Nice!

Thanks a lot! That echo really helped the ~vibe~

Thanks so much! Learning a new DAW was a lot of working around what I could and what I could not figure out how to do. Chopping up and adding effects to the vocals was really fun, though, and I think I’ll try to do that more going forward. I didn’t realize how different my tracks would be from a lot of the other submissions before I was able to listen to everyone else’s, which is really fun!

This song morphed a few times throughout and kept getting better. Was getting cyberpunk vibes, maybe the bass drum? You made something really great.

The drums really elevate each of these songs to something special. Good work!

I would play this game and listen to these jams all day. As the young people say, this slaps.

Is this my favorite? It might be my favorite. It POUNDS.

Thanks so much! I’m already finding the limitations of the “Lite” version, but didn’t want to fork over $400 for the full Ableton yet. It’s clearly powerful but was so daunting at first, all those knobs…

Agreeing with this! When it takes off at the end… *chef’s kiss*

Treasured Memories is VERY Final Fantasy IX, in a good way. :)

Very different take on the theme from lots of others’ tracks. Refreshing! Also cute!

The velocity and build of this, followed by the release, was incredible. Unique, great stuff. One of the best in the whole jam.

Could absolutely imagine these tunes in a real game.

This is one of the only other submissions I’ve heard with like… a sense of humor. Especially The Village. Great stuff. Love the acoustic guitar, too.

Hehehehe it’s cool being able to evoke images with sounds. Being human is weird!

Thanks so much! Both for listening, and the nice comment. :)

Sounds different from everything else in the jam. Love it.

That intro and Exorcist Arrives? *chef’s kiss*
It’s like Castlevania but then Dracula has a breakbeat trap set next to his giant spooky organ in the basement.

Watched so many YouTube videos, and still had the “wait, why don’t I hear anything oh wait the other track is solo’d” moments! Thanks so much, I was really proud of some of the sounds I was able to create out of nothing in just a few days. Jams are wild!

Nothing like my submission, but one of my favorites of the whole jam. Songs were very balanced and perfectly fit my mood, somehow. Great work!

Very Super Metroid-y, great!

Neat idea! Loki Foe is the standout for me. More cyberpunk please!

Love having some more Genesis-esque stuff in this Jam! Feels like a game I would've played back in the early 90's, great job!

Wow, that's a full size album! Loved the chiptune-centric "Call of the Wilderfey" most, but the pounding drums on some of the others were also a driving blast.

Take that, Sephiroth! Thanks so much!