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The Watchers

A member registered May 14, 2024 · View creator page →

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Interesting take on the theme, with very satisfying gameplay to pair with!

Thank you, glad you enjoyed it!

Super cute art style, it's lovely to look at! The puzzles are well designed and challenging. Love how the expressions on the globs change as you stretch them!

Thank you!

Thank you!

Thank you!

Thank you, glad you enjoyed it!

The art style is really fun! A creative take on the theme, great game!

Amazing and creative idea! Masterfully executed, it was very fun to navigate between the asteroids!

Thank you, glad to hear you found the puzzles interesting!

Thank you!

The art style is beautiful! A really chill game that makes you take your time and measure correctly. Very nice atmosphere. Great game!

I like the way you interpreted the theme! The body parts changing size was really cool. The visuals are simple and cohesive, creating a nice look and atmosphere. Really fun game with replay value!

The shop gets to a large scale really fast! Super cute art, a nice idea and a beautiful execution! This game is great, amazing job! :D

Very clear and nice visuals! The idea is clever and the game is well made. A chill puzzle game, it was really fun to play! :D

The game looks great! The whimsical atmosphere reminds me of Alice in Wonderland. The implementation of the theme is really cool, it's nice that you included every interpretation of the word "scale". The title is also very clever, a nice play on words. It's a bit all over the place, but in the best way possible! :D Really cool game!

I liked the different type of mushrooms and how they could interact with each other. The lack of health bar made it difficult to know when I was close to death. Having a blend between a platformer and a tower defense is unique and interesting. The camera was a bit janky and made the platforming harder. A really cool concept, had a great time playing! :D

Short but fun experience!

Good jokes and a really interesting spin on the theme! Playing this was an amazing experience!

Love this sort of game! Going into debt never felt like an issue, allowing me to take riskier decisions. Pretty fun game!

Thank you so much!

Thank you for the feedback!

Really cute style and interesting concept!

Glad you had fun and thank you for the feedback!

Thank you! If you ever get stuck there is a video with all the solutions : )

Thank you so much for the kind words! Glad you had a great experience!

Super clean art and sound effects! Fun gameplay, great job! :D

Really nice art and sounds! I wish there was a better way to tell which direction a conveyor belt is facing, messed it up a few times :D . The puzzles are enjoyable. A pretty fun game overall!

Stunning art! The music is really cool, I could just sit and listen to it all day. The gameplay is simple, but fun. I found it hard to keep track of what each critter does. Changing their shape based on their stats is a clever idea, but maybe letting the player choose the color or naming them would work even better. Great game, had a lot of fun playing! :D

The art is very simple and clear! The visuals and sound come together really nicely, they fit the game a lot. The puzzles are interesting, especially the last one. Very polished game, felt super nice to play. Great job! :D

The visuals are simple but work well. I like this sort of factory games, but it got way too hard way too quickly. The concept is interesting and could easily be expanded with more color options. Overall a pretty fun experience! 

Fantastic aesthetic, I wish I could play more of this, looks really interesting!

Thank you!

Very chill and relaxing! Love the low-poly style. The game has a lot of potential and room to expand. Great job! :D

Game looks interesting and the visuals are great, but there is a lack of clarity what is going on. A lot of potential!

Very nice art! Got a really hard quite quickly, but it was a lot of fun!

The art style is gorgeous! A very relaxing and welcoming atmosphere. Lovely game!

Really liked this! There are a lot of elements interacting with each other, the game feels complete. The shop offers some good decision-making. Very polished and well made, great job! :D

Thank you, happy to hear you had fun!

A very unique take on the theme! The earth level surprised me, it was quite hard. A very nice game!