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I loves this game really fun simple concept and the controls felt just right in how tricky they were

I don't think you actually built it... Im pretty sure you just gave us the source code you might wanna fix that

No dont worry you still did a really good job. Besides this way you can learn what went wrong and do much better next time

Really cool game. I loved the retro feel and it was unique with the powerups. The controls felt great throughout. Overall really good job. The flying was quite difficult though

is there still time to fix it?

Thank you i do agree about the controls ill try and learn more about intuitive controls before my next jam and good luck to you too

Thank you thats what i was going for. Ive heard a lot that the controls were kind of janky so sorry about that 😅

yeah ive had a lot of people talking about the controls for my next jam ill make sure to polish them off a lot more

yeah that was intentional to make it a bit more like a rage game similar to getting over it

tysm i agree i could have worked on the jumping a bit more but with having to do all the art and being a new developer i didnt have the skills nor the time to polish it all off ty anyway though

I think the lava should have killed faster but it was very fun. The music was quite funny I wasn't expecting it. Good though.

It was my first game jam too I had fun and I think i did quite well for a relatively new ish developer. Its my first game released at all. If you could check it out that would be so amazing.

I cant actually play the download just links me to an image

Great job really cool game. I found the soul rotation really hard but I think thats just my issue. I spent most of my time on one client.

Fun simple game I had fun. The controls felt good but sometimes Id break one of the lava orbs and it would go away other than that though really fun and quite difficult.

Yep it works now

This was fun and very hard. I didnt expect how quickly the lava would rise.

Was very fun. Reminded me of games like only up. I will say though the in air controls felt a bit unintuitive. Overall pretty fu

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I love the unique use of 2d and 3d it was really cool. The sprites where funny little creatures and I had fun playing. The throwing mechanic was very fun

This was quit fun. I love the player sprite and the music is really ominous. Overall really great game with a unique use of the theme.

Really fun everything was great my only issue is that slimes kept getting stuck behind and i had to waste time getting them unstuck. It does make it harder though so great job overall

Well for you the heating up the slime was really creative tbh I played it before voting opened so Ill go rate it now.

I love the concept of the hourglass and the controls feel pretty good. I will say though it was quite difficult. I had a lot of fun playing though

Good fun and quite difficult.

Death animation was hilarious and it felt good to play. Reminds me of the controls for those old Mario games.

Fun game the controls are great but the theme of lava is less used as fire. Had great fun playing it though.

I think you need to upload the whole build folder as a zip file not just the exe because I can't play it.

I couldn't manage to open the game to start at least for me a .ms file isn't recognised. Looks fun from the screenshots though

Really unique mechanic with having to die to progress I thought it was really fun. I will say though it could do with a bit of atmosphere or music because it felt rather empty. Incredible art and the sound effects were great though.

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I love the idea and it looks pretty fun but I cant for the life of me hold the egg I always end up throwing it. Could be a skill issue but isn't very intuitive. Amazing art for the page but it did throw me off a bit when it looked very different in game but the music and sound effects fit very well

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I'm pretty sure this a joke game but could definitely use some music and the controls feel slightly weird and there doesnt seem to be any use of the prerequisite.

Great game it was fun but I do agree with schwarnhild that there should probably be a way to gain time because this would be incredible as one of those endless games.

Really fun game it feels really well polished and love the music and art style great job.

Nice game I had fun wish there was a bit of sounds though

Yeah that was very difficult I dont think I'm a good enough player to beat it looks very fun and love the retro style

impressive for 2 hours but the prerequisite just isnt there the control feel really goes though

This is my first Game Jam, I'm a new developer so expect lots of bugs but here you go anyway