I went in June
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I like the grow/shrink mechanics, though I wasn't sure what was happening at first.
I did have some trouble with the WebGL build, specifically the aim would drift. I've run into this on itch before and I just make the resolution of the game window odd. Something about the cursor being locked between pixels?
Thanks for playing!
It's true, the enemies can't hit you... I couldn't figure out how to make a fail condition not frustrating so I just removed it and counted all shots against the player. The "ENMY" counter tracks that, but that wasn't originally explained anywhere. I've updated the end screen to say "Enemy shots on player" to make it more explicit.
Nice entry! I love the diagetic menu with the levers is fun, though it could be more introduce if they're doors or something?
Something I noticed whole playing is that the player will 'hop' a bit when walking downhill. If you project the input direction onto the surface normal the character will stay stick to the surface. Check out Vector3.ProjectOnPlane for more information.
Also, playing without maximizing the window causes the view to drift slightly. I think this only happens at certain screen resolutions, so just messing with the in the itch page settings may fix it?
Thank you for trying it out!
My apologies regarding the controls, I was having some difficulties with mouse sensitivity between platforms. As for holding RMB to aim, there is a UI message to that effect I've the gun is picked up. Though I have been worried about the legibility of the text (red-on-red).