Hey seems kewl I wish I could play it. The sensitivity is too high to control the character even with it turned down all the way and my mouse sensitivity turned down. I think it is probably a bug, cuz every time I go into menu it is turned back up. No worries your menu seems nice and seems like you got a good prototype. You did a great job!! Just so you know not being negative just letting you know I experienced that weird bug.
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I've been using Unity for over a year. Not long ago I launched my first game "Footsteps in the maze" which helped me to understand many things that I would not have understood if I kept watching tutorials without applying anything (Brackeys is the best channel in my opinion if you want to learn Unity).
Thanks again for playng the game ! :)
I know the feeling. The main idea when making a game in Unity is to remember what you did in each Script you made. For example, if you have 2 scripts that connect to the same GameObject, it is possible that the changes made to that gameObject through the first Script will affect the code of the second one. But it's not hard after you get used to it.
Some general feedback, in no particular order:
1. Add some sounds, especially to revolver (I like to add placeholder sounds as early as possible)
2. Timer, maybe with "time to beat" would be a nice feature, and would make me take risks. For example on "day-night" I just sort of stop during the "night", but if there was a timer ticking away I'd be willing to take a leap of faith just to beat it
3. I like how levels progress. First ones are pretty basic, then the revolver is a nice addition, and the final one makes good use of color, and fog.
4. Restarting levels could be faster. Check out how its done in 'hotline miami' or 'celeste'- restarting after failure is keypress away.
5. This is personal opinion, but for me fake platforms feel like the game's cheating. Like- if I fail on the last level (again, the best one) it's because I mistimed a jump, wasn't fast or precise enough with my shots. You know- my skill wasn't up to the challenge. Fake platforms have nothing to do with skill- I thought the platform is there, but, oops, it's a fake one!
6. Last level again! Man- I just loved the moment I figured out the best way to beat the purple- red platforms at the start was jumping over two at once, and then try to shoot the red one!
Over all- this is one of the simpler submissions, but I like it! Keep up the good work!
Thank you for the feedback !
1) I admit that I was a bit lazy with the sound in this game, because I tried to create my own audio melody and I usually use Bosca Ceoil for my games, but in this case Bosca Ceoil is better either for horror games or for games retro. The gun was later added when I saw that most of the games in GameJams had this requirement fulfilled.
2) I was thinking of putting a timer, but which can be activated optionally if the player wants this (there are also cases of players who want to be safe and wait until everything is well lit so they can jump).
3) Thank you very much! I created the last special level as a kind of "bonus" for the players and to give them a different atmosphere of the game.
4) I admit that restarting the level is a bit slow, but this is to give the game a more interesting aspect, but I suppose I can add an option in which the player dies faster if he wants.
5) Yes, I have received problems related to level 2. It's a bit difficult to do, especially if you don't know what the platforms are (as the creator of the game, it seems easy to me, because I know where the fake platforms are). To fix the problem with level 2, I will probably replace it with a level quite similar to level 4 so that there are no future problems (these in a future update and if there are more requirements).
6) I'm glad to see that most players love level 6, my only fear with it was that it wouldn't be considered too hard. I'm glad this wasn't a problem for you.
Thank you very much once again for giving the game a try and for finishing it. :)
About last level again. It's ok if it's difficult, since previous levels already ease you in the game mechanics. You know how everything works, so you are ready to take on the challenge. Also- I think you should lean in into those vibrant colors. Check this. This is 'Spent Casings'- one of the other games from this jam (worth checking, I might add). It looks cool, because it went really hard on the post-processing. Something simmilar happens on your level 6. Colors are vibrant, the revolver is just a silhouette and the vision range is reduced, but it just looks cool!
As for sounds. Having any audio feedback for a gunshot is better than no sound at all. I often use freesound.org - they have a ton of sounds available with CC0 license (you are required to name the author in the credits).
Good concept, it reminded me of jumping puzzles from the Guild Wars 2, which I enjoyed a lot. I liked the idea of being able to select any level, especially since some levels area quite difficult to do. The last level was the most fun for me, moving platforms add some nice dynamics to otherwise static levels.
The gravity seems a bit off though, falling down feels more like flying or diving.
And the gun doesn’t seem to have any fire animation or sound effect. At first I thought it wasn’t working, but then I noticed that it actually hits the targets.
Thanks for the feedback!!!
Actually, I was a bit lazy and didn't add animation and sound for the gun, but I don't see why I wouldn't try to implement these things if I get more requests like this. As for jumping, unfortunately I also noticed that jumping is a bit strange, because I have a groundcheck that confuses the player during the gameplay. :)
Cool platformer/shooter mix !
I like the hubworld to get to try out any level you want in any order, this is especially cool in jams to not get stuck on one difficult level and never see what the rest of the game has in store ^^
Now that said, i still found some levels to be quite difficult mostly due to the fact that i couldn’t always find which route i was supposed to take to reach the end, i know i couldn’t find a way to complete the “Fake Platforms” level cause i always ended way below to reach the green exit block.
Regardless of that, the controls are good, you have nice air control with no floatiness what so ever so this felt great moving around :)
Nice entry! I love the diagetic menu with the levers is fun, though it could be more introduce if they're doors or something?
Something I noticed whole playing is that the player will 'hop' a bit when walking downhill. If you project the input direction onto the surface normal the character will stay stick to the surface. Check out Vector3.ProjectOnPlane for more information.
Also, playing without maximizing the window causes the view to drift slightly. I think this only happens at certain screen resolutions, so just messing with the in the itch page settings may fix it?
Thank you very much for the feedback!
Indeed, there is a problem that I also consider disturbing in the way the character jumps. Unfortunately, it is based on a groundcheck, which can sometimes get stuck, when the player jumps a little weird. If there will be requirements for an update, I don't see why I wouldn't try to fix this problem. :)
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