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A member registered Jul 23, 2023 · View creator page →

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Very smooth gameplay and a good environment. Great Job!

Quite an interesting take. I really enjoyed the theme, and the difficulty kept things interesting. Great Job!

Great Job!

Very polished game for sure. I am a sucker for puzzle games and this one kept me intrigued. I would love to see more levels! Keep  up the good work.

I am a sucker for a good puzzle game and this is a very polished one! The calm ambient environment is very pleasing! Keep up the great work!

Very smooth and polished feel. I like the aesthetic. 

I used to love playing these games as a kid! Excellent job! I would love to see more of this game!

Really great game! Quite polished for sure. I like the art style and the gameplay was the perfect level of challenge! Great Job!

I love the music and sound effects!

Great Game! Becoming the 29 hatted sythe-lord of flowers and then slaying hordes of goobies is the best carpel tunnel I've had in years lol!

Excellent game! Very well made! Simple and sweet, just the way we like it!

288.4 lol

Great Game! I can't stop playing it!

Great Game! I found myself dancing a little with the flowers lol

I really love the idea. It is fun to cruise around the map in search of the bones! Great job!

Btw the spiders coming at me made me jump in my chair lol!

Simple, but quite addictive! It is definitely a game that makes you want to keep playing to get better and better!

Great Job! The artwork is really atmospheric! You did great for the time you had!

Thank you so much! I'm glad you enjoyed it! I will definitely be adding more features after the jam is up!

Thank you! I’m glad you enjoyed it!

This game is great! I love the sound effects and the aesthetic is very satisfying. Great Job!!

Record set! Congrats man!