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A member registered May 01, 2021 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

Couple of things I noticed while playing the game:

  1.  Can't move with ASDW on my keyboard. Would improve usability to allow both arrow keys and ASDW
  2. That third screen jump requires a bit too precise jump timing. Sometimes I'd get it on the first try, and breeze through the next few screens, other times the character would fly off, not jumping, and just fall to their death, which is a little frustrating after you're pretty sure you've got the timing down.
  3. The similar jump to 3rd screen, but with spikes is even worse, because it's quite a bit farther along. After probably my 10th try at getting through the spikes on that last screen (I assume I was close to the end of the level bcz I'd opened a lot of doors), I just gave up. I'd lower the difficulty of this screen a bit. I don't think people are going to be willing to go through all the other screens just to die on that last spike jump 100 times just to have to start over and do it all over again.
  4.  I can't quit the game properly, or seem to reset. Not sure if those don't work, or if I just wasn't in the right menu. But I had to exit the game using the windows key, and then x out from there.

I'd say work on polishing the jump mechanic a bit more. Otherwise, really great job on that Atari feel. The sound effects are spot on, the visuals are great. Over all nice job, looking forward to seeing more of this one.

The music and art for this are fantastic! Definitely one of my personal favorite submissions.

This is quintessential super nintendo!

Nicely done, i would have sworn this is straight ripped from an SNES game if i didnt know any better.

Nice funky jam, i like it!

can't wait to see it! I did give people another option if they aren't artists, or don't want to do it.

I am considering modifying the art rule to allow existing box art. Let me know in the comments what you think.

If you do decide to play again, the enemies can't follow you into the crypts. And i found sometimes you could lose the skeletons around the trees and crypts. Werewolves are really fast, if one spots you, run into a crypt is realpy your only choice. Thanks for the feedback!

I saw this game on the twitch stream, and not gonna lie, I was super excited to play it. But then when I sat down to play. It took me almost 10 minutes just to get past the initial person and vampire guy throwing stuff at me. After the second platform where there was lava (presumably), it then sent me back to the beginning. Had to stop playing after that. I like the concept, turning into a ghost,  and the mechanics. But I think the difficulty is a little to high at the start of the level. Seems like hit boxes are maybe a little too large, and possibly the double jump doesn't work all the time.

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Sweet visuals. I want to know how to did the hands that way. I couldn't figure out what to do after getting the hands. But cool concept nonetheless, gives me strong DOOM vibes from the aesthetic.

I really enjoyed the kind of peaceful/eerie feel this game gave me. The visuals were great too. I know you had minimal time to make this one. Would be cool to see what you came up with if you took this art style and made a full game out of it.

Really cool character aesthetic, and texturing. I also love the idea of stealing enemy abilities too. Looks spot on for N64 graphics.

You really nailed the N64 feel with the camera and visuals of the game. I could barely get past the intro area though the way the platform jumping moved the camera around.  Nonetheless, really nice job!

Much better now that I can fight back, lol. The music in the game reminds me a lot of the battle music from final fantasy 9. Is that on purpose?

This game legit creeped me out. I love how all the people on the side of the road have creep dialog, and then the eyes pop up in the rear view mirror.

This game is top notch! Love the design, the camera, the wonky controls. I would swear this game was straight from an N64 if I didn't know any better. Hope you keep working on this, and give us an update in a few months!

Loved this game! Reminded me of the old Resident Evil camera from PS1. I can't believe this was made in 3 weeks. Way to go!

This could be a cool game if you worked on it some more. I assume the objective was to scare people, but I couldn't really figure out how to do it well.

I hope to see an expanded version of this. If you turned this into a full fledge game, would be a sweet game.

I'm just impressed this was done in 2.5 days. There's a lot of content here for how long you had to work on this. Well done.

That was intense, a lot of fun to play. Loved the high score board.

Thanks! Glad you enjoyed it. We did upload some bug fixes for the werewolves just standing around, doors for the crypts, and health potions that were supposed to be in the game. 

Hey! Don't  forget to add some screenshots, and a thumbnail to your game. Looking forward to playing it this week :)

if it fits both jams, go for it. Sorry for the late reply, I'm at a family reunion right now.

That's all jammer's, Jam started at 12:00am EST time last night. We'll end it on October 28th at 12:00am EST, and then there will be a week voting period. Looking forward to all of the games :)

yeah, wasn't funny at all. Everybody thought it was a virus.

haha, my drone got caught almost as soon as I pressed the play button.

The texturing is top notch in this one. haha, great job.

Pretty obvious this was not made for the game jam. It doesn't follow any of the themes, even the bad art part. But, it's a decent game with a lot of polish.

It's amazing how oddly satisfying it is to beat up people and collect their bones. 5/5 for sure.

I really enjoyed this one. Putting a hamburger together was oddly satisfying.

I didn't get the reference at all. Never watched The Last Airbender, except the live action movie, which was bad. lol

What can I say, other than... I think I've played this before ;)

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Fun concept, but I do not understand how to play your game, whatsoever. lol. My handeye coordination is not that good.

For some reason it wouldn't let me shoot when I played the game :(

That's too bad. One of these days I'll have to see what all it takes to make a Linux build from windows. I'm pretty sure Unreal can do that.

Hmm, maybe i should give RPG maker a try I've never used it before.