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A member registered Jan 22, 2022 · View creator page →

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Thanks im currently working on a vr port for the game and will hopefully be out next week. Im glad u enjoyed it

thanks, these past few days I've been polishing the game up and trying to actually have a finished game and Its nearly done. I'll check out ur game as soon as I have the time 

nice idea. Well done

The Graphics were absolutely brilliant and it fits the theme really well. The game is super well made and its very fun.

thanks I completely forgot about other screen resolutions and I unfortunately ran out of time to try polish the game and I'll make sure to check out ur game when I have the time 

Really fun and fits the theme perfectly

I thought this one was really fun and i love the art style. the gameplay for very similer to whos ur daddy and i liked messing up the house

I like how you can choose a different character and i like the art and my only complaint is the I thought the saws in the backround could kill me but i figured it out pretty quickly  

I really like this. The art was really good and I loved the laser effect. 

Its really glitchy when playing in browser so if u were i would recommend trying to download it. Thanks for playing ill play ur gsme later

I did try to fix the monster getting stuck but no matter what I did it would just keep happening unfortunately. I'll make sure to play ur game later 

I did want to add more endings but I ran out of time so there is only 2. I'll make sure to play ur game later

when ur playing in browser the mouse does do that but if u just click the center of the screen it hides and doesn't git the edge. I'll make sure to check out ur game later

Very fun. fits the theme very well and the art is good

I nice simple game. pretty fun

Really fun. I like the way you have to make a strategy for where  you have to go next. good game

(1 edit)

this is very fun and it fits the theme pretty well

very fun and addictive I like it

Plants are allowed 

Oh ok

amazing, I really enjoyed playing this

I think this game is amazing, I love how it works and I really like the puzzles. Great game, well done

Thanks, I have been thinking about expanding the game in the future. The feel of it being from a nightmare was intentional and I'm glad it worked. I will definitely check out your game soon

Thanks, I'm glad the game is scaring people and I will be sure to check out your game soon

I love the art and sound well done. I just didn't really understand how it fits the theme 


thanks, I will try to add some sort of mini map eventually.

thanks, it being nightmare like was the main idea. I was thinking to expand the game and add more stuff. I will probably do that soon. I will be sure to check out ur game soon.

thanks, I will make sure to check out ur game soon.

The monster being tilted was a bug. I didn't know why it was doing it and I couldn't fix it. I didn't think some people would actually like it. Also I thought the monster being kind of and orange like yellow was not really that good of a colour choice. Thanks for playing I will be sure to try ur game soon


Thanks, Sorry about the instructions menu. 

The game will now run way better

thanks. I can definitely see how the ai movement needs improvement because it can be weird sometimes. And I'm happy u like it

I like the platforming its fun

Thank u. I am so happy that u like the game and I will be sure to check out ur game soon.

ok dad 🤣

pixel art is really good. Nice game