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Siris Pendrake

A member registered Feb 23, 2019 · View creator page →

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One of my discord mods is working on one. Still a WiP:

What are your GPU specs?
Also can you post a screen shot in my discord's bug report channel if its not too much trouble?

Thank you.

I skimmed through you playing with settings. Did you ever try changing Anti-aliasing off of TSR?
That one can be problematic for certain GPUs.

Also if it not too much trouble, I'm curious if turning "Dynamic Resolution" off and back on again has any positive effect.


The game saves on level transition. You can also save at safe beds. 

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There's currently a glitch with resolution settings right now. I'm going to put out a patch soon.  Also Unreal has limited Anti Alias settings. Bare with me.

All my assets fall under the Standard Royalty Free License:

You may use them without limitations in commercial products, but you may not redistribute them as assets.

(1 edit)

Thank you, could you please tell me:

-Where in the game did this happen?
-Has it happened more than once? If so, does it keep happening in the same place or in multiple levels?

Not *finished per say, there's still plenty of tweaking and polish left to do before final release, but its getting there! 

Thank you for and everyone else for all the support! <3

Thank you.

Oh don't worry, a lot of people have already spoken up and I have already committed to re-balancing those enemies and that level. The changes will apply in the next beta build!

(1 edit)

Thank you, this bug is already being investigated and should be fixed in the next update.

[Edit: this Bug has been fixed!]

Thank you for the feedback!

To answer your questions; no the difficulty should not affect your damage output or enemy health. Some enemies are designed to have more health/damage resistance with the intention of forcing the player to adopt different tactics however.

Awesome! I'm so glad you're enjoying it so far! Thank you for your incredibly generous donation; I hope I can live up to everyone's expectations!

Strange, you're the first person to have this issue that I'm aware of. Does it happen randomly or at specific times or after specific actions?

ADACA community · Created a new topic Feedback & Comments
(1 edit)

This is the place to post general feedback and comments about ADACA!

If you have a larger topic to discuss about Adaca, feel free to create your own community post!

If you wish to report a bug found in ADACA, please do so here:

ADACA community · Created a new topic ADACA: FAQ
(3 edits)

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q: "What does 'ADACA' mean?" 

A: Its the name of the planet the game is set on.

Q:  "Is/when will Adaca be available on Steam?"

A: Adaca will be available on Steam on the release of the first retail/payed early-access version. I'll make an announcement when that happens!

Q: "Will Ep1 always be free / How much will Adaca cost?"

A: Adaca will feature an episodic release:

Ep1 will always be free on and GameJolt.

Episodes 2 and onward will all be included for any purchase of the full retail or payed early access version of the game (once released). Ep1 will also be included in the payed versions of course.

 A final price of the full version has not yet been decided, however I am thinking of doing a progressive pricing model, where in the launch price will be relatively low, with each episode released incrementally increasing the retail price. This will effectively mean the game will always be priced in relation to its value at the time. You will only need to pay once to have access to all future episodes!

Q: "Will I get a Steam key when the game is released if I donate now?"

A: Any one who donates the game's launch price or higher on or GameJolt may contact me via the platform on witch the donation was made, using the same account, to request one key for any available platform of their choice after the game is released.

Q: "I found a bug! Where do I go to report it?"

A: Any bugs or glitches may be reported in either the Bug Report channel of my discord [ ] or the Bug Report Topic on the game's community page. [ ]

Q: "How many episodes will Adaca have? What's the plan for the story?"

A: At this time it is uncertain how long the game will ultimately be, however I intend on having quite a few episodes out within the coming years.  In order to avoid leaving players on unresolved cliff-hangers, I plan to make sure each episode has a self-contained story arch that is meaningfully resolved by the episode's end. Future episodes may expand on concepts from previous ones, however I want to avoid leaving major loose threads not concluded for years, if ever.  I know I've been left hanging on quite a few otherwise captivating stories and worlds in games before; I don't want to make those same mistakes... 

Q: "What's the best way to stay up-to-date on Adaca?"

A: You can follow my:




And I plan on doing more videos on YouTube in the future:

If you have any other questions about Adaca or my other games and assets, please feel free to ask on discord or in the comments on any of my media sites!

ADACA community · Created a new topic Bug Report
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Please report any bugs or glitches you encounter while playing Adaca, here!

If you wish to leave other comments or feedback about ADACA, go here:

I highly doubt you have less than 2 gigs of vram honestly. You can check by opening task manager, click on the performance tab, find your gpu and look at where it says "dedicated gpu memory" it will show your usage out of your max.

Honestly, it runs on the lighter side when it come to UE4 games. I can maintain over 100 fps on my modest rig up until there's over 10 enemies fighting me at once. And even then I easily stay above 60.

Woops, I still need to add those to the game page! 

Recommended Specs are:

Windows 7-10 (64 bit),

2.3 GHz (or faster) Quad-core CPU.

4GB (or more) of RAM.

DirectX 11 or DirectX 12 compatible graphics card, with at least 2gb of V-ram.

Yes, I actually did some testing just now of that build. That level in particular seem to have trouble loading when a save file already exists. Loading it from the chapter select deletes and overrides the save file witch is why it is able to work... Still trying to figure out what's causing it... As for the glitch not allowing you to pick up new weapons, I think that was caused by an issue with the text dialogue boxes and I'm looking into solutions now! Your feedback is immensely helpful thank you! (Also side note: you can carry 2 weapons, mouse-wheel lets you switch them.)

Thank you for the report, I'll look into it!

Thank you so much!

Yes, Half life 2 was very much a big inspiration for this project in a lot of ways!

(1 edit)

Great video. Thanks for playing!

Please report any bugs or issues you find while playing Avarice as a comment to this post.

Project Casket is set out to be a retro-future/cyberpunk, fps, dungeon crawler with a horror atmosphere.

The player will explore a hostile and sprawling industrial complex, where ancient constructs still wheeze and toil endlessly. Horrid things doomed to forever wander these tunnels and corridors, likely to strike at anything that seems out of place.

Venture deep into these obscure catacombs of steel and concrete, and witness the crimes and abominations of the greedy dead.

This game has been in active development since late 2019. There is currently no set in stone release date and I'm still undecided if I'm going to release early-access builds or just release the game when its fully finished.

You can view the project page here:

See the first Dev-Log here:

Join My Discord Server:

And Follow my social media:


My Instagram:

My Twitter: @SirisTheDragon

Here's a playlist of some awesome  Let's plays, Speed-runs, and first impression videos about ONYX CLAD created by the community!

Check them out:

Great video! Thanks for checking out my game! 

Get them here:

LowPoly Industrial Props Pack Vol. 1

This pack contains 22 low poly static meshes complete with textures and color pallets that can be used for stylized games and films. Some meshes have alternate skins for added variety as well as templates for easy custom color schemes. 

These meshes can be used in any 3D software that accept both the FBX and PNG formats.

The color pallet can easily be edited to create alternate pallets.

Get them here:

Modular PipeWork Pack

This pack contains 16 low poly static meshes that can be used for stylized games and films. The meshes are also UV mapped to allow you to apply tillable materials to them giving them limited use for photo-real styles. 

ONYX CLAD 50% off now thru Nov 4th as part of's Halloween sale:

Can you take a screen shot or give me a time stamp if you uploaded a video of it?

Thank you so much for showing off my game on your channel! <3

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Known Bugs:

-The game may freeze the first time you try to set it to full screen. Restarting the application should fix this permanently. (This bug is being investigated)

-You may encounter graphical issues related to older Nvidia graphics cards. These issues may be rectified by setting the Anti-Aliasing Method to Temporal AA or by disabling certain Nvidia background services!

Issues that have been addressed:

-(Addressed in 1.1.2) The game has been known to crash at the beginning of the levels "War Room" and "El Dorado". The game should work fine after restarting the application and loading your save. These crashes are being investigated. 

-(Addressed in 1.1.2) Key cards sometimes do not allow the player to pick them up. This is being investigated.

-(Addressed in 1.1.2) Gamma settings not saved when game is reloaded. This bug is being investigated. 

-(Addressed in 1.1.2) An encounter in "Avalon" is known to be in-proportionately difficult. This is being considered for re-balancing.

-(Addressed in 1.1.3) Enemies path towards player and get stuck on obstetricals on the Level "10:15 Mixed Freight" causing unintended ambushes.

-(Addressed in 1.1.3) The annoying spinning geometry in the "Employees Only" room on the level "Verta Colony" have proven to be problimatic for game flow and have been altered in the last update.

-(Addressed in 1.1.3) NAT Drones' (Small flying robot enemies) deployable shields are confusing, slow down game-play and add nothing worth-while to combat. The shield mechanic has been removed.

ONYX CLAD community · Created a new topic Bug Report Thread
(1 edit)

Please report any and all bugs you find In ONYX CLAD as a comment to this thread! Thank you!

I have posted the recommended requirements in the game's description! I have also started a bug reporting thread in the game's 'Topics'. 

Apologies for neglecting to include that information.  This will be rectified shortly. Thank you! 

Onyx Clad

Powerful weapons.

Fast movement.

A mysterious multiverse begging to be explored.

 You play as Rubicon: A long dormant military AI who's found themselves reactivated in the body of a police android in a strange, empty city. 

There is a problem...

And fortunately, its exactly the kind of problem you were designed to solve...

Find it here: