From what I remember VisuStella Option modify default scene option so any plugin that adds an additional command to the option menu won't display in the option menu from Visustella. This is something you'll need to ask Visustella team for support .
Sang Hendrix
Creator of
Recent community posts
For the enemy AI, regardless how you setup, if you don't have a conditional branch to check collision for the enemy with a projectile then it will never return true. Easy example: If Bullet hit me -> I yell.
So we'll need a common event or something in parallel checking for when Bullet hit me. Your screenshot had Bullet but didn't have the check for "if bullet hit me", therefore nothing happened. This plugin add more features to eventing system of RPG Maker, so the more you're good at RPG Maker, the easier this plugin will be to use.
For more support please leave a message on Discord.
The order on the manual page actually doesn't matter. You just gotta find what you want to create first and check that page, then when an issue pop up, you check another page that is related to that issue. But overall the most important page is All Commands, which is pinned at the top. You'll see that there's no <damage> notetag but rather <dmg: x>.
Oh here's tutorial 10. That tutorial was written when the plugin first released so the order changed.
Hi hi. Here's the tutorial you need. Also check out other tutorials as well.
You gotta open the command event Swing Weapon and change the graphic file for you weapon. Here's a tutorial to create a basic player.
First issue is fixed and will be ready in next update of Hotbar plugin. For the second issue, it's likely due to your RPG Maker MZ isn't up to date. The latest version is 1.9.0
Update: Please update Hotbar Creator to ver 1.2.3 and it'll be fixed. The second issue you need to update your RPG Maker MZ.
The UI in the demo is just an example. I struggled really hard to make the demo as clean and simple for everyone yet highly functional as possible. If I made everything too complicated it might be too overwhelming for newcomers. You definitely can create a better UI than that using plugins I included there, which is Variable HUD Creator and Hotbar Creator. If you want to contribute ideas feel free to leave me a message in Discord (link under Rate button). ❤️
When you download the demo, you'll see a Palworld map where you can capture and make friendly creature attack for you. Then you can check those creature events to see how I evented it. To make creatures run toward you when you press a button is pretty easy, but you gotta event it, you gotta create that feature your own using the plugin. The plugin isn't one click to solve all problems but rather provides you tools so you can create your own features, it allows you to be creative.
For me, I'll add a conditional branch Input.isTriggered('b'), then under it, I switch self variable to <running toward player> and add movement route move toward player. Now, If I press b, all creatures will automatically run toward me.
The same can be done for combo increasing gold/exp: You can create that own feature using the plugin.
I do plan on submitting the plugin to Steam one day but not now, unfortunately. You can check Patreon and see if any payment method is available here:
Other than that, I don't know how to help with this issue. :(
Hi hi. Firstly to report bugs or asking for help, please visit Discord:
To quickly switch to available weapon in inventory, simple add a conditional branch Input.isTriggered('your button') then under it call command from Action Combat: Equip Next Weapon, done.
To make sword slash, there are 2 ways but I don't know which want you want yet so visit the Discord and tell me there :D