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A member registered Nov 05, 2023 · View creator page →

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Wow this was really fun game! Had to replay it a couple of times to see all the choices I could make. Although I was little confused as to what artifact do, statue in the maze, green orb in the cavern of choices, since nothing happens. Otherwise cool game, hope to see it continued!

Cool Game! With some more time to really add some finishing touches this would be even better. One thing I did notice with the mayor was he seemed touchy to get the dialog to pop up, like I stand in a certain spot to get it to work for whatever reason.

Very interesting concept for a game, having to control all the different components of a dummy. Although the controls are something else. There not fluid with them being spread out across the keyboard, which makes it difficult to move, the movements also a bit slow. Once you hit the dummy it just falls over and is awkward to attack. I think it would have been a cool idea to implement this with some sort of platformer to make it extra hard.

The game loads for me, but it doesn't appear to be doing anything. There no controls that I can find what so ever.

I recognize the files as being from a Game Build output, but without the accompanying html file I'm not sure how to run them. I tried to getting it working by splicing them into a build I had but to no avail.

Wow this was a really fun game, and it just seemed like the map had more and more to explore! I died more than I'd like to admit to those pitfall traps. Wish there was maybe some enemies to encounter and fight instead of just jumping around. Overall you did a really nice job at this!

Love the concept of a maze puzzle, did take me quite a few tries to finally make out alive. The Minotaur can be pretty unforgiving at the beginning there. Although the controls seemed a little wonky in that at times it felt like I was being pulled towards the wall. When turning while stationary, like when you get stuck in a dead end, its painfully slow.

I actually liked this game a lot. It was challenging to me as player so it kept me motivated to actually keep trying, although unsuccessfully, to get through the map. I think with some polish this could be a really cool game. Although I think maybe the grappling function so be keyed to something other than the mouse click, it can get tricky darting all over the screen trying to get it in the right spot to grapple on.

Not really much to add, everyone else has already touched on the flaws with this game. Seemed like a neat concept but it doesn't go with the theme, and I can't find a way to actually control the space ship.

I liked the idea of the game, I think with some more visuals and other touches it could really turn out to be something cool. I like it when games allow you to decide your own fate. There's enough choices in the game that make it worth replaying a couple of times to see what kind of ending you can get.

Neat concept! Are the levels just randomly generated as  you progress or is their a catalog of platforms. I think it would interesting to add some sort of other objective like coins to collect or enemies to avoid. As after the first few levels it gets repetitive without some other objective to go for.

I liked the environment you had set up, shows that you put some thought into your game! Using a hint system via sound is something I haven't seen done yet, so neat! I would love to see this game a little more fleshed out, I think it would turn out to be something really cool. You included a lot for only having 2 weeks I'm surprised.

I loved that you included a story with the character! The scrolling opening text was really cool to. The enemies seemed a little wonky but I kinda found that be funny. Does the player have infinite health? Seems like I was able to take a lot of hits from enemies jumping around. Overall I like the game a lot, good job!

Neat little game! The checkpoint system was cool, helped me get to the top a lot faster. Only thing that annoyed me was the camera angle, kinda make it hard when you can't really see where your suppose to be going. Otherwise good job!

Loved the rocks ricochet off the walls, had way to much sniping snakes using that. I never had any issue clipping through walls, all the lava seemed a bit annoying. Good Job overall!

Took a little getting use to at first, but once you get the hang of it its actually really fun. I love/hate the end paths took me forever to get the top only fall for one of those and die immediately. I wish the dash key would have a little close to everything, would have make it easier instead of having to reach over for j.

Nice Job! The spiders were definitely a jump scare just turning around and bam their there. Although its a bit annoying not having a way to easily restart with reloading the entire game. The spider spawning seems a little busted in that sometimes they spawn on top of the player leading to instant death.

Neat little game! I like that you just chain the zombies and cut them all down at once,  instead of having to bounce around trying to pick them off.