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A member registered Dec 01, 2019 · View creator page →

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Good idea! Thanks for the suggestion, I’ll try to implement it as best I can.

I had a lot of fun playing this! My current high score is 259, although I do see myself playing again pretty soon to try to beat that. Well done with everything, this is a genuinely great game.

Really great puzzle game! Personally, I felt that rotating the level felt a bit slow but the art more than made up for it. Great job!

It took me some time to figure out that there was more in the first level if you go down but aside from that, I liked the game. The dashing was a fun mechanic and the reverse stealth was a very creative idea. Well done!

I really enjoyed this, it left me wanting more. I only encountered one bug and I’m not sure what caused it but the spikes in level 6 stopped killing me. That didn’t affect my enjoyment though, so good job!

I got 2645, no clue how you got your highscore but it’s a fun game!

Ah ok fair enough, I’ll try to improve it for whenever we release an update

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I’m glad you liked the game! What about the controls would you change?

Cool game, although maybe a bit unbalanced since i managed to beat it with only the 10 cost slimes. Nevertheless, it was quite fun to play through and I liked the comedy sprinkled throughout in the text.

Really fun, running around the ball and dodging it felt very satisfying. Not sure if it was intentional but the ball the ball doesn’t reset if you die after getting it to the end. That didn’t affect my enjoyment at all though, it’s a great game!

Really cool and unique game. It took me some time to figure out how it worked but once I did it was a fun puzzle, and I really liked how you put real games from the jam into it. Well done!

I managed to get 81 points! The art style was charming, the music and sound effects were nice, the gameplay was intuitive, and it felt pretty good to play. I honestly can’t really think of anything you could change to make it better. So all in all, well done on your first game jam game!!

Wow, thanks for such an in depth review!

As for the negatives, I also encountered most of those bugs. I’ll try to fix them and release an update once voting ends.

I’m glad you enjoyed the game though!! The golf ball chefs were somewhat intentional, they were initially just supposed to just be balls rolling around but the low poly art style turned them into golf balls.

Good job with your game too btw, it was a lot of fun! TOMATOES FTW 🎉


The movement was a bit finicky but this is a gorgeous and insanely charming game, good job!

Truly a pioneer of tomato-like games

Thank you for the kind words!

I’m glad you liked it!

That’s a fair point, we did make it quite hard (mostly because we barely left any time to level design so we couldn’t experiment with pacing). With respect to that bug, I’ve fixed it and I’ll upload a fully working version tomorrow when the jam ends. Thanks for playing and reviewing!

I’m assuming you mean level 4, in which case it’s already fixed, we just have to wait for the GMTK jam voting to end

Fun game, I got to round 23! The enemies were kind of hard to see at times and the red tint to show that your health is low only gets removed if you get hit, not if you get more health. However, although it did end up getting a little repetitive, I enjoyed it quite a bit.

I beat it! Level 13 took me a while but it was a great game overall. Good job!

I really liked this game! It’s very well made and well polished. Well done!

That’s a fair point, we’ll try to come up with a better way to handle changing elements in the future. Either way, thanks for playing our game!

I really liked this game! The explosions and the squishiness of the characters made it very satisfying to play. The music was also amazing and helped make the atmosphere much more intense.

A fun and really unique game! I enjoyed it a lot, although I may not be the best at it lol. Also the music is incredible and made the game feel great. Good job all around!

An adorable little game, it’s a shame there wasn’t any sound though :( Anyway, great job, I love the art!

Well done for getting this done in such short time! The ability to change the level with just a left or right click is a really interesting concept, and I think if expanded on further, it could be used to help make a very good game.

Thank you, I appreciate the feedback!

I’m glad you enjoyed it! Thanks for playing

No problem, good luck!

Of course you can join! No one's going to force you to submit anything if you do so don't worry

Ok so I'll just tell you the order of how to pick up the blobs, hopefully that's enough but if it isn't then feel free to ask again

It's cyan -> blue -> green -> purple -> red -> white -> orange

An adorable and fun little game, I would've preferred if it was longer but I enjoyed it while it lasted

I finished it! As pretty much everyone else has said, I found the different connections, and the fact that they changed the physics, really interesting. The level design was pretty good too, and I enjoyed the music quite a bit. Well done!

Fun game! It was slightly frustrating that it didn't reset me at the current level when I died, but aside from that I enjoyed it.

I agree completely, if we do continue working on it, we'll make sure to have some way to show what colours you need to combine in order to form the necessary colours.

Wow! I'm glad you liked it so much! Actually, it is the first puzzle game any of us have ever made or worked on.

We did find the bug in level 20, but only when it was too late to fix it, so sorry about that. There is a skip button, however, on the top right for if you want to try the next level since its impossible to complete it and get to the next one "legally".

We did find the rotator bug earlier but my attempt at fixing it ended up creating more problems than it was fixing (stopping the you from rotating when you should be able to) so we opted to just leave it and let the player reset if they get stuck.

Finally, the crossbow was quite a pain. The way I implemented the arrows could have been done much better with a raycast of some sort, together with an arrow effect, but for some reason I physically created an arrow, gave it a speed, and then waited until it collided into something to allow the player to move again (outcome of coding under pressure I suppose). We should have also made the amount of moves left until the bow fires much more obvious but we couldn't really come up with a way to do so while still looking visually appealing, so we decided to go for aesthetics over making it easier for the player (which was not a great idea in hindsight but oh well).

Anyway, thanks for the review and for playing our game!

P.S. If you do end up playing the levels after level 20, keep in mind that level 22 is slightly broken (still very much playable but easier than it should be) and level 23 is pretty much completely broken (completable but very buggy). 21 and 24 do work, however.

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Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it! We forgot to make it clear in the game, but pressing 'r' also resets the level.

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There is a restart level button, if you press 'r' or click on the pause button on the top right and then click the middle button that pops up. But thank you regardless, I'm glad you enjoyed the aesthetic!