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A member registered Dec 08, 2021 · View creator page →

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Hey  im Trav, 

Worked on other computer games before doing sprites, illustrations and concepts,

Looking to to some work

Portfolio ArtStation - Travis Morrison

Look forward to hearing from you, 

Discord :     sivart.        


Hey there,
Link to portfolio ArtStation - Pixel Art, Travis Morrison

Discord : sivart.

Hey Sylux

Link to my artstation, with some pixel art in there i have done as well.

ArtStation - Pixel Art, Travis Morrison

Discord User Name  =    sivart.

Look forward to hearing from you.

A Astronaut adrift in space, dodge planets and black holes while looking at the amazing views of the cosmos and listening to chill jams.  At the moment, a very chill vibe in the game. How far can you go.

First game ever made, keep adding to it, but looks for any advice, tips, or just anything with game development as i am completely new to it

Adrift in the Cosmos by Riggerized (

Yer i always thought of making a puzzle game, even half started one,i but all the images were leweds XD, because sex sells i guess.  But i changed my mind on the whole idea.

Yer i have been thinking about something simliar to your statement about "wandering in a museum than to playing a game".  

Have been thinking about more random events, having something happen more often to keep peoples attention. but even if i do that, like have 1 new thing happen evey minute. I have to put 60 things in the game and then in 1 hour thats it basicly you have seen the whole game.

Unlocks is something i also have been thinking about, might just have to play around with some ideas i guess and see if it work,

There really isnt much to the game at the moment but im proud of the base i have so far for a first game

(1 edit)

Sort of new to making games, i am an artist and have done art for games, but never really done much with making a game by myself

But i am trying to give it ago, so looking for ideas, feed back or any useful information that you think would be helpful about the game developing world.

In saying that not really sure what im going for in the game, i originally liked the idea of floating in space seeing cool art, but obviously it needs more engagement or progression system. Because i know even myself i get bored within a few minutes, as the only thing really to do is just get a high score by just playing the game.

Link to my game Adrift in the Cosmos by Riggerized (

One could argue that code is an art, or a skill itself though, people have obviously spent years learning it

When people say this for game jams, do they mean code as well? Im an artist not a coder, so as i start to get into making games i have been using chat gpt to get a quick start on learning how to code. 

I want to start joining these jams but nearlly all of them are like nope no ai generated, which is near impossible for me since i have 0 experience in code.

In saying this, i know as an artist  learning my craft for many years, how annoying it is for some one to come in and use ai then be like, look what i did all by myself

just using unity animations at the moment, with the stiff animation sort of what my mate wants. Wants it like vampire survivors  but a little better

but always keen to learn how to do it better

Thanks, good to know I'm on the right track at least,

The animation was to be basic for the game which my mate asked for. Might need to make a separate portfolio and make them better.

Thanks for your input.

I am completely new to pixel art, always done everything else but it.

Just started as a mate wanted to make a game, here is some stuff i have done so far ArtStation - Pixel Art.

Any tips or ideas?

Sorry a little late, Heres my pixel art ArtStation - Pixel Art

Discord: sivart.     

Email :

TravisArts#3718 Look forward to talking with you

Sent a friend Request TravisArts#3718 Look forward to talking with you

(1 edit)

Link to a more concept side to my art ArtStation - Concept Art Portfolio or ArtStation - Travis Morrison for a broader range of my work

Discord  : TravisArts#3718