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A member registered Jul 26, 2020 · View creator page →

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I didn't undestand how to make the main mechanic. Excelent presentation tough

Excelent game, good job. The jump looks awesome.

Excelent game, very fun, made it to the end. Good job.

Very good gameplay. The  audio and  graphics  are  fantastic. 

very good graphics,  i don't see how it fits the reality theme but good job

The game visuals are awesome. The game is kinda hard.

The visuals and audio are awesome. The use  of R and F to use the portals is hard to use, maybe use  shift and ctrl instead?

Thanks for playing. It's a work in progress. We couldn't finish the game on time.

Awesome game, great narrative.

I loved being the wind.

The best i played for this jam.

Hey, our games share  names.

Thanks  for playing our game.

Thanks for playing our game.

Thanks for playing our game.

The original concept has "achievements" that make you reeach  the goal with a minimum count of  butteflies. But we didn't implement it on time for the jam.

Lo de la  camara en una sola mariposa, es "normal". Tengo que detallar en control de camaras.

que extraño bug, espero encontrar ese error  y corregirlo. Gracias por jugar nuestro juego.

Cool idea. The  upgrade system is well done.

Great idea,  i have problems with the collsion  in the first jump.

The curve dificulty adjusted by losing your stuff is interesting. The jump feature is useless. The houndmaster plot twist was very funny. Kinda repetitive levels but  I enjoy the  concept.

The checkpoint mechanic is useless. It should have  situation where you have to use it  pass  the level.

The game was fun and challenging to play. When you rewind the particles don't let  you move.

Very relaxing.

Amazing game! 5 stars in everything! I want more levels of this.

The controls are weird (jump with z?, click on screen to unwind?) Besides that I think  the mechanics are a good implementation of the Jam  theme.

The graphics and the sound are awesome. But the controls are very hard.

It was very fun and  well made. But I can pass though the game without using the rewind mechanics.

(1 edit)

I was really enjoying the game in the browser but the click stopped working in the second level. Then I read that the .exe version worked better but the click stopped  working on the third level. But it was a very fun game!

Edit: I quit and restart the game and luckily my game was saved and  I was able to continue and the controls were working again. Maybe you should adjust the dificulty. On day 3 the clientes asked for movies I don't have,  and I think is a little unfair.

Very good game mechanics. It was very fun to play. Maybe a little slow. The music loop could be done so much better but I like how in the last levels the music climaxes. And the feline development team was the best.

I love the aesthetics. The electricity went off in real life so the inmersion was real.

Love the basic game mechanic and ambient. But I didn't understand the rewind mechanic and I did't use it at all. The game is not responsive. On my tablet I couldn't see the full texts.

Thanks for the feedback. Glad you have fun. 

Thanks for playing. 

Thanks for the comments. I know the music reversing can be a little annoying but it's just a experiment (that's the way I imagine the game and feel bad to drop it) .  The colision is on the little wheels left and right, but I agree that could be on the walls. 

The idea of the game is good. But it should have a instructivos screen to explsin the mechanics. It's hard to tap the tiny spheres. 

568 point first try. Very simple but fun game.