hahah thanks! that's the goal!
Guilherme Raimondi
Creator of
Recent community posts
Level selection isn’t available in this prototype, but it will be included in the full release on Steam! Be sure to wishlist the game to stay updated—there’s a demo coming soon!
Really cool artstyle and gameplay, had a lot of fun!!
I agree with the comments here, maybe you could make him shoot to the direction he's facing.
I'd also make the enemies start moving as soon as they spawn, there's already an animation(which is great!) before they spawn so that the player can prepare. Imo there's no need to make them be idle for that long, makes the game too easy (just an opinion).
Anyway, I loved it. Good job!
Hey buddy, better late than never hahaha. I really liked this one, has a lot of potential.
The atention to details surprised me, loved the bullet effects on night and I specially LOVED passing the mouse and watching the terrain going up hahaha
It was a too easy for me to be honest, I'd appreciate more challenge and a bit of variety. Anyway, you did great!
Hey buddy, sorry for the late response... I just released an update with Checkpoints, Timer toggle and Difficulty levels. Check it out! :D
- Red spikes: I tweaked it to be 1s, the faster the response time the more noticeable it's.. for the slower response times it's still to slow, but I dont think it should be too fast because these are designed for people with slower reflexes haha. Oh thank you for the tip, it really made it more fluid! (at least on the most difficult levels)
- Level design: thanks for the compliment :))). Now the timer can be toggled ON/OFF and if it's on, the amout of time depends on the difficulty (even on the easiest difficulties if you choose to enable it).
- Visual Indicator: well, try it out and see if it's still a problem :)
Thanks man, really appreciate it! I have plans on adding new enemies, levels, etc. Consider following here or on Twitter (guiiraimondi) to stay updated :D
Also, about the timer there is an update comming (probably today or early tomorrow) that will enable you to toggle the timer if you dont like it, besides introducting checkpoints and difficulty levels.
Ohh that makes me so happy! It's so gratifying to know that there are some people that reallly liked it *-*
Thank you! hahah \o/
I definetivly want to know what you and your team will be working on, do you all have Twitter? (if you do add me: guiiraimondi)
Congratz to you and your team for making it! ;)
Wow, I loved this idea! This has a great potential to make some nice levels! Keep up!
Just some tips, the camera always following the character is not so good in a platformer. You cant make it have an offset and follow only after you move the correpond amount.
Some sfx and visual transitions would be apretiated.
For a game jam is great, nice one!