So i know this project hasnt been updated in a while, and this question is a longshot, but im making a desktop assistant application in unity, and i think having these messages that people have written, pop up every once in a while in my window would be cute, is there a way i could interface with the db as a client? just to pull messages not write, or is it strictly admin only
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thankyou for your feedback, this is actually super helpful. i totally agree with the options menu, and the drop and pickup buttons being the same lol, we are currently adding an options menu along with a rebind key option screen, your health does remain the same level to level, this is more or less a rouge-lite, also i think your right the levels def need some decoration, i like the sliding door idea. im confused on the spawn protection as we actually do prevent enemies from spawning near the elevator, although maybe there's a bug in that code. ill check it out.
Do you have any suggestions for new objectives for levels? we are adding rest levels and shop levels in the next update but other than that we really don't have any ideas. reload animations are a good idea but are sadly beyond the scope of this project (for beta) we are currently pre-alpha.
again thankyou so much for ur feedback its much appreciated
I like the art style and music, I think if you had a more recognizable character design it would launch the art direction to Double-A. A tutorial would be nice, as I also didn't know there was a double jump and got stuck at the beginning. some of the enemies are very small and not hard to see, I died many times to things I didn't see in the moment, perhaps if something can hurt you it glows white instead of just being its base color? the sizing issue I mentioned before, however, it makes it hard for me to see the end-game menu, and I'm not sure what most of the buttons on it do. (this critique boils down to making the death screen more intuitive) I don't know how you generate levels whether it's procedural or hand placed but they are really nice.
ok this is completely my fault, i was tired and didnt read any of the warnings, i have come to terms with the fact that i am disqualified from the jam. however its ridiculously easy to completely hardlock yourself out of a jam if you edit files during voting period. this was my first jam so i didnt really understand how this worked, and how dangerous it would be to edit files but i basically accidentally deleted my main game file when i was trying to delete a previous update file. it seems really weird to me that you can remove files, but cant reupload them? wouldn't it be safer just to disable any kind of file change during a voting time? im sure there's a reason but i thought id just ask
i liked it, felt responsive, the artstyle is a little off-putting and i cant put my finger on why. soudn effects are great tho. a little tutorial would have been nice, i dont really know what im doing lol. the coregameplay loop feels like a rougelike but without the freeform movement, you just get moved to the next room when your done. maybe make an open map allowing the player to move freely
edit: ok figured out why the art feels weird, the foreground art and midground art have wildly different level of details. for pixel art this just feels weird.
i LOVE this concept,
EpicToastTM basically said everything already, but a couple more points couple. something that threw me out of the experience was the UI wasnt pixelated, as well as the text above the travelers.
edit: the text and ui IS pixelated however the font looks default which throws the vibe a bit.
there was no real tutorial.
and it wasnt snapped to a pixel grid,
that last one is a personal preference thing,
a couple suggestions for the gameplay loop, maybe beside each quest have a failure success rate, based on the level of the traveler you are giving the quest to, i was kind of left blindly guessing which travelers could do which quests,
have some reward for successfully finishing quests, maybe be able to sell the items you get from quests,
Maybe make it harder to fulfill peoples requets, reiterating what epictoast said, i was able to easily complete every persons needs, so i ended up just spamming how can i help you
but all of these are just minor tweaks, if this will continue development. a little balancing and a reevaluation of the core gameplay loop, would truly make this an awesome game
PS: sorry for the long post, i just really think this game has potential and would love to see it continue development
so it does or doesnt pull messages from months ago? sorry lol i cant decipher the "sure does", also i think this is a really cool program and qol updates would be great, i love to have it open on my desktop but i cant do anything else cause it interferes with other apps, so im looking forward to the distant hypothetical updates :p