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A member registered May 04, 2020 · View creator page →

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It is definitely a tool.

Thank you so much!

that's why I made the game more visual or with an implicit story.

Thank you very much. tiny poems is a great idea, you are really good with stories. The poem is not mine and I avoid having dialogs and text in my games because I'm not an english native speaker and writing is hard for me because of grammar, so having more text would have made the game worst not better.

A good game concept with very nice graphics.

Funny and frustrating. great idea for a game!

I love puzzle games, this one was pretty good.

Lovely and beautiful game.

haha. Thanks for the nice insult.

I didn't want to make the levels repetitive, it takes a lot of thought to design them and I ran out of time.

On the controls, I didn't think they were going to be a problem, but it turns out they were, that's the nice thing about letting others test the game but I have no friends...

Isometric movement can be confusing. I'm glad you liked the aesthetics.

Your kind words make me happy. Also thanks for noticing the effect of the title menu, I recently implemented it on a website and thought it would look great in the game. Trapping the character was an accidental mechanic that I discovered by experimenting while designing the levels.

Thanks. I spent a lot of time trying to make it look good.

I'm glad you enjoy the game. The motion controls might be a bit weird from that perspective, but there's not much I could have done about it, I really like that perspective.

In case it is not clear, the game represents the theme dealing with the fear of change. The character has to face his fear of change at each level, and there are times when only he can help himself with that.

Thanks for playing the game and your feedback. I would have loved to have done more levels but level disign is difficult for me. The theme is represented when a level is completed and everything in the scene changes, is more a visual thing than a gameplay thing, but is there. I'm thinking of implementing new mechanics and improving the game in the future.



This is a great little project. I want to do something like that now.

It's a lot of fun, this gamejam was a brilliant idea.
