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A member registered Oct 21, 2015 · View creator page →

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Had a few problems like this where the cross would not end the level or with the AI, but the game is fun and your art is clean as always ;)

Could put a little more time regarding generation to check enemies do not spawn in blocked cells, and put a check to regenerate another map is the cross cannot be reached.

Good job overall!

Thanks for playing and enjoying our game!

Your health cannot go up once injured, but you recover one shield after every level ;)

For this cheese, we are aware, the solution would be to add a pathfinding solution, currently the ennemies just walk straight to you.

Congrat. You made a game. Are you proud?

Loved the game the instant I read the title, I just thought it would be the other way around.

It is not that often we see UE games on jams or just 3D games either.

Of course it needs audio and more content, but it is REALLY worth the playtime!

Also, somehow the game tried to start my SteamVR?

I laughed so hard, it fits the limitation perfectly! It is simple and does not need to be anything more than it is currently.

Definition of “work smarter not harder” for me rofl, you are my hero for this jam ;)

WOW! Amazing job on this gem, the game looks great, I LOVED the characters (“I want a name in the next version”), the UX is great, huge amount of work done in so little time!

To be picky, you could add some sounds on button clicks etc, I didn’t test the different text skip options but they seem to be needed.

Also I found a weird bug where using the scroll wheel outside of a scrollable panel would reroll the game maybe? Not entirely sure what happens, but it changes the current tab and can be exploited to add all ingredients to a potion > discover their effects > scroll in / out of laboratory > get the discovered ingredients effect but potion is empty and ingredients back in pockets

Fun game, loved the difficulty curve, and the fact your character is faster than the others but it doesn’t make you too strong, it only allows you to compensate for being alone.

2 technical things to improve outside of the game itself. I suppose you use an “older” version of unity, there is an option inside ProjectSettings>InputManager>Use Physical Keys to enable non QWERTY users to have the same keys disposition without having to adapt your code to use Z instead of W for example.

The other one is when you export you web build, the default resolution on the itch page is 960600. If you change it to 960660 there will be a bar below your game to enable fullscreen, currently the bottom of the game is a little bit cropped.

Fun experience, could use more content and interaction like teleporters or buttons to open/close paths maybe. It is short but the quantity is really well made.

Also please consider doing a web build for your future gamejams, as this is much more practical than having to download the game.

Took some time to understand what happened (since the hero is definitely not me, I should be the skeleton right?) but the idea is interesting and done good, with clean visuals.

I would argue to put a web version up for gamejams as you some will just not bother download the games (plus Unity does it very easily)

Thank you :) We reduced the firing speed to “force” using the poison damages more.

Also you can just hold the mouse bouton autoshoot as fast as possible

We planned to put more levels, a ranged / AOE boss, but yeah we got caught by time and had to cut light, maybe an update someday (unsure)

Amazing visuals!

Takes some fiddling to understand how everything works, but the gamefeel is amazing

Really needs some kind of objective (maybe just add a timer, so you can aim for a highscore)

Cute game with nice visuals, could use some work on controls, the slime slides too much and doesnt keep sprinting inertia when jumping

Other than that, “fun” game that took 30 minutes of my life :D

Typical gamejam! We had to cut LOTS of content just before time limit hit :D

A rage game working just as it should :D

Took me some time to figure out to use the inertia, but still had a lot of trouble progressing, as fun as Getting over it!

I felt relieved when I saw the checkpoint, but I think it should be permanent or have a way to reactivate it

Also the tutorial animation is huge fun but goes away way too fast (and only works once)

Great visuals! Loved that you tried to innovate on the match 3 concept, you may need to reward the player for throwing more potions at a time (maybe a scoring combo system)

You could rethink the controls, currently the right hand moves from mouse to keyboard, maybe only assigning a number per color, pressing the number adds the potion to the queue? This could make it smoother to play.

Also, lower the music volume and add a lose panel / retry button, but this is polishing. Loved playing it!

Yaaay, an update from this amazing jam game! <3

Wait what? Look at that changelog! Love you for bringing so much new content! <3

Amazing, I love that warioware style game! Some minigames are not as fair for the first time you see them (the trains were the car is on by default so you have to figure out what’s happening frame 1) Would love to see more ;)

Where is level 2? I want more :D

Thank you, The game was supposed to be profit and loss, but it felt too easy like this so we removed it almost last minute

Hi, glad our game peaked your interest! Sad to hear about your condition, and I gratefully take your feedback and proposition. I won’t promise anything but I may look into your idea and add this as an accessibility option. If we end up adding it to the game, I will definitely contact you so you can test it out and tell us how it feels.

Hi Doot, thank you! Yes this is the feedback I get the most, we will definitely improve on it with coming updates ;)

Glad you liked it!

(1 edit)

Thank you!

Yes, it is hard to translate that part to the player, we intended to have a tutorial phase, but ended up with no time left (we actually had to start working on it halfway through so about 1.5 days due to evryone’s schedules)

I’m thinking of adding a “Just type” mode where you can just type everywords in a classical Typing game genre, but it really needs a better introduction for this intended gameplay.

That’s hard! Is the music adaptive? I feel like it got more active around the 20% of the first life bar

I was waiting on the instructions screen expecting a start button somewhere until that “Ah ha!” moment when I figured out I could already move

For a mouse intensive game, it would be better to include a way of going fullscreen so the mouse stays in the frame (plus on the web version the itch page background is quite bright and distracting), at least for the desktop version so I don’t accidentaly close the game in the middle of the fight :sweat:

Not sure it it was intended, but you can just hold right click for the whole game and never release it to hold your bow, I guess the intent was to pull again on the bow but would be frustrating, but then why keep it at all you can just keep somr tape on your mouse and forget about this fuctionnality?

Loved this game and I will play again to try and finish it!

Good job on this game. Not sure if I took the fastest route, it took me 3 fights to win

It is a nice concept, visuals and audio are good. The fight can be cheesed by spamming the attack button (can attack up to 4 times in a turn) but the balance is cool. Not sure if the heroes got stronger over time or stayed the same though.

Good point adding a web version :D I would have skipped it otherwise

This should now be fixed ;)

Wow! Like how many attack patterns are there? Really good entry, that intro is sick!

Too much obvious good things to tell, the difficulty, juice & feel, cool attack patterns, the fact you don’t see the enemy health keeps you on high tension all the way (“when are you gonna fall?!”) …

A few things I noted to improve:

  • the colliders seem to be placed differently on the boss and player, making it not as obvious to know if you will get hit or not
  • please find a way for non QWERTY keyboard users to play fine (changing region is meh)

Hey, I was watching your dev stream, I see you have watched about Reversary :D Love the final result, great polish!

Lvl1 -> lvl50 that frog hero grinded a LOT between fights :D

Just to add that little but of “can always be better”, the player frog could use a sliiiiight more jump angle especially since it is its own ability ;)

LOVED it <3

Thanks for playing :) I will look into that bug since you’re not the only one having it

Thank you, I just added that part of the description because I had feedback of it not beeing clear, glad it helped understand :D (so people do actually read descriptions lol)

What can I say, I LOVE rhythm games, even more non musical games.

  • Really good both on mechanics, visuals and sound

  • Ticking sounds usually irritates me but it is a good idea to stay on the beat here

  • Could use some light effects like the cells on the disc blinking on the beat for example

  • Please setup Unity to use Physical keys in ProjectSettings>Input or use InputSystem, so that non QWERTY users can play the game without changing the keyboard region

Thank you! We had a lot of fun thinking of this interactions

Took me way too much tries but I loved it from start to finish!

  • I miss a death counter

  • I think you should have added a little pause on death at least so that the player can see what he died to

  • Loved the Limbo style visuals, took me a while to see there is no walking animation

  • A little big for no checkpoint

  • I did not feel the pressure of time unfortunately

Thank you! I plan to continue updating this project so keepyour eyes open for updates :)

Posted a Linux and Mac version (still same content as release) ;)

Well, all I can say is perfect.

Just had the game slow down the more I died, but at least it got me the X rating (it’s not a bug, it’s a feature :p)

Game started going slower after a few runs soooo did I unlock easy mode by being bad :D

Not a huge fan of tower defense games, but I mean adding rhythm is always a good addition :D

  • Funny how only the title screen is lower quality than the rest visually, did not expect this effect on retry
  • Your game is a good fun hard!
  • Had to restart multiple times to see you can upgrade, maybe show this somewhere
  • Also a SFX when the bar is ready, always forget to use it

I’d love to love this game, it looks amazing, sounds are great too, but it was too hard to play.

  • The ingredients move too fast so you don’t really have the time to check what they do
  • Font is hard to read
  • Really small screen

I get it is from pico8 and good job comitting to this retro style all the way, maybe only 2 stats per ingredient would have cleared some space on screen to make it more readable (though les fun for sure)

It is one of the rare occasions where I can say you are limited by the engine Would have LOVED it with a bigger resolution and a bit slower

Thanks, the fastest way I found to show the beat on screen was the color pattern changing on beat.

I think to implement something like the beat indicator in NecroDancer I need to use something completely different that does not rely on time estimations (like FMOD but it is out of my knowledge)

Glad to hear you are a fan of these games and you liked mine <3

Thank you! It means a lot from another rhythm game enthusiast to know you liked this :D

For the web version you should focus more on the color pattern than the music, unfortunately, but I will def add a Linux build if it is as simple as changing the output platform ;)

I planned to have like 3 levels of increasing bpm, but didn’t make it in time (def coming in the next few days as an update though ;) )