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A member registered Oct 30, 2023 · View creator page →

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Now i'm wondering what I should let go...

Well... You couldn't fullscreen... because... I didn't even think about implementing that. I will try not forgetting next time. About the game being longer, I also wished it was but i'm still pretty new to 3d, so I couldn't implement a lot of things I wanted because I didn't know how to make them. But maybe I will release "A Letter to Zoe: Deluxe Edition" some day.

I think is kinda both. Running around a considerably big map with nothing to do felt kinda boring, but I think just increasing the price of honey would make the player finish the game before he realizes how empty the map is. I think making so the beginning slightly faster would also be helpful for the game, because I would actually finish reading bee guy's dialogue pretty fast, so having to wait for him to say something was pretty annoying. But to be fair, I'm read things pretty fast so maybe it's just me.

It was surprisingly fun. My favorite bug was the ???!

It definitely has a cozy vibe and bee guy telling some fun facts about bees was really cool. But! The gameplay is too slow for me. Btw, it seems like if you press 2 movement keys at the same time(W + A for example) the character runs faster.

I really like that the visuals transmit a very cozy vibe, but the objective of the game is something more dark(sacrificing fish). It's a really nice contrast. 

I din't know I needed to unleash my inner swine until I played this game, but doing so made me genuinely happy.

I love ducks, 10/10 would play again