I wasn't expecting that monster to pop out of nowhere! Genuinely terrifying. Only complaint is that running with Ctrl instead of shift feels very weird.
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So... The music doesn't seem to be bad at all, but it might be too loud. The dash seems to be bugged because you can use it even if you don't select it after dying(besides looking pretty weird in my opinion). To replicate this bug select the dash when about to start, die, then go back to title and play again without selecting anything. And not being able to see what was beneath me was pretty annoying and caused a lot of deaths. But I still beat your game anyway!
Regardless of these inconveniences, good job on your second game! The second game I ever made had a lot of problems too(more than yours, besides having less mechanics), but as you make more you definitely get better and better!
If you're interested, I would recommend this tutorial on how to make better jumps in Godot(Your game's jump could be way better!).
And this video by Game Maker's Toolkit for some ideas about how to make a good 2D camera!
Well... You couldn't fullscreen... because... I didn't even think about implementing that. I will try not forgetting next time. About the game being longer, I also wished it was but i'm still pretty new to 3d, so I couldn't implement a lot of things I wanted because I didn't know how to make them. But maybe I will release "A Letter to Zoe: Deluxe Edition" some day.
I think is kinda both. Running around a considerably big map with nothing to do felt kinda boring, but I think just increasing the price of honey would make the player finish the game before he realizes how empty the map is. I think making so the beginning slightly faster would also be helpful for the game, because I would actually finish reading bee guy's dialogue pretty fast, so having to wait for him to say something was pretty annoying. But to be fair, I'm read things pretty fast so maybe it's just me.