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Oghe Games

A member registered Feb 16, 2023 · View creator page →

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Hi, Jana here!

 Yes haha you're right on the mark, the other artstyle is the gamedesigner's (Ben) haha, used as placeholder art  to be replaced in the future ! 

For the jams,  its quite an undertaking doing over 100 card art haha, so I just did what  I   could for the time alotted for the game jam ^.^

Thank you for having a look though, very appreciated!

Heya, Ben & Jana here!

Played the game a bit, we thought it felt quite polished  and  the gameplay feel felt very crunchy and satisfying with the screenshakes, hit feel, and celebratory confetti!

We thought it needed a bit more complexity in the game, as well as  a sharper difficulty curve .  We felt like the punches should feel a bit more deliberate, rather than constantly punchin. For example punching a bullet back feels GREAT, but it was too easy and accessible. 

Overall a lot of really promising aspects in the game! Good luck with your endeavours, we think this is really impressive !

HALO Ben and Jana here!

Really nice looking game, and very atmospheric. All of the physics interaction were great, had a good laugh with the glitch portal, and the comet crushing Ben.  He played twice and did not last a good minute ahaha. Survival games at its finest.

Great job! Good luck at further developing the game!


We had a lot of fun with the game, had super sexy vibes, specially when the bloodbath modifier hit. Reminded us of crazy taxi. The music was hella boppin'

Well done! 

Hi! Ben and    Jana here~

WE thought the aesthetic was super charming and cute. We were hoping to get to a new planet, we tried our best but we found it to be a little grindy. 

Cool start! Jana felt a little nauseous with the way the camera moved(?). 

Good luck!

Hi! This is Ben and Jana!
Super cool game!  We thought that there was a lot of love thats been put into it!

It was very atmospheric and mysteriouusss~  We really loved the idea of equipping moods.

We liked the designs of the enemies too, the Gundeer was defs a highlight!

Hope for the best as you develop the game! Good luck!

Hey! This is Jana and Ben.

Really cool visuals, nice music vibe!

I think it would help having some form of aim lock/ assist in the game, and maybe some hit feedback later down the line. We would loooovee to have a dodge button haha

Great start, good luck with developing the game further! Loved seeing the concept art in discord! 

Heya! This is Jana and Ben!

We liked your game! The art was super cool, and the music was nice and felt like it was    building atmosphere . Wasn't sure if  it was going to be  building into something though, as we    kept getting soft locked by a bug with the drawer not working.

It was a bit difficult to understand at the start, we saw the drawer thing in the comments, but I think it would help to describe that you close the drawer by dragging it to the left as it was not super clear~  

Hope that helps for other players trying out the game! 

Game is super interesting, and hope for the best if you guys continue developing it!

Heya! This is Jana from discord~ Super cool and creative idea! Had a lot of fun and it was very challenging haha!

(1 edit)

Ah yes, that is something we're considering at the moment! We realize this game is quite hard to access due to the needed software. We're gonna try to hopefully squeeze a video in sometime on the weekend (fingers crossed) but otherwise we've updated the itchio page with pdfs of the cards and added some screenshots.

Thank you for that!

(1 edit)

Welcome, one and all, to the party of the century! Whether you're a man of status or a woman of means,  we've an evening of devilish delights prepared just for you. There's no harm in taking a bite, so let your hunger take the lead. All it'll cost is your eternal soul. 

Why  resist temptation when giving in is such    damned fun

🌹 Diablerie  🌹 is a table-top, 3-player, cooperative roguelike deckbuilder, with permanent, story-based progression designed to be unlocked over multiple sessions of play.

Diablerie Link


🌹 Diablerie  🌹 is set in a fictional, late 19th Century capital city, following the exploits of rich socialites as they throw extravagant parties, maneuver around Vice Police, and summon unspeakable horrors from the depths of Hell.

This version is a      Table-Top Simulator Mod, containing a pre-set up scenario for 3 players. It's designed to be a sampler for the setting and mechanics, whetting your appetite for the rip-roarious antics and crunchy mechanics of the full game.

The game is currently still in very early alpha and is still in a prototype stage. This version of the game is a mini-version designed to test the overall balance in the game in a quick manner.  For now, we've stripped the overworld phase to focus solely on the ballroom! Please expect there to be some place holder art in the game.

We appreciate all feedback regarding the balance and gameplay! This game is continuously developing, and we would love to know if there were anything that you felt worked well, any balance  issues like  underpowered or OP cards, impossible scenarios, etc!

Diablerie Link

Thank you for your time!

Incarnation💀 is a single player Dice Crafting game. It combines a ‘choose-your-own-adventure’ style narrative with Tarot cards based-events to spin a personalised creation myth. 

Incarnation Link


Henlo! we spent the last 2 weeks game jammin and creating the first version of our game. We would love to continue supporting and developing it!

But first we need players to tell us we're going the right direction haha.  We would love  and encourage    feedback for our game! 

If anyone is interested please go here at our page:

Incarnation Link

Here are some previews and art for the game!

Thank you for your time!

Thank yall for commenting! We have released the first version of the game for the game jam!

Hi!  I am opening this message board for any feedback you guys might have for the game, may it be gameplay, art based, or simply accessibility issues.

We would also love to hear what you liked and disliked about the game! Don't be shy!

And finally, thank you for taking your time in playing our Incarnation game. I hope ya'll have a wonderful day.

Its all good, we love feedback in this realm!

Thank you for sharing with us your insights and experience with looking at the layout. It's definitely something I missed when designing the pages. I'll definitely look into making the text larger making everything more accessible post-game jam, as the change would take a bit of time.

Thank you for your patience!

Thank you so for your kind words! We are in the process of finalizing everything now, and will be uploading soon. :D

Hey guys here is an update!  Currently  in the process of tying things up and putting them all in the rulebook  :> 

And I got the writers giving me content to put up heheh~


What is Incarnation?

 Incarnation is a single player Dice Crafting game. It combines ‘choose-your-own-adventure’ style narrative with the elevated symbols of Tarot cards to spin a rogue-like creation myth. 

 Players will perform a tarot Card spread, resolving chance based events to write the story of a life that is being made. The outcome of every decision will both impact the in-game strength of the player, as well as the fate of the Incarnation that is being created.


We've  recently  put all of the events in the rulebook, we wanna put up  a preview here! I've also cleaned up and created  character sheets. 

I think everything is looking very exciting, and we've been working so hard to make this a great game!

Hello! This is Jana   reportin' in  to show progress on our lil' game jam! This is our first game jam haha, and we started actually only last week  when we found out about the jams!

The   Team:

Ben Hudson - Writer & Systems Designer

Jordan Willis - Writer

Jana Cruz - Art

The  Idea:

It is  about the progress of reincarnating, and getting your new-self  their characteristics in the new life. You are dead, and you go through Limbo where your cards  determine events where your decisions build into your future self.

The concept is still very much work in progress. (I'm also just the artist so the writers would probably be better at describing it  too haha!)

But  I would like to share some WIP art that will be in the game! 

I would love to show you guys some excerpts of the writing in our next post!    I think they are absolutely wonderful