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Nozomu Games

A member registered Mar 23, 2020 · View creator page →

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This was brutal, but rewarding! Got to the middle of leaderboard, still very happy :)

Very good level design, allowing fast but risky paths for those who dare. Had a lot of fun!

Played this too much, haha, was too sucked in! Eveything s just so complete and polished, loved it!

After I got the strategy of expanding only in one direction as fast as possible, it became easier (but still a very enjoyable, arguably even more). At some point the game freezed and I couldn’t continue, but it was my 6th FlyUp or something.

Will definetely return to this after jam ends!

My brave mouse built everything it needed! Randomness was a but cruel sometimes, but game was still fun!

This is such a fun mechanic that playes well in main story! Also never seen it before. I am a big fan of multitasking mechanics, and this one is elegant and funny. Grabbed those taxes in 17 days!

Also big props to the whole team, everything goes wery well together :)

This is such a well-made game! After I learned how to do loops, this game unfolded in front of me. One of the few I will make sure to return to and finish. Just a little random, but not quiet, still enough strategy left to blame fault on myself :D

Suffice to say, this is too much fun, congratulations!

Even despite all rough edges, I liked the game! As a game designer, I mostly liked that levels always had false leads in them (parts that lead player to nowhere, just to make player think about a solution and not just run through all options).

Polish+fix here and there, add some levels, and it could be a nice small game even outside gamejam. Good luck!

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This is a masterpiece of a jam game. Physics is wonky, but it results in so many funny cheeses of flying over the whole map, being able to flip from upside down, boost yourself to the moon and whatnot. The only thing that stopped the fun was “Talk” prompt that was stuck at some point on the screen, preventing me from entering workshops. But I had just 2 quests left, so not a big problem :)

Played for 20-30 minutes straight, huge congrats to the whole team, and good luck with this project!

I really loved that gameplay evolved with the story! Lots of different mini-games, anf even a shift in perspective :)

Thank you a lot, one of the most coherent experiences this jam for me!

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I think this is the most time i’ve sunken in a game this jam. Too fascinating to watch the shapes go! Never played any of the “conveyor-factory-type” games (apart from maybe Opus Magnum), it turned out to be super addicting. Also, big thanks for letting me split tiles indefinetely, was more fun without restrictions.

And don’t get me started on custom small engine and on the complexity of the idea, doing this in 4 days is beyond impressive, hats off.

Enjoyed it! My troupe died in caves, probably needed a bigger army. I think just a small touch of making sure everybody follows you from any distance would make this much better.

Still, this was a very charming and stylish game!

Super impressed by one-person-work!

Played your game for 5-6 rounds, overly cute and addicting!


Thanks a lot!

Thank you for all the kind words! Bittersweet but with a hint of hope is what we aimed for :)

Thank you, we indeed did put a lot of effort in this… Now we need a second vacation :D

Happy to hit the hearts of players!

Thank you! We would also like to have some waypoints, but as always with gamejams, you need to sacrifice a lot… This time it was multiple endings and direction/quest helper :(

Glad you enjoyed it nevertheless!

Thanks! Happy you’ve enjoyed it :)

Honoured to carry this badge, thanks!

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Cool, even community memes, haha! Love it!

Here is one from us:

Thank you!

Thank you! Capturing some specific vibes was our main goal for this gamejam, glad we delivered :)

Glad you enjoyed and also glad I drew someone to the gamejam!

As about mechanics, we didn’t want to ruin immersion in this world, and also didn’t come up with fitting mechanics in time. So, left it just be a recreational journey along the Wall.

Thank you for playing!

We made all quests super simple, without any exptra requirements, plus tried to remove some of the backtracking. In that sense, we’re okay with player getting some of the items earlier on :)

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Thank you, we are flattered by comparison with Stray :)

Also, really cool that you’ve mentioned watercolors, because it, in a sense, makes perfect sense, as our main artist draws A LOT of watercolors (some of the works - ). So, even if the game does not feature watercolors, probably it shows a bit in the way she worked with colors.

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Thanks a lot!

Now AC units lose light when they’re fixed, but it’s definitely not enough. Will patch after voting is over, thanks for the suggestion!

Thank you so much for all the kind words! Put a smile on our whole team’s faces :)

I didn’t want to add some demanding mechanics because it could ruin the immersion, but adding a progression with safe spaces and stamina sounds like the only mechanic that could encance the immersion! Better connection with character, better feel of progression (apart from AC count), even locking some of the earlier areas from exploring too soon, guiding through the quests in a better way.

Thank you for suggesting, if we decide to go bigger with this I’ll definetely consider :)

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Thank you! Unfortunately it’s a performance issue on some devices that would be easy to fix if we had just a little more time :(

Same reason we had to delete web build last minute, was even worse there, with audio issues on top. I hope you could still enjoy the game, and you can come back after the voting ends!

After firing everyone, immediately hired them all back and payed more :D

I liked everything a lot - silly gameplay, funny graphics, and sounds… those sounds… why firing people sounded so satisfying, you didn’t have to do this haha

Thank you a lot, enjoyed it!

Everything feels better when it’s fast! And here it also felt like it’s easier to hit ball when it’s moving chaotically and fast :D

Also, impeccable vibes, huge props to the whole team!

Cool twist on snake! Loved all the agility parts. But sometimes small movement of mouse resulted in instant death :(

Got to level 13 or something! Enjoyed the game nevertheless, kudos!

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Just could not let this game mock me with that “can you do under 1 min?” :D

This was hard to master, but satisfying!

Didn’t even notice how I got sucked in and blasted through all levels. So cool! Feeling of everything falling apart and you barely succeeding is always rewarding, good balancing!

Cute! Could be a fun game where you ex. shrink from enemies (sometimes intentionally) and grow from potions.

Good luck with gamedev journey!

Thank you for playing! I added a small end-game spoiler on game’s page for those who are stuck at one of the last quests as well!

Okay, this was unexpectedly so much fun! Transparent window immediately put a smile on my face, and the game itself was adorable too!

Got to level 3, haw many are there in total?

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This is such a cool concept on paper! Even the poster already shows the love put into this… Unfortunately there is no game build to be found, it seems that you’ve ran out of time to submit it or removed :(

Please ping me in some way after jam, would love to try it!

Horror beyond comprehension. This is what immersive sims earn to be.

Good job! At some point It seemed I was in control, but those dvds, man…

There are not enough platformer puzzles in this world, and this one would be a nice addition. Thinky, fun, satisfying. Enjoyed it!

You should develop it further!

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Glad to hear you liked it! Art was made by me and my friends, 4 people in total (one person for most of the sprites, one for background, one for title screen and one for story frames)