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Nomular Productions

A member registered Nov 03, 2020 · View creator page →

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Damn my computer sucks I can't run any of these vulkan games

Sadly I can't run vulkan rendering :(

I beat it and got 31 out of 31 slime balls!

If you switch the rendering to opengl 3 I will be able to run it I think.

Incredible!!! The music had me bopping my head! 

Glad you liked it! Very happy to see someone get to the ending!

I'm pretty sure it's intentional but the invisible walls made this a drag to play. Good visual though!

SUPER tricky precision platformer! I've given up at the point with all of the launch spheres but I'm keeping the window open just in case. Let me know how close to the end that is!

Super smooth blob animation! Shame its so slow compared to the movement as it rarely gets to finish.

Super chunky game(positive). The music reminds me of fnaf world!

(1 edit)

It's cool to see someone play it in real time!

Shame you quit so early, I did make the platform a bit far away, you can just run past it to hide behind the plug sockets.

Wish I could play but My computer doesn't support vulkan :(

Love the art (and the voice acting haha) It wasn't clear if you had succesfully captured a cat though.

Like the visuals and It's a cool idea!! Music could use more than 4 notes...

You get the award for funniest game!! I was not expecting this game to be about kicking penguins in the face! Love the kick sound.

Cool concept! I was not expecting the first sound effect I hear to be "Nyum nyum nyum"

I can't run vulkan :(

I love the art! Very cool rampage-like and I like that there's controller support too! There is a best strategy which is to just do jump heavies but its still pretty fun!


Super satisfying and cool. If you work on it afterwards It would be nice if you could move the amulets around too.

I was sadly unable to play because I don't have vulkan rendering :(

Sadly I was not able to play because my computer doesn't do vulkan rendering

(1 edit)

This is so Impressive!!!! It's crazy that you made this in a week!

The audio was super glitchy but the song itself is very nice and soothing!

It's almost impossible to level up though as you have no way to fight the enemies and they never stop chasing you. Once I got followed by one guy I was running for 5 minutes and it was still directly behind me.

Really cool I love the limited days mechanic! One bug: When I died it said to get back out there but there was no way so I just lost all progress and I was at the last 8 days.

I really wanted to beat this but the lighting was just so impossibly dark that I had to stop from eye strain. My monitor is pretty dark but I could barely see. I love the atmosphere and idea but sadly could not play it.

I love the dragging and dropping to make your creature. Very cool character creation. If you had more time it would have been great to see more strategy in the battles.

Thank you so much! I totally agree with all your points and would have definitely included them if I had time. I'm glad you enjoyed the game!

"White Pants" Is a reference to SwankyZone's Mario Maker 2 videos with SwankyBox and Stowgee where they would always say "I have the white pants" when they got a fire flower.