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A member registered Jul 20, 2018 · View creator page →

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sry caps, I am just hyped after playing

quite fun & charming, tho it needs some more polish.

I am glad you liked our game. We certainly didn't have enough time to play test to make a good balance of money gain and waves of enemies within these 48 hours. However we do plan on continuing to work on this project and your feedback is very helpful for us. 

Thank you! 

Thanks for your feedback. We will try our best to make controls better in the later versions of the game after the Jam ends :)

This game is awesome. I could play it for hours. Its core mechanic is geniously designed!

(1 edit)

He had to move the couch to the floor above and almost got crushed by it. He helped us a lot as he is the creator of the idea, he was the one who thought of the "moving the objective" mechanic and the idea behind the Potato Queen character. He also helped us with some other mechanics and kept us all motivated with his enthusiasm, cheerfulness and compliments while sitting in the couch drinking a beer.    :D

Thank you so much for the criticsm. We will try our best to make a better version of the game once the Jam is finished. :) 

The Couch Potato? :D

A very cute game with simple mechanics, it is quite fun and well polished. The art style is, like in all your recent games, awesome!

It is so nice to see you and your game here since your videos motivated me few days before the Jam.

A beautiful looking game. The controls are interesting but a bit need more polish. The game was a bit too hard for me, but I am putting the blame on me having to use the touchpad.

An interesting game indeed. The attack system is quite interesting and requires a bit of thinking and planing while there is a horde of zombies running at the player which is fun. The concept is quite good and with some more polishing you can make a really good game. I really did not enjoy the "How to play" notes, I found them rather confusing, so I just found the keyboard commands and jumped straight into playing. 

Thank you, I am glad you like it. We do plan on continuing work on this project, to add more stuff and polish it a bit more. 

Fixed, thank you for telling me it was broken

It used to work, before. I'll see what I can do 

why cant I play this game without the controller? Somehow games from stopped recognising my controller, yet windows does.

I realy want to play this game, so so much.

Pretty cute and fun