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A member registered Dec 07, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thanks for playing!

(2 edits)

Nice little game, had fun playing for a few rounds. The delayed explosion (collider) radius from bomb was a bit annoying but I got used to it. Maybe bomb in general feels a bit OP as you can get in a situation (edge of the screen) where you can't escape its blast radius or run past it. Cute selection of art and audio. Good job with the submission!

Nice aesthetics and atmosphere, the soundtrack choice fits as well. Main mechanic is pretty fun and puzzles have a good learning curve. Wouldn't mind a checkpoint so I wouldn't have to replay from start but the game is pretty short so wasn't that much of an issue. Great job on the submission!

Really well made atmospheric game with beautiful aesthetics and good application of story/narrative; must have been a lot of work. Very much liked the parts between "levels" and actual memories. In general very unique entry compared to other games in this jam.

(1 edit)

Nice atmosphere and story. Also felt like shooting mechanics were quite cool and "waves" were well paced. Was pretty cool to see that there is also some verticality. A solid entry for the jam!

Great premise and application of the theme, especially like the AI introduction which works grate for this kind of game. I'm sure the issue it addresses will be pretty important in the future as well. The gameplay was pretty standard tower defense with good connection to the story.

Cool narrative game, don't think I have played anything similar during the jam. I feel like some decisions are a bit too similar to each other so it dosn't make you feel like you have impact but I liked how it's structured and the way story is told.

Glad you liked it, thanks for playing!

Glad you liked it, thanks for playing!

Yeah it's a bit chaotic until you get a hang of it. Glad you liked it and thanks for playing!

No worries, seems to be a common issue. Thanks for playing!

Seems like control scheme is a bit chaotic for most people. Might be better to do that since they need to be in order (wasn't always the case since I played around with restrictions a bit). Thank for playing!

Thanks for playing!

Hope you got to the boss fight, if not maybe give it a go some other time when you can. Thanks for playing either way!

Thanks for playing!

Thought it would make the most sense to use these binds for keyboard but it's true that you need to get used to it. Thanks for checking it out!

Very polished game with good art and nice theme implementation. Haven't seen anything with rouge-lite mechanics yet in the jam. Maybe the gameplay is a bit too slow for me and enemies pretty beefy but other than that I liked it.

(1 edit)

Cool concept combining existing board game mechanics. Got pretty hard at the end and posed a good challenge. Might be worth expanding the idea for a (hyper) casual game.

(1 edit)

Player controller feelt a bit weird to me; think it could help to separate aim and movement completely and not move relatively to the direction that you are facing since game has a more top-down feel to it. Shooting effect with physics impact on enemies and power ups are very satisfying. Also might have encountered a minor bug: it gets super hard after restart; I'm not sure if state of enemy waves is reset because it was back to normal once I refreshed my browser and started a new game. Gratz on the submission!

Wasn't completely sure what is the goal of the game. I assume not having any item fall off? Had some fun dropping the items and watching them interact tho. Congratz on the submission!

Nice interactive experience. Liked how alive does the world feel due to all the details. Script was pretty funny as well. Gratz on the submission!

Beautiful aesthetics, soundtrack and lore. Only played in browser so obviously had a bit of hard time with the tooltips but that's on me for not downloading.  I also had some minor bug when entering some of the areas (sprite flipping both ways) while some were entered immediately. Was a bit hard for me as I ran out of resources a few times but other than that it's a really complete and well rounded experience.

Very nice aesthetics, color palette and theme implementation. Surprisingly I haven't seen many historic or army related games so far.  Good job on the submission!

Nice take on the genre. Funny theme in combination with colorful and ridiculous aesthetics. Adding some visuals to the tutorial pages could help with clarity but I got the hang of it pretty quickly. Another suggestion would be to keep your dude marked when having camera on follow as it can get pretty messy at the start.

Fun twist on tetris. Very  nice aesthetics and pretty enraging when your line gets destroyed just before dropping a block :D

Great idea, very relatable have this same issue every single night now that summer is startingr. There's always one that manages to get inside and I can never find it.

Very cool minimalistic look. Main dash mechanic makes for some satisfying high-paced gameplay. Some sound would further enhance the experience. GJ on the submission!

Good job on the submission. Took a bit to get used to the controls and UI but might be on me since I haven't played a lot of FFT games. Was the first turn based battler I played during this jam as well. Impressed with the amount of stuff you managed to do in the given time.

Very atmospheric, I have a soft spot for middle ages so that definitely helped :) Liked the gameplay loop as well;  pretty in-depth while still a good fit for a "jam game" in terms of complexity. Could maybe to with "speed up" option between turns as the "loading" gets a bit tedious after a while.

Very fun spin on the genre and application of the jam's theme. Liked the art and song choice a lot.

Really rare to come across a puzzler for this jam, nice that you went for it. Interesting mechanics; took a while to finish but very satisfying when you figure it out. One of my favourite submissions so far!

Haha yeah that's more like it. Hope you managed to finish the boss as well. (there's a checkpoint pre-fight) Thanks for playing!

(1 edit)

Not sure if it's explained properly/obvious from gameplay but hot dog only needs to contain one of the 2 ingredients they like to make them go away. Main reason for using ingredient CDs was that you could fire another hot dog combo when waiting on cooldown from previous ingredients. Which in turn was suppose to add some more decision making as in which ingredients do i put on CD based on enemies that are coming.

E.g. 2 businessman are coming; i only use one of the ingredients they like so I can fire another hotdog with the other ingredient they like right after. Or 1 lawyer and 1 critic are coming. Lawyer is closer but I need to save one ingredient that is critic's weakness when firing at the lawyer. This is a decision that would not happen if you wouldn't have ingredient cooldown as you could just pick whatever for the other 2 ingredients as long as the 3rd one was a weakness for that enemy.

Would obviously have to try it out in practice to see if it makes a difference to just have cooldown on fire for more clarity and making the decision to fire the hot dog feel more impactful while keeping same level of engagement.

Thanks for the suggestion and thanks for playing until the end!

Yeah could implement some more controlled RNG to avoid that.  Atm everything is complete RNG; enemies spawned and enemy weaknesses which are rolled again only on complete restart to make it a bit easier to progress between game overs. Thanks for playing!

Thanks for playing!

(1 edit)

I agree; was working with a pretty limited palette so my best alternative would be to go for more "alien" (non-natural) colors for ingredients to make them differentiate better. Which in retrospective might have been better.

Thanks for playing!

Yeah I agree the cheat sheet was really hard to implement with little UI space. Think a step by step tutorial would help a lot or maybe even attaching icons to actual characters. Or like you said using more representative icons. Thinking was same color scheme would be enough to makle the connection but doesn't seem like it based on comments from most people. Thanks for playing!

Thanks for playing!

(1 edit)

Liked how you gave background for the story. Gameplay is pretty smooth; maybe a bit slow build up at the start. Upgrades would be a nice addition but other than that I liked it. Congratz on the submission; was also my first entry, had a lot of fun!