It's a cool idea, and opens up some interesting movement options. It kinda feels a bit "FPS but clunky" though, and could maybe have used some more dungeon crawler / rpg elements to balance this out.
I didn't manage to kill much spiders really, they seemed to have a lot of health. But it was fun to try and manoeuvre around them while shooting them.
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Nice general vibe! Creepy music and derelict spaceship aesthetics. I liked the adventure game-y descriptions about the environment you could inspect or interact with.
It was sometimes tough to know which items I could interact with and not, and there were multiple ones where I thought I'd be able to click on them or drag them but couldn't.
I really liked the graphics and general vibe of this, and the music was very chill! It was fun to just walk around in the world and shoot some sombrero skeletons.
I didn't quite the the balancing or strategy of the combat - the gun and having to conserve ammo was a very nice idea, but I ended up just using the gun and generally had enough ammo as long as I was fairly decent at hitting the critical shots. Never been much of a fan of Rock Paper Scissors in games since back with the original Alex Kidd bosses though, so when there was a gun alternative I'd just use that...
I got lost in the cantina in the Lost in the Cantina mission in the end ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I liked that it has a store and economy, and it's a solid base! Fun general graphics and sound as well.
The combat was a bit hard to get, e.g. I didn't quite get if it mattered where I attacked enemies from. If I cleared a room felt a bit random, but perhaps I didn't grasp the strategy - one enemy would hit me for 6 out of my initial 9 HP in one hit, so basically if they missed I cleared the room and otherwise I died.
The graphics and general vibe of this was great! Writing was good too. I liked the subtle effect when moving.
The main combat mechanic is very good and it's a great system with lots of potential for expansion. The fights are maybe a tad too slow in this jam entry but it is otherwise a very clever and fun system.
The graphics, audio and atmosphere was just perfect! Love the deformation and general jankiness of everything.
The eye system worked really well and it was fun to balance leisurely exploration with escaping enemies. It took some time for me to grasp the combat and the fact that it's somewhat real time. Once I did this was very fun - I don't necessarily know how it'd scale beyond a jam game but it was great for this, and I'm sure you could keep adding twists to it.
A minimap would really help with the exploration
It is super cool you managed to make a gameboy game for this jam!
The graphics are nice and functional and it's a clever solution to have faraway tiles disappear into darkness. I really liked the smileys on enemies during combat, it made it very easy to see what their health and status was.
I did wander around a bit too aimlessly and get lost - I think a map would be great as I'm just not committed enough to making my own on grid paper these days. Some nice gameboy music would also be really cool, but I know this can be tough to implement and something like LSDJ use up most of the gameboy's power when playing songs.
I really like the graphics and general vibe! Good title screen and ominous bass notes to set the tone, as well as good background noise and effects every now and then.
I kept dying before opening the first door for reasons I didn't quite get, but if I moved fast I got past that part.
Do you need to find the map to be able to use it? M didn't work for me. I got to the Motion Tracker and died a few times there - the escaping gameplay there seemed pretty interesting actually and reminded me of Alien, but after dying a few times and not having a map it got a bit tiresome to go back to there each time to try again.
I haven't been able to test it much so it probably needs some difficulty tweaking, but it does get Pretty Hard Pretty Soon which is kind of what I was going for!
Web Build available at as well! (need to click full screen to see everything)
Web Build available at as well! (need to click full screen to see everything)
I spent yesterday making a grid system where you could move and setting up a basic graphics pipeline etc., then started the jam "officially" this morning - I think/hope that's alright? Otherwise I'll just submit it on Saturday day next week I guess.
Making decent progress but err what with 3D graphics and all I don't have much mechanics implemented yet, but it's going to be pretty simple and puzzley so I think I'll be alright:

Game page here: