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A member registered Oct 08, 2017 · View creator page →

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The art is super cool, and I'll never forget to wash my hand long enough :D It's not an easy one, but absolutely cool. Also, I don't like to share photos of my family (not even myself), but I'm happy that you could involve your daughter. This time I forgot to do that, but next time (ludum dare) I definitely involve her into playtest at least :)

Hey! Thanks for your feedback :) Imagine your real life. If an infected stays in the shop, they still can infect you, right? Hence, Grannies have to go to shops then they have to move out not to infect anyone else. They definitely don't have to meet, but the opposite.

OK, found the bug. Unity generates physics data in the editor by default for sprites, but not in the build. Now it works, thanks for reporting!

Oh nice. I cannot update the binaries because the voting is being done... So I uploaded the new binaries to here:

shit. It works in the editor (unity) but not in the build :-O I try to fix it somehow.

Hi. First you have to click on a granny, then you can click on the road. All grannies have a limited amount of route points. They have to visit all the shops on the map. They have to avoid each other.

Sorry, controls could be more polished :)

Nah. Just something like "You have to buy the most important grocery before everyone else does. First one is the toilet paper. But be aware, you might die due to this barely possible task."

Is there any restriction making funny games about toilet papers due the covid situation here? I mean people die yes, and I don't want to make a joke out of it, but represent the absurdism of some activities the people do nowadays :)

If you run it in the browser, please put it into fullscreen. But I would suggest to download the platform dependent version instead.

It works on Linux now. You used the same idea as I :D

I tried it, but nothing somewhy. New OSX. Can you build one for linux?

You have to schedule a movement path clicking on the left,right,up,down buttons at the bottom of the screen. Then you have to execute it with the green button on the top. If your "program" good, you might reach the teleport.

Somewhy if I download it for OSX, it says the app cannot be opened. Any idea?

You have to schedule a movement path clicking on the left,right,up,down buttons at the bottom of the screen. Then you have to execute it with the green button on the top. If your "program" good, you might reach the teleport.

I had no time to finish it properly, so only one level is completed. 

Your goal is to reach the teleport with your robot.

Schedule your move commands and execute when you think it's ready. If you hit the moving blocks, walls or just won't reach the teleport, you lose.

I'm sorry for the late response, my personal life got me distracted :(

As it was not defined at the start time of the jam, it's up to you, which one is there, just pick one :)

You better download this game to your platform instead of playing in browser!

Hi Everyone!

The jam was only published 2-3 days before the start time as I didn't know that it has to be approved, so possibly that's the reason why we are only 5 devs.

Anyways, I'm gonna announce the restriction now, which is the The Player must die! I hope I can finish my game and will see how it works :) In anyways, next month we try it again! 

Good luck!

I did it after like 50 times playing it! :D good luck!

Hope you guys are able to finish it, I rebuilt the map several times, but it's still so hard :D Good luck have fun!

Hey here too. I would expand the challenge with one week voting to have a board at the end. 

I would consider these categories for example: smallest game; most creative game.

Cool! OFF: Why youd didnt pick a theme?

(1 edit)

Instead of measuring exact size of .mono, I would just subtract .mono's size in bytes from the whole size at the end. If it's less then 2MB, we're good to go. I would do this way, because .mono's content may vary depending on the version of Godot.

So when I'll submit my project, I'll provide a size information with and without .mono. One may validate it.

all is under .mono, yes, well separated :)

Question: my initial size is over 4.3MB, because the .mono directory takes 4.2MB. I'd like to use C#, does this mean I'm out? :)

It was intentional. Point and click is too boring, and this movement is challenging as when you don't move, infecteds wont see you. Now, try to not moving right next to the monster :D

Thanks! :) I think I'm good at lighting and selecting proper sound, I'm trying to improve the rest too :D

thanks, you're right :) I had not that mutch time left at the end :/ I'll be fix it after the judge, as its not legal to update after the game jam's end and before the result. Thank you!

oh, I saw no theme in the FAQ, but thanks for the info

This so interesting! Typical case of “lets postpone the problem how Sara will fire better”, and then “hm... as I get used to it, not that bad at all!” :D

Thx for your feedback, I hope you enjoyed it :)

I already voted on all entries. How can I PM you to nominate my fav?

Hi Everyone!

This is my second gamejam and I'll send my second ever game :D Anyways, this game is about a city, Ely in Nevada, where everyone is infected and became zombie, except  you. You have to get out from the city with your car until sunset, when the city will be destroyed by the army. Also, as its night, the city is completly dark, except your car's headlight. But be aware using headlights as zombies will attack you when they see light.

Good luck everyone!

Thank you! I agree with the "so wrong it's right", Sara is a little bit... you know, not that clever, so she fires like... a not clever girl :D

I hope all of you who played the game enjoyed it too! And want to thank you for the feedbacks guys! :) Good luck with your game, I'm so excited :)

Thanks for your feedback, I’m so happy :)

Great game!

Some comments:

  • little bit laggy outside (desktop PC, I7, 8GB memory, GTX1050)
  • indoor rotation is a neat idea

BTW, did you used some asset for the controlling?

thx! I will give it an another try today!

I really like the theme as I liked Terraria as well. This game has so much opportunity in it, but currently a little bit buggy and not well polished. If you have not get bored developing it, I would recommend to continue, because basically its a good game

I know a controller is recommended, but I don't have one. And with keyboard it seems, I cannot advance. Hence I sad because I really wanted to try it out, because the artwork is just 10/10

To try this, I have to register to an unknow (for me)  page. Sorry, no :(