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Somewhy if I download it for OSX, it says the app cannot be opened. Any idea?

Could it be your security settings? If you go to system preferences -> security -> (something about app being blocked and an "open anyway" button)?

I tried it, but nothing somewhy. New OSX. Can you build one for linux?

That's really weird! 

I can, one moment. :) 

I'm not allowed to upload any more files and it wont allow me to drop a dropbox link here either. x) 

Trying WeTransfer:

 ^^ I have no idea at all why the Mac OS can't be opened. After a bit of goooogling it seems like it might be some file-permission issue ( and seem to require some extra work to open. Very weird, I will look into this more asap. 

It works on Linux now. You used the same idea as I :D

FTW! :D :D :D