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A member registered Jun 28, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thanks for playing the game! I'm glad you enjoyed it

Really great work! Not only is the artwork amazing, but the gameplay is really fun too. The cheat sheet mechanic is a very creative way of incorporating the shadow theme. I had a lot of fun playing! Excited to see what you make next!

Cute little game! I like the concept of trying to stay in the shadows to keep your score from degrading. The player model is also super cute!

My game also initially had issues with freezing when the player would play the game on web. What fixed it for me was preloading all my particle effects when the game started. I assume that the walking particles for the character is what causes the initial freezing, so maybe preloading those when the game starts would help.

Overall really good job! I'd love to see what you make next!

Really cool game! I thought the puzzles were quite well done and the game does well to teach you mechanics without outright telling you. I also thought the color mixing mechanic to be quite creative.

I did figure out that by jumping on top of a light while holding it allows you to infinitely gain height. You can also use the lights as platforms to bypass some puzzles. Maybe making it so the player can't collide with the light could help fix some of these issues? 

Other than that, I had a lot of fun playing! Would definetly like to see you guys expand upon this game once the jam is done. Great work overall!

Really great work! The gameplay loop is very addicting and I had a lot of fun playing. The art is also super cute and well done. I'd love to see you continue working on this game once the jam is over!

Great work! The art style and lighting is very well done. I also enjoyed how the spells and level design allowed for multiple ways to complete the same level. I'd love to see you expand upon this game once the jam is over!

Really great game! The idea is very creative and I had a lot of fun playing. I also loved the character art and dialogue. The platforming was difficult but definetly doable after a couple attempts. Great work overall! I'm excited to see what you make next

Pretty creative game! I'd love to see you add more levels. Having some way to preview rotations would be quite nice. But I had fun nonetheless! Keep up the great work!

Really great game! I really like the mixing potions mechanic; it definetly makes this game stand out from the typical shoot-em up. The particle and sound effects are also very well done. I had a lot of fun playing! Keep up the great work!

Thank you so much!

Thank you for the kind words! I'm glad you had fun!

Neat game! I found the potion mixing and gameplay loop to be quite fun! The art is also very cute. 

I did run into a bug where I could walk away from the shop while the menu was open and then not be able to close the shop menu until I got close to the shop again. Maybe lock the player's movement while in the shop? 

Other than that, I had a lot of fun playing the game! Keep up the great work!

Thank you for playing! I'm glad you liked it!

Good work! I like the concept of mixing colors for different effects! Very creative take on the theme. The art is also very cute and well done! It would be nice to have a clearer indication of which color you're standing in, but I enjoyed the game nonetheless! Overall great job!

Really great work! I love your interpretation of the theme and the excecution was stellar! The art is also very well done (I especially like the trees). Great job all around!

Really great work! I had a lot of fun playing this and found myself getting addicted very quick. I'm excited to see what you guys make next!

Great work! I really liked the counter mechanic you had, it felt very responsive and was quite fun to try and master. I also quite like the art! Keep up the great work!

Cute game! I like the art quite a lot and the lighting was well done. I also found the light attack to be quite cute and creative. I'd love to see you return to this project and expand upon it once the jam is over

Cute game! The art is really well done, especially the background art. I also found the mechanic of capturing and releasing elements to be quite fun. Good work!

Simple but very neat game! I quite liked the puzzles you have implemented so far. I'd love to see you continue developing this game once the jam is over!

Thanks for the feedback! I definetly plan on making the attack button be able to be held down once the jam is over. I'm glad you liked it regardless!

Really good game! I like the creative take on the theme and found it very fun to play. As others have mentioned before, there were times I would try to pick up an item but it would immedietly get dropped. But other than that, it was really good! 

Thanks for the kind words! I'm glad you had fun playing!

Really great work! The concept for the game is really unique and it was excecuted very well. The art is also spectacular! I'd love to see you expand upon the game after the jam is over!

Great job! I really liked the art and music of the game. I also found the coffee drinking mechanic to be really unique too. Overall great job!

Great work! I really like the atmosphere you have here. The concept is very well excecuted too! I had a lot of fun playing. I'm excited to see what you make next!

Neat game! I like story you managed to weave in and I thought the light effect looked great! I'd love to see you expand this game after the jam. Keep up the great work!

Thanks for the feedback! I appreciate you taking the time to play the game

I'm glad you liked it!

Thank you for the kind words! I really appreciate it

Thank you so much! I'm really glad you liked it

Thank you!

Thanks for playing! I'm glad you liked it

Really good work! The gameplay loop is very addictive and I had a lot of fun playing it. The theme implementation is very well done and the game felt very polished. Overall great work!

I'm really glad you liked it!!! Thanks for playing!

Thank you so much!!!

Thank you! I'm planning on adding a couple more boss attacks once the jam is over to get rid of safe spots. Thanks for the feedback!

Thank you for the feedback! I like your idea of having the player sprite flash when the cooldown is done, I'll likely implement it once the game jam is done. I'm glad you enjoyed the game!!!

Thank you!

Really good work! Very creative take on the theme. The art and gameplay is all very good and the game is very polished. Keep up the great work!