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A member registered Nov 12, 2016 · View creator page →

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Hey Logan! I have linked your game on my page next to Plush Protector. I didn't even realize this was your very first game, well done! :D

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The Present is a lovely solo game about supporting your younger self. The compassionate tone in which the text is written helps convey a sense of acceptance and security, which are pivotal when creating a game around such theme. The younger self will express themselves through drawing their answers to prompts while their current self will write about it. This is absolutely brilliant because it not only allows for an interesting dynamic of back-and-forth communication between the two, but also alludes to the fact that kids often express in drawings or through play the things that they don't always know how to put into words. The fact the drawings are meant to be simple and made with the player's non-dominant hand, alludes to a time in our lives when things were simpler but also when we were still learning how to do things that now come so naturally to us. The drawings will be simple and probably wobbly, and that's okay. That in itself offers a valuable underlying lesson in self-acceptance: we were not always perfect then and we are not always perfect now... and that's more than okay. The fact that the player is answering to the drawings with their present-self knowledge allows them to provide their younger self insight and reassurance. The Present is a heart-warming game that absolutely nailed its execution.

This little zine makes my inner child so happy :)

Thank you for your kind words. :)

I saw this game mentioned in Jessica's book (How to ADHD) and was pleasantly surprised to find out it was a solo journaling game! :D

I got the 1st version in a bundle a long time ago and never even noticed (#ADHDbrain). Now I can share it with the Hearts in my life. :)

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It may not be everyone's cup of tea (no game is) but that doesn't make it any less valid. If you look up "journaling games" on any search engine you will find out that creative writing exercises can go beyond that and also be games. Just like improvisational theater can go beyond that and also be a game. People (both designers and players) are constantly evolving and creating new things, expanding the concept of what a TTRPG is.

That makes sense.

Thank you for clarifying.

If I have a game (TTRPG) about mental health that was published only on itch before the jam began, am I also able to submit it? Or are you only taking entries for games started/finished during the jam? I'm asking because the "Games that were already in development prior to the game jam are welcome, so long as the game hasn’t already been released elsewhere" sentence got me a bit confused.

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Funny you mention that, because I already have that on the list of things I want to add to the next update :)
(Which I've been delaying more and more for several months, but it will eventually see the light of day when I have the time to get to it.)

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I don't know what I expected from this jam entry but it wasn't this. /pos

As a queer person who struggles with mental illness (anxiety, depression and C-PTSD) that resulted not only from childhood trauma but also the fact I was undiagnosed ADHD and autistic for over 3 decades of my life, this game hit a nerve.

I wrote Hang In There, Little One as a way to try to help my wounded inner child begin to heal and it was hard enough fitting all I wanted to say onto one piece of paper. I cannot fathom how much more challenging it must have been to express such a thing in merely 12 words, making each of them count. On top of that, all the graphic elements help make the message pop and gain extra weight. You can almost feel the emotion like it's something palpable that is right there, so near yet so far, almost within your grasp but just barely out of reach. It's truly remarkable how much depth you can get across in only 12 words!

I can't put into words what coming across this game today meant to me. Thank you for sharing. The world needs more games like this. /gen

For those who might be interested:

You can find the official instructions on how to host your own jam here. ;)

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Thank you SO MUCH for doing this!

As someone who is currently struggling to get diagnosed because "I don't look autistic", the 'both formally diagnosed & self diagnosed autistics are welcome to join' part almost made me tear up. It breaks my heart to hear people say that self-diagnosis is less valid without even being aware of just how hard it is to be officially diagnosed with certain conditions, especially if you're an adult female.

Due to both the theme of this bundle and what this game in particular means to me, I'd like to submit Hang in There, Little One. I said before I never wanted to have this game associated with any bundles, but I feel like a special bundle also deserves a special game.

Hang in There, Little One
A solo journaling TTRPG about helping your inner child heal from trauma. The cover, in purple and black tones, pictures a little girl, sitting on the floor, her face hidden as she hugs her knees.

Unfortunately, the other games I'd like to submit were never finished because, due to a deterioration of my mental health,  I had a full-blown burnout last year and, even though I currently have 15 WIP projects, I haven't had the energy to touch any of them ever since. But I'm still glad I was able to finish this one, as it's my pride and joy. It's a game about dealing with trauma, which is something very near and dear to my heart and it's also the only game that my impostor syndrome doesn't make me hate.

Since we can donate up to 3 games, I'd like to submit these ones as well:

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We had a total of 46 participants in this year's edition of RPGenesis. However, we only have 6 submissions. As such, I would like to get some feedback from the people who joined the jam but ended up not submitting an entry.

What made you not submit your entry? Could you not get started for some reason? Did you start your game but were unable to finish it? If so, why? Did life just get in the way? Did you lack the inspiration/ideas on what to write? Or was it something else? What do you think held you back?

Your feedback is welcome and it might be used to improve future editions of this jam.

Thank you.

No problem, you're very welcome!

I'm just waiting for Diogo to finish posting all of his "So You Wanna Create TTRPG?" threads so that I can add them all to the next update :)

An amazing hack of the Second Guess System that was so heartwarming and inspiring that it actually encouraged me to create my own game: Hang In There, Little One. If you're into solo journaling games, I highly recommend you give The Plush Protector a try!

My entry for the One-Page RPG Jam 2022 is finally out!

Hang In There, Little One is an emotional solo journaling TTRPG about finally being able to reach out to your wounded inner child and helping them heal.

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I can generate a download key for any participants that need them, they just need to ask here.

Edit: I've updated the game's comments with that info.

I only add extra copies when I have any sales. but the PDF are both pinned on the server until the end of the jam. :)

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My entry for the July Sixth Park Dinojam is finally out!

Dinosaur Cookies is a crunchy micro TTRPG (in pamphlet format) about an orphanage kid who wants to get their hands on some dinosaur cookies. This game is designed for a minimum of two players (the kid and the narrator) and it uses a pool of six-sided dice (d6) to randomize some elements and the outcomes of the story.

In Dinosaur Cookies, you create a kid and their backstory, roll to find out why they want some dinosaur cookies and how they'll try to get them and play to find out whether or not they succeed.

I have a list of TTRPG Resources here. :)

Sorry, the guide was moved here. I will fix the link on the post as well, thanks for the head's up!

One-pagers are fun! I have 0 ideas of anything regarding exploration but I'd like to see if I can contribute with something, even if it's not with the optional theme.

Yeah, I think that's something one-pagers are really good for. Also to quickly improvise a one-shot on the spot when one or more of your players end up not being able to show up for the session. If you have any feedback after you run it, do let me know!

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Hi. First of all, thank you for the kind words and for the interest in HAT!
That made me pull out the push manual, hahaha. After re-reading pages 27-32 of the SRD, I double-checked with Cezar (the author of Push) just to make sure and he confirmed that it's merely narrative. It's basically a fictional positioning to frame what your character might prefer/be able to do.

I've made the main text color a bit darker. Hopefully, that will make it a bit easier to read. Thank you for the feedback.

This corner is where you can talk a bit about your game. Which system does it use? What's the theme and what was the inspiration behind it? Which research sources (music, books, movies, games, etc.) did you use - or plan to use - as preparation? Do you have any goals that you want to achieve during this jam?

If you have questions or are looking for feedback regarding your game, please create a new Topic instead.


Este cantinho é para poderem falar um pouco dos vossos jogos. Que sistema usa? Qual é o tema e qual foi a inspiração por trás? Que fontes de pesquisa (música, livros, filmes, jogos, etc.) é que usaram - ou pensam vir a usar - como preparação? Têm algum objectivo que queiram alcançar durante a jam?

Se tiverem questões ou quiserem feedback sobre o vosso jogo, por favor criem antes um novo Tópico.

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If you're interested in proofreading or playtesting my game (as in, you as the GM), let me know your Discord user and I'll send a copy your way when it's ready. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Se estás interessad@ em rever ou fazer playtest do meu jogo (aka, seres tu @ GM), diz-me o teu Discord user e eu envio-te uma cópia quando estiver pronto.

If you're looking for someone to proofread, translate, create art for, or playtest your game, feel free to post your ad here.

If you have questions or are looking for feedback regarding your game, please create a new Topic instead. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Se estiverem à procura de alguém para rever, traduzir, criar arte, ou fazer playtest do vosso jogo, podem anunciar aqui.

Se tiverem questões ou quiserem feedback sobre o vosso jogo, por favor criem antes um novo Tópico.

Welcome to another RPGenesis jam!

In summary, the goal of this jam is to make 1 RPG of at least 5000 words during the course of 1 week and that you can make an original game or hack an existing system. Your game can be submitted in any format you want (text document, image file, PDF etc).

If you have any questions regarding the jam, feel free to ask them here. If you have questions or are looking for feedback regarding your game, please create a new Topic instead.


Bem vind@s a mais um RPGenésis jam!

Resumindo, o objectivo da jam é criar 1 RPG de pelo menos 5000 palavras ao longo de 1 semana e podem criar um jogo original ou um hack de um sistema existente. O vosso jogo pode ser submetido em qualquer formato que queiram (documento de texto, ficheiro de image, PDF, etc).

Caso tenham questões sobre a jam, estejam à vontade para perguntar aqui. Se tiverem questões ou quiserem feedback sobre o vosso jogo, por favor criem antes um novo Tópico.

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You're still not quite sure what RPGenesis is? Would you like to have some tips? Do you need ideas? You can check out Minakie's Unnoficial RPGenesis Guide, which compiles lots of information that is already part of the history of the event.

If you mention this jam on social media, don't forget to use the hashtag #RPGenesis.

You can also join the RPG Portugal's Discord Server, where you'll have access to the text channel #rpgenesis.

This challenge is being organized by:


Ainda não estás a ver bem o que é o #RPGenesis? Gostavas de ter algumas dicas? Precisas de ideias? Tens no YouTube a nossa playlist do evento e aqui no o Unnoficial RPGenesis Guide da Minakie, que compila muita informação que já faz parte da história do evento.

E se quiseres facilitar ao máximo o teu trabalho, o workshop de preparação para o #RPGenesis são sete semanas que começam a partir do dia 27 de junho e nas quais podes entrar em qualquer altura seguindo os tópicos levantados em cada semana.

Se mencionarem a jam nas redes sociais, não se esqueçam de usar a hastag #RPGenesis.

Se quiserem juntar-se ao servidor de Discord to RPG Portugal, também podem participar no canal de texto #rpgenesis.

Este desafio está a ser organizado por:

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Yes, I did mean start off with a non-zero number. I'm I'm trying to raise money for something but I already raised part of the amount I need in previous sales or even from other platforms, starting with a non-zero amount would allow me to display not just the value of the goal but also how much progress had already been done toward that goal overall. Say instead of starting with $0/$1.000 you could start with $100/$1.000 for more transparency.

If you buy a bundle of games on GOG or Steam and you already own some of the games in the bundle, the cost of the games you own is automatically deducted from the total cost of the bundle.

Having the same system on Itch would be of great use to me since I tend to make bundles with all my games and this would allow people to keep buying my bundles (thus benefiting from the sale price) without having to re-pay for the games they already own from previous purchases.

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I was telling some friends that I plan to participate in the Summer Sales and someone said "It'd be nice to be able to input an amount up front". I was confused as to what he meant since you already can input your goal amount, so he clarified.

What he meant to say was allowing us to input an amount for a goal that has already been partially achieved. For instance, if you have a goal of $500 but you already got $100 (from a previous sale for example), you'd be able to set your Earning Goal to 100$/500$ to let people know how much progress you've already made.

The reason behind this, according to him, is that people are more willing to donate if the donation amount is no longer at 0 so, starting already with a small partial amount could potentially make people more likely to buy your bundle and help you profit from your sale.

I could be wrong but this feels like something that would be relatively simple to implement?

Uma iniciativa excelente e executada de forma brilhante. Esperemos que ajude a levar inspiração à nossa comunidade. Fico à espera das próximas edições!

This game comes in two different formats but, since both of them are one-pagers, I'm afraid there's not really a way I can make a "Demo" version of a game that only has 2 pages.

You can lookup Lasers & Feelings as well as some of its hacks (there's a website that has a huge collection of them, almost all being free) to have an idea of what these games look like. The PUSH game page actually does have a free version you can download - it has the 2-page Canva template I used to make my game, so that'll give you an idea of what it will look like as well.

I'm afraid not. This game comes in two different formats but, since both of them are one-pagers, there's not really a way I can make a "Demo" version of a game that only has 2 pages.

You can lookup Lasers & Feelings as well as some of its hacks (there's a website that has a huge collection of them, almost all being free) to have an idea of what these games look like. The PUSH game page actually does have a free version you can download - it has the 2-page Canva template I used to make my game, so that'll give you an idea of what it will look like as well.

I'm afraid not. This game comes in two different formats but, since both of them are one-pagers, there's not really a way I can make a "Demo" version of a game that only has 2 pages.

You can lookup Lasers & Feelings as well as some of its hacks (there's a website that has a huge collection of them, almost all being free) to have an idea of what these games look like. The PUSH game page actually does have a free version you can download - it has the 2-page Canva template I used to make my game, so that'll give you an idea of what it will look like as well.

Find the Light is simple yet ingeniously clever business card sized PbtA game that can either be played solo or gifted to a friend to cheer them up when you're feeling down. If you're feeling down, grab some 6-sided dice and embark on this mindfulness journey to find your light!

Is this only aimed at videogames or are other formats (eg: TTRPG) eligible as well?