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Milla Keski-Säntti

A member registered Jun 02, 2021 · View creator page →

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This was such an experience and chaos, love the premise, it was surprisingly hard!! :D

Good to hear. Have fun playing!

Hi! There should be an OS version now.

Thank you for letting me know! I'm on it either today or tomorrow :) Are you on mac or PC?

Very creative/cool mechanic to have the character interpretation as a puzzle, and I can't wait to see how the game changes as Tom's life goes on.

Although, in puzzles, it would help if the turning of the blocks wouldn't be so slow, as it feels irritating more than atmospheric to have turning the block take so much time. Also, sometimes when i had solved a puzzle I had to go to the menu and back for the game to register it (although I first thought it was a clever effect, when it appeared in the "give up" puzzle :D)

All in all the idea is very cool for narrative game and I see a lot of potential!

I liked the feeling of helplessness I got from playing this game and not having real choices - but man I'm curious about the characters I didn't get to talk to!

Thank you very much for feedback! <3 Sounds like you encountered a bug, thank you for letting me know, skip function and fixing the bug will be on the to do list when i get back to developing this! And haha, the horror character with a death wish trope BEST trope :D

Thank you so much! <3 Without further spoilers, glad you found the ending with the Lottie and the protag ;) And yes, Luisa and Mari did great job with the art of the game!

This game was great to play while procrastinating the actual adult responsibilities :D i enjoyed the cuss button immensely

The player's jump animation!!! Is SO satisfying

The jump is so satisfying!! I don't know if it's the animation, the sound or if you have some magic inside the code. But it's so good! Although, the attack, jump and dash button being so close together, I got them confused especially at the beginning. Would have to play for longer to know if the problem fixes itself. But yeah, otherwise than button confusion the core mechanic is very neat

Love this little puzzle game! The core concept is simple but works so well to create interesting scenarios. I found myself struggling in the later levels... Speaking of levels, it would be cool to know in what level you are at. I'm currently at "conveyor belt" and not sure how close to the finish line i am.

this was an experience i would have again 

classic concept, but a fun one, i think you did the learning curve well with the first notes being slow and the challenge slowly rising

Super fun idea!! :D playing this game was also satisfying, i maybe would have added keyboard options with the mouse ones for lap top users, otherwise super fun idea and chill music

Very well put together, can't believe this would have been done within the week! It feels very good to play, and i like that rhythm aspect adds a boost. Can't believe there's so many levels as well???? This is super solid and impressive

Thank you very much for feedback! It's valuable to hear that the horizontal notes do not work intuitively for everyone, and the gameplay's learning curve could use some work. Mick can probably provide information on how the scoring works, but otherwise thank you very much for valuable feedback!

Aww, that's too bad :(

Balancing the game is deffo a challenge! Maybe adding a easy and hard mode might have helped? People I played it definitely struggled with it, but i can understand how it can be difficult when you already have gaming experience. Thank you for your feedback!

Cakewalk! Big recommend, it's free and you can do a lot with it :)

This felt like a finished game???? I had a lot of fun, the core mechanic was easy to grasp but hard to master :)

This was super cute

SICK SOUNDTRACK!!! I like the beat system and I also like that i only have one button for moving, so i can focus on the beat instead of what i'm supposed to press. Some visual aid on what is the point of the beat i'm supposed to move in might have been helpful, however i still got into the game and once you get to rhythm it's engaging as heck. Loved the artstyle too!!

the music girl here to provide you with some lore from the development: the flute is actually the "recorder" preset because that sounded better than the flute. So pretty sharp observation. Thank you for well-thought feedback!

third reply to this cause i did the story and now i'm very flattered, thank u ^_^

Starting with only two buttons and advancing actually sounds like a very good idea for better learning curve as well. Thank you for your feedback!

Super engaging!! Found myself focusing very hard. Simple but it just works :D

This was so much fun to play???? Also the aesthetics were super sweet and consistent. I feel like this is the kind of game you could play for ages.

I think this is the most unique one i've seen, i love the visuals and the mechanics were original, i loved the concept. I never knew when the game was going to respond to my input, which took a bit from the experience. Otherwise this has to be one of my favourites i've played here. It looks so finished too!!

The art style was so pleasant and i loved the idea, the game was fun but i had to skip the tutorial bc i never got past the red bird, the other ones after the tutorial were fine tho? however i loved the idea and the game was super calming somehow

Easy to get into, satisfying to play. Loved the visual effects when you hit the note. Hitting the short notes with space was the most fun for me and i don't know why

This reminded me of the games like love live and also the glee game back in the day, all the different keys made it a bit difficult to grasp what i should be pressing but otherwise it felt satisfying and the graphics fit the game super well!!

The narration got me off-guard and I loved it. This was super fun but oh my god is it challenging on later levels!!!

Loved the soundtrack and the artstyle in this game <3 the idea was also very interesting, and i liked the time-based parry!!

The visual effects were SUPER SATISFYING in this game!! 

This was super fun gameplay-wise!! Maybe having some sort of sound to indicate i did something right when burning the slimes would have helped the game feel, but otherwise this was addicting and fun :D

Thank you so much for the feedback!! :) 

This was really well-rounded game!! The core gameplay was interesting and provided good challenge. Loved it!

The idea was super cool, the visuals are super cute and the game is pleasant - only i didn't understand a first what i'm supposed to press to plant something, or what planting something does (didn't read the description before playing) so was generally a bit confused, so maybe a bit more direction (just saying "press e to plant" or "planting crops will change the music") would go a long way? :)

the game was super addicting!!!! i kept trying how far i could get, the core gameplay mechanic was v enjoyable n dynamic