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A member registered Aug 05, 2020 · View creator page →

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Very nice game! I got to the demon lord as a mage, but died to it.
I enjoyed the story-telling and the little flavor texts attached to every item.

As a mage I felt a little left-out about what different enemies do, since I was one-shotting everything, except for that one time I met a dreadful zombie and it didn't die from one huge fireball - that one gave me a spook for life with perma-stunning me for 3 turns.

Also for quite some time I could not understand where from do those new wands appear in my inventory - the message about the spoils you get from cultists didn't highlight it, so I kinda missed it.

Very well polished game, good job. I like the overall atmosphere, especially the nerve-wrecking sound you hear when you press play :)

A few very minor critique points:

1) the creature in the jumpscare has drastically different style from the rest of the game - everything else is low-res pixelated, the creature is not.
2) minor bug - if while lying in bed you stare upwards the blur shader from the door actually affects the text

"You project the nightmare of being caught in a deadly earthquake in Rose's head. Rose wasn't scared at all. They thrive for danger and found it exciting. What really scared them is Dying. You haven't earned any Fear Points."

Welp, I did not get far in this game, it seems like the enemies deal too much *unavoidable* damage.
On the plus side, the movement felt quite smooth and enjoyable.

I got 550 on hard.

Very decent game from the technical point of view. You got the animations, the SFX, and the platforming, all working well.

A few tiny bits of critique:
1) the massive music player in the center of the screen feels completely unnecessary
2) The health bar is misleading - despite having 3 health you can take only 2 shots. It would be cool if at 1 hp you could shoot, fall down due to lack of health, and then revive if you hit the enemy :)

Last but not the least, did you make all that background music? I could not find any credits nor a license statement, so I was wondering if you made it all yourself?

Hi, I played you game - got to wave 5-1 and then got bored, I assume nothing special happens there, just the game gets harder and harder.
For some reason I was constantly expecting a jumpscare, but it never happened :)

I think the game would benefit from a lot from some story throughout the game, those dreams that player creates then affect the life of the main character, be it getting a good grade on an exam the next day, an interesting story she'd talk about with her parents, or even a spark of inspiration that suddenly would make her become an artist.

Welp, I played it, however I did not get past the second enemy wave :)
Also, first two times the game did not give me the gun to fight the mobs, not sure how and why that happened.

Woah this sent me into a rabbit hole of trying to figure out the licensing for the music you used...

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Sheesh, that was dark. Good game, well done, you managed a lot in 7 days.

One small bit of critique:

The dialogue is always centered in the dialog window, so when it appears letter by letter it is constantly shifting to the left, making reading it while the text is appearing borderline impossible. It would be better to either have the text be left-aligned, or have the hidden part of the text be replaced with spaced so it is not rendered in the screen, yet takes up the space so the text doesn't move (the latter option works only with a monospace font).

Also in the end-scene after the final bit of dialog you can interact with the bed again, despite both being invisible.

I got highscore of 190, it's pretty fun :)

I did so while proudly pausing the game (using P) every time to access the situation and decide what potion I could make with the ingredients on the screen.

With slightly better player feedback regarding the potion made + more content this has great potential 👍

Not gonna lie I was left confused.
From what I understand I'm the spaceship on the right.
There is some spaceship on the left constantly firing at me, but I can only fire once in a blue moon, because firing again overwrites my shot and makes my previous shot disappear. This also I understood after spending a bunch of time confused why my shots just instantly disappear (because I was mashing fire button).
How exactly am I supposed to earn gold in this game?
At some point I understood that the weird thing flying at the bottom of the screen from time to time is the Mars base, but that was very unclear at the start.
Also, due to the lack of keypad, movement was confusing.

Welp, I tried playing it, but it tells me "Our servers are currently in maintenance. Please, try again later." - not sure if that's intended or not.

Finished it in 833.75 :)
I liked it overall, got just 4 small bits of critique:
1) I'm a bit confused by the level with double jump, followed by allowing the player to double jump later on - that felt inconsistent. From what I gathered killing a skeleton gives you a double jump?
2) I found a funny bug - when dying on fire sometimes the death animation plays multiple times.
3) the death zone at the end of the level past the door felt very punishing for no reason.
4) the text disappeared too quickly for me, maybe making it disappear after the player has moved would be better.

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A nice well polished minigame! So well polished that I legit got no critique.
The gameplay loop itself is obviously not engaging enough to play it for longer than 5 minutes, but as a part of a bigger project - like a minigame in some point&click adventure game - this would look amazing.

"Righteous BFG" lmao. What a great game, by far the best submission on this jam.
Here is a bit of critique:
1) by far the worst part about the game was the enemies shooting off-screen.
2) the BFG really lacked the impact - I'd love to see some bullets or something
3) at the start of the game when you click "I'll give it a shot" during the fade-out the button is still clickable, so one can click it again and again, causing the game to repeat the fade-out again and again. Not a bug, but a feature, I guess :)
You can take a look at  "Enter the Gungeon"  for inspiration and to look at how they do things.

Are you alive and well? "I need to die" part int the description slightly concerns me.

Good job, especially nice having a soundtrack (makes any game twice as good)!
Here are a few things that could be improved about the game:
1) better graphics - spending some time on tiles for the maze walls would make it so much nicer.
You can also add some animations - even something as simple as slight wobble as you move from tile to tile would make it look better.
2) refine maze generation - right now the mazes are either super short, reasonably sized, or insanely large. You can probably get the solution length when you generate a maze, so you can choose mazes of proper size.
3) I feel like the maze solving in its own is a bit boring, but it is hard to make it more fun. You can look at "Witness" for some inspiration.
4) perhaps one other thing that would make it much harder / more fun is to change how the maze is traversed - instead of WASD movement make it WAD and make A/D turn the maze around you. That would make it more confusing to traverse the maze, I think, but idk if it will be more fun or not.

Nice game! Here is some critique for improvement:
1) the crafting costs should be next to the items in the craft menu
2) the game lacks sounds badly - both sfx and soundtrack
3) your game does not handle fullscreen well - in godot in project settings you have to set "Stretch Mode" to "Viewport" and  set "Stretch Aspect" to "Keep"
4) improve your english:
recked -> wrecked
befor -> before
craftible iteams -> craftable items
deystroyed -> destroyed

Good job! Two things to improve:
1) add soundtrack (even a simple one) - this makes games so much better
2) improve ending screen - you  already have the death animations and everything, just do a simple fade to black screen and display a score there.

Yeap, lack of time is a common problem :)
I agree it is unfair to compare a proper released game and a game from a gamejam, but it is a good thing to do nonetheless. You can quickly see a lot of things one can improve, like the environment, UI stuff and whatnot.

Welp I survived for 10 days with a final score of 64K.
Final thoughts - this game is so damn intense and punishing.
Nonetheless, very well done sir.

Well. Well done, the game looks quite polished and is enjoyable. However half way through the game the music got annoying :( Another thing that probably needs fixing is the way crab sprites work - if you get close enough to them they turn around and start swimming to you. When turning around, however, they can dis-positioned quite a bit, almost an entire sprite off. Often enough I found myself missing my shot because of that turn glitch.

What a nice game. The cart physics are indeed a bit wonky, but aside from that everything looks perfect!

I mean, they don't really do damage to me since they are so far away, but they keep being loud with their attacks. It's just annoying honestly.

Man I wish I could suck that blue guy at the end and go to the festival as him :D

I like this.
I like the general gameplay, I like how you made the walls, I like all those different enemies to play with. I'd like some music, but oh well.
One thing I didn't really like were those black spots on the ground, which are supposed to be holes, I guess? If those are holes, why can't my ghost fly above them, but the bats can?

Very nice game, though it feels a bit unfair that a hit in the head 1-shots you.
Also lacks some death-metal for the music :D

Nice game!
One thing I'd suggest is to change tileset cell size from 16x16 to 14x14 so that it fits better together.
Also separate the colors for the earth and water, right now both are just black.

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Nice game. However, I wish it had the info about the controls - I didn't know you can throw things until I looked at the gifs you made.
Also would be nice to fix the aggro range on some mobs - the giant and the squid-ghost thing continue trying to attack me even half a map away.

Felt a bit underwhelming honestly. The highlights for attack and for move appear to be wrong somehow - you clearly can move 2 squares to a side with a knight and still get an attack off.
Everything felt the same in terms of damage bth, so all the pieces felt pretty much the same.
Another thing - one can move pieces through the enemy pieces, which feels wrong.

You may want to take a look at the game called "Wargroove", it's kind of the same thing as what you got, but much better in terms of overall polish.

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Very interesting and fun game, but:
1) you clearly used things outside the given art-pack
2) the controls are damn unresponsive - many times I pressed the right buttons and yet the character do not follow :(
Also, nice track for the win, I thoroughly enjoyed it :)

An interesting game for sure, with a lot of visual effects that I got no idea how to do.
However the actual graphics felt weaker than the rest of the game.
1) for the castle either change the cell size from 16x16 to 14x14 or expand the cells to make them properly fit together
2) you got those really cool composite space wizards - do something similar for the main character and planets; you can then also make a really cool death animation for the player exploding into multiple parts :)
3) the castle walls are too bright and unpleasing to look at
4) the meteors... they don't look good
Also, a minor thing - if then dying your body collides with other things that would kill you, the death sound is played again, which probably shouldn't happen.

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"You can also hold down W to celebrate" LUL
I got a bit stuck on the acid pipes level, but I plan completing this game for sure.
Very well done sir.
UPD: I finished it! hell yeaaaah!

Oh. This game is stress-inducing. Kinda cool, but no way I'm play it again.