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A member registered May 17, 2020 · View creator page →

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So good I broke my pc! 10/10 would break pc again

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This is a really cool game
The intro is very well polished with great voice acting
The particles look great and the gameplay is fun overall
Really great job

My only complaint is that the brute force attack didn't work so that was sad

Thanks for playing!

(1 edit)

Fun game interesting mechanic
good job

I will try! It just depends on how much time I have

Thanks for playing!

(1 edit)

Thanks for playing and rating! the father is holding a book because why not lol
it kinda looks like a cigar though Edit: maybe I should've added glasses to him to make it more obvious

Thanks for playing!! Glad to see you excited!

It's a nice experience overall
Good job

The art is well done and the sound design matches the game perfectly
Well done!

I really enjoyed this! and the music is awesome and it made me laugh

The gameplay is kinda dull but the presentation is fantastic
Has some of the best art from this jam imo

Neat puzzle game! and nice take on the theme

I'm so glad you liked it! me and my teammate tried pretty hard to be original
so I'm glad we accomplished that
Thanks for playing!

Hey thanks for playing! Yeah your game is very similar
great minds think alike!

The gameplay is super fun
and the way you incorporated the main menu into the game is just amazing
Really good job!


Fun game! the element mechanic reminded me of the game Magicka
Great Job!

Me too lol! thanks for playing


This is a good entry
really hard though

I can't wait to play it!

This game looks amazing and the gameplay is really balanced overall
Nothing much to say except good job

The art in this game is really nice and the sounds are well done
The gameplay didn't seem super balanced but it was good
This game is super charming overall good job!

The simplistic artstyle really shines and the game is super charming

I'm so happy you liked it!! thanks for playing and rating

The level design is really well done as well as the visuals
good job

Not a fan of the controls but the concept is good and I got a good laugh

This is a nice idea and it did not overstay its welcome
I feel like this could be turned into a really neat puzzle game
my only complaint is that it felt like there was no real challenge to it

Cool game and nice mechanic
made for some interesting levels

Thanks for playing! The music was by my teammate megasupy
And yes I plan to rate people who rate me

Thanks for the feedback! it really does help

Thanks for all your feedback! I'm glad the short levels worked for you
me and my teammate have been thinking about making more levels so we'll have to keep the side spring in mind when making them
Thanks for playing!

Thanks for the feedback and I totally agree there could have been more levels to test the player
Thanks for playing!

Thanks for the feedback! glad you liked it
It's awesome to hear that the game was well balanced

This game is very charming and fun!
good job!

This is one of my favorite games from this jam
It's a lot like Mario Party

Nice game! the level design is nice as well

the art and concept are great!

The art is really nice and I'm surprised you got this done during the time limit