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A member registered Jun 07, 2016 · View creator page →

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The presentation in this demo is pretty immaculate. However, I'm having a really hard time with landing on platforms. The movement feels super loose and it makes precise platforming a bit frustrating. If there were a way to instantly cancel momentum in the air sort of like how the dash does (but without moving forward), then I think that would be nice.

Man it's weird that the Stretch Snake wasn't in Touhou 19. I loved using it in all the other games.

Reisen be like: "This is the first time. For. Me. In. The Goopy. Universe.'

Impossible Spell Card is my favorite of the scene games, so getting what's essentially a sequel to that as a jam game is really impressive.

Control Key triggers a bookmark shortcut on my browser rip. Otherwise a fun time.

This is low key one of the best entries nice work

This was a cool concept. Love the idea of the downtime for ATB being mixed with dodging.

Would love to see this expanded in the future.

This is a few polish points away from being really good. I frames after death so you can't get bullet comboed and a more distinct health bar drain color would go a long way for game feel. As is though, the engine and pattern your team created is really impressive.

This is infuriating. Nice work.

Really liked the concept, but the ending bit kept blindsighting me with hits that I couldn't see coming.

It was nice that a lot of the powers were related to Cirno. My only complaint is that the intro version of the music is pretty repetitive

I don't know if this is an issue with my controller specifically (I haven't run into issues with other games), but sometimes I get stuck moving up

The boss fights were cool and the second made good use of the theme. I also loved the original outfits for Reimu and Marisa they looked sick.

I was surprised by how good the level design was. Nice work.

Fun (albeit a frustrating) game. It is sort of funny that the last bit of health is actually the easiest since you can hit Suika consistently.

I really like the 3D models.

If you export the game as an unpacked exe then it will work.

Playing into Wriggle's insecurities is an interesting take I've never seen before. I recommend changing the font for the game. As is, it's pretty hard to read.

I had a bug where I tried to play hard mode after normal but the game softlocked. The game's cool (I especially love the visuals), but I think the default sound effect volume should be louder. The feedback for rhythm hits felt pretty awkward.

This is a cool concept that has an unfortunate problem for me: I disagree with every outcome lol. Although, I guess that is very much like its game of inspiration.

Very good game. I loved how the music gets more dynamic as you do better combos and score more. It's a cool way to reward players for getting better.

It was fun learning the patterns, but I think that tying better controls to upgrades comes with problems. I would've preferred stuff like health up.

Haven't played Peggle, but I had a lot of fun. I really liked the crayon drawings and the Spell Card twists. Also, Infinite Nightmare was an inspired song choice for Aya.

The shrink mechanic was cool, but it became more engaging when the blocks came into play.  I wish the first section had that honestly. Also wanted to note that I didn't see the final boss' second phase coming (which I probably should have) and thought it was really cute.

The centipede was a cool twist on Sokoban

This game cool. (Also my name is Megapig not MegaTrace, that was just Texel being silly. For credit, can you put that you got it from an audio library with songs originally composed by Wookywok? Sank you)

This is a fun game let down by the weapon switch system. The sword strike is extremely satisfying to use and has a defined range. But because Shimmy barely has any variance in jump height (It's almost constant for press and held), the needle doesn't offer enough control to take enemies down, and it's damage is super low too. I liked a lot of the level design ideas with how you'd have to fall and climb the same section twice, I just wish you had the sword the entire time, or that the needle was reworked to be stronger.

Really nice to see another Clickteam game. I love how there's multiple solutions to each puzzle.

I liked a lot of the puzzles, and the asset use was really clever (I got a good chuckle over the sprite flip being jump). There's one bit where I have to make a jump as tiny Suika, but the gap is too low on the ground to reach it. Unfortunately, I don't know where to go from there, and had to stop playing.

Hey everyone! The hotfix version of this game contains a fix for the transfer system to my game. If you want to use the transfer system, download the hotfix version.

Excellent concept executed beautifully. It's impressive how many entries the team was able to fit in just one week.

You are so brave for putting a power scaling minigame in this.

Was trying to think of some Lost Media to reference and NotQuiteHere had the perfect solution.

I love Hifuu Woooooo

That Midnight Fair Dance remix is one of the best I've ever heard wow. It's cool to see the scope of your games expand as you meet recruit more team members!

I did it! Very impressed by the wide amount of puzzles there were.

Genmu and Mugen. I liked how there were optional puzzles for Worldbuilding. I thought it was a good way to offer harder challenges without interfering with casual runs. My one complaint is that the block towards the end is a bit un-intuitive to figure out. That being said though, this is a great game through and through. I'm glad we got some Hifuu this jam.

The most impressive thing to me about this entry is the game design. It's one thing to have the gimmick, but you demonstrated wonderfully how you could make creative patterns out of the idea (with the normally "undodgeable" wall coming to mind as a primary example).

This is absolutely one of the best games ever submitted for a jam. Fantastic job to everyone involved!