The presentation in this demo is pretty immaculate. However, I'm having a really hard time with landing on platforms. The movement feels super loose and it makes precise platforming a bit frustrating. If there were a way to instantly cancel momentum in the air sort of like how the dash does (but without moving forward), then I think that would be nice.
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This is a fun game let down by the weapon switch system. The sword strike is extremely satisfying to use and has a defined range. But because Shimmy barely has any variance in jump height (It's almost constant for press and held), the needle doesn't offer enough control to take enemies down, and it's damage is super low too. I liked a lot of the level design ideas with how you'd have to fall and climb the same section twice, I just wish you had the sword the entire time, or that the needle was reworked to be stronger.
I liked a lot of the puzzles, and the asset use was really clever (I got a good chuckle over the sprite flip being jump). There's one bit where I have to make a jump as tiny Suika, but the gap is too low on the ground to reach it. Unfortunately, I don't know where to go from there, and had to stop playing.
Genmu and Mugen. I liked how there were optional puzzles for Worldbuilding. I thought it was a good way to offer harder challenges without interfering with casual runs. My one complaint is that the block towards the end is a bit un-intuitive to figure out. That being said though, this is a great game through and through. I'm glad we got some Hifuu this jam.