Sorry to hear that! We've been trying to switch to a more jam-appropriate engine, like Godot or Unity, so I'm hoping next jam you'll be able to play our games
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Thanks for the feedback!
Do you mean the ball bounces off of your ship instead of flying through? Seems like a bug indeed.
I only managed to reproduce it when catching the ball after the last bounce before switching roles, i.e. I dodge the ball, the roles are switched, I try to catch but it now bounces off. Though that probably wouldn't make it 70% of the time
Nice visuals and idea, but it has its fair share of problems that bog down the game:
- An in-game tutorial would be nice
- HP bars only appeared after first game over for me
- Didn't understand that I can pick up items until I looked at the game page
- Collisions are large and rigid, taking their toll on the UX
- First we have a narrow 2-square corridor, forcing the player behind the hero. Cool if that was done on purpose to show that enemies hurt the hero, not cool otherwise, especially with HP bars missing on first playthrough
- Then we have the items. Because collisions are larger that you initially expect, its hard to handle them properly
Came for the cover art, stayed for the plot.
Nice gameplay, nice music, nice visuals. The only frustrating thing was that the spells can only be cast fully within the field.
Also, tile contents display (i.e. which units are standing on the tile, which color are they and if they carry any gold) could use some improvement
So, turns out the actual build does not work at all, RIP
If you are still interested in trying out the game and have a UE4.26+ installed, you may download the project from GitHub: