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A member registered Jun 16, 2020 · View creator page →

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Became a rabbit and a mouse, and found the fun zalgo text area. I liked how animated the text was, more dramatic than most twine type games. Certainly looking forward to more of this peculiar tower, might just take another jaunt shortly, what's the worst that can happen?

The deer seed is planted, waiting to see what this grows into.

Lots of potential in this one. Definitely think I'm running into a bug with window information not updating if I leave them open while the other window interactions are adjusting them, but iron out a few kinks and you've really got something building up here.

Given this a couple ganders. I am digging the setup. The various donkey transformations were delightful.

A glorious fever dream. A truly cursed console launch. The one they I really want to see is some faster swapping between the three forms to try and chain movement tech together. Like power gliding full speed with the cow before switching to the bird for some kind of tricky egg shot. Definitely would be keen on seeing more of this in the future, stellar work gamers.

Most excellent, been a lot of interesting ones. Gonna have to rev up those comments the next few days.

As surreal and janky as The Glibbs is I can scarcely imagine how nonsensical it would be to those unfamiliar with the material it parodies. Thanks for giving it a try though.

Managed to combine the satisfaction of golf games with the stress of high stakes spiky platformers. This is the sequel to Breakout we didn't know we needed. Could see much longer and challenging levels making for a serious spectacle. Excellent work.

Reverse stealth game. Honestly a genre unto itself. Would be interesting to see guards of varying degrees of discernment going against some dots using disguises. Could set up big Hitman style levels with your guys on the lookout for one particularly dangerous attacker. As it stands though, this is a really cool idea executed fairly well. Great work.

Apparently the international community does not appreciate the subtle nuances of Zabovian diving techniques. The other nations champion's could scarcely survive such a dive, much less commit to it willingly. Fun comedy game, good work.

Finally an answer to the ancient question, why DID the chicken cross the road? Loved how punchy the effects work was, really sold the attacks well.

Been a fan of Shogi for some time, so this was a nice twist on the formula. Would be interested to see a bigger board and perhaps a multiplayer mode.

Grid inventories are easily the greatest form of inventories in games, and this game takes the loot Tetris angle of some games to a quite literal endpoint. Loads of potential within this.

Thoroughly destructive game. Fun premise. Could be fun to incorporate stealing the monsters to further parody a set of rocket themed villains. Nice artwork too.

Fascinating experience. Feel as though it might be better served with a VR game, but can understand how that'd be perhaps outside the scope of a 2 day jam. Would have preferred slightly more movement on a click. Loved rapidly tapping the buttons and feeling all around the place.

A delightful twist on a classic formula. The AI was quite a good shot. Think one thing it could use is a little more emphasis on where the asteroids are gonna pop up from off screen. Dig it so far though.

Wonderful work on this concept. The volume of dialogue is quite impressive. Might have been funny to see a character who constantly skips through your dialogue. Great work.

Really cute demo, was fun to try and dodge the bullets in button press mode. Lot of potential in this. One thing coming to mind would be that the enemy shoots your bullets you shot at them back at you, but could really go anywhere with it. Good work.

The cutest tragedy all jam. Loved the goofy little dance. Perhaps some day far from now the player may remember the dog.

Perhaps the most mischievous of all monsters yet put to game.

Got to accidently enable a 10 car and 1 hot air balloon pile up. Top tier stuff. Great music.

This one told a nice story, and served as a fun little dungeon crawl. Looking forward to the skeletal ska band in the future.

A most literal sorta platformer. This was an enjoyable puzzle. Lots of potential for this to be a base to something bigger, with more complex blocks and a more robust move set for the jumper. Excellent work.

Really enjoyed building up the city. Would be interesting to see you having to finesse the budget a bit more, really get into the behind the scenes of city management and building. Left me wanting more game. Good stuff.

It's a rather grim reference to players of the Sims selling the doors to rooms, in effect locking characters in a room for as long as they live.

Quite a tactile control scheme. Did not feel as though there was a putter besides me with regard to the actual gameplay of it. Could have been interesting trying to do much the opposite to really land on the theme. Play the little bugs that try and scooch the ball out of the path of the hole the real golfer tries to target.  Nice putting game at present.

A truly tragic little tale. Refreshingly ecological approach to things. Would be interested to see a thorough cross section of a whole fantasy world examined through a lens like this.

A delightful runner chase sequence. Could use some snappier input, but what game couldn't. Your shadow self having to be the fastest runner for the game to conclude is a fun and challenging twist on chasing your best time. Really dig the aesthetic too.

Never enough games staring lich. Definitely has some potential, could see the dungeon being a kind of clockwork sort of thing, with the rooms physically descending into place, make the whole thing a great big doom machine. Good stuff.

Cozy map maker. Would be neat to see more tile variety depending on the climate, but I can certainly appreciate what's already available. Most relaxing puzzly game so far.

Really chill coding experience. The dithering effect works great.

Really dig the mechanics behind this one. Would be fun to see the parry's used to shoot back projectiles to destroy some turrets, or perhaps even the occasional reversed polarity bullet shooting you in the opposite direction, but can understand that'd be tricky to do in any areas requiring platforming and in two days at that. 

The aesthetics made everything going on quite readable, keeping the challenge purely on figuring out and executing a plan of ascension. Superb work.

Delightfully A E S T H E T I C shooter. Though I suppose it's less of a "shooter" and more of a "shot at". The combination of investment in damage as well as extra danger is both a fun and challenging one.

Could see this evolving into an enthralling historical ship battle game.

Nabbed a 23. Nice reversal. I think a subtle dirt shuffling noise could really sell the player's movement some, and think the sand traps being slower for the ball but faster for the hole could further complicate things in an interesting way. 

A solid base to a classic reinterpreted.

Delightful conceptually. Could thoroughly shine with some polish on the feedback. The theme song was perfect.

Cool concept. The pit is a shade too large on the track, and the pacing feels a bit slow. Also think you can time your hops well and prevent your character from being inverted if you hop right before or as you touch the ground. I can definitely see this ramping up to be a thoroughly chaotic time.

Pleasant puzzle game, reminiscent of Robo Rally. Once I got into the cadence of allowing the characters to progress at their own pace and just focus on the on the fly hat changes I started to appreciate it more. 

Would like to see how crazy this could get with 3 or more little Blorbo's hopping around the map.

A fun and fascinating concept.