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A member registered Nov 24, 2021 · View creator page →

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Thanks for almost-plowing!

Excellent use of the theme! Frog/spider is such a great combination. I got overwhelmed pretty quickly, maybe a more powerful AoE ability would have gotten me further.

Just curious if anyone actually used this package in this or any jam.

It seems like “the real deal” machine learning, probably way overkill for a jam. But maybe it’s not actually that hard to use? Haven’t tried it yet, but it’s on my to do list.

Vibin’ and drivin’ (⌐■_■)

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Haha, makes me feel like I’m even worse at art than I already am. Really curious about the algorithm. If I drew lines along x, it would also draw lines along x with a similar starting x, but with a random y? Interesting concept, but it just sort of looks like noise on top of whatever shapes you draw.

Wow this is the best interpretation of the theme I’ve seen so far! Bravo! As some others are saying, there doesn’t seem to be any reason to run the programmed loop more than once since you can always reach GALE in most cases. But that’s an easy fix with some more level design.

A pretty interesting take on a flappy game! I also really like the predicted path effect, that is helpful. I found myself only using the “up” flap, seems like gravity was strong enough to push me down in most cases.

Omg I’m sorry, I was just impatient and never made it through the opening cutscene XD, I assumed webGL input wasn’t working correctly.

Weird and wacky looking world, +1. Would have liked to explore it a bit more, but the time limit sort of forced me to make a bee-line to the plant. You’ve got all the mechanics for a cool exploration game, would love to see it fleshed out!

I guess it’s just a critique of the genre then, not your game. :) Hope that didn’t come off as too harsh!

Bummer, “learn proper UI anchoring” is on my to do list because that’s lame. Glad you had a laugh!

Oh I see, I tried it again after your explanation. Looks like the catalogue does influence the orders. So there’s actually two types of errors…

  1. Customer error: they request something with a snake, which can’t be in the catalogue, so it’s doomed if you accept it. (however, it randomly can be built by chance)
  2. H-AI error: builds something with a snake, shouldn’t ship, even if it matches an order. I’m considering this akin to ordering “none pizza with left beef from dominos”, like technically they can do it, but as a business decision, they probably shouldn’t send you that and call it “pizza”.

That’s exactly what I was thinking actually! Though then you may not be able to randomize the item order as easily, but there’s definitely a solution!

(2 edits)

Wow, art it out of this world, gorgeous. I’ve never thought the toothy jaw of a great white could be so cute. And music is very fitting for a shop. Really like your interpretation of the theme. There were some cases where H-AI appeared to make the right thing, but it wouldn’t ship? Could be a bug. And I didn’t really get what creating an inventory does, it didn’t seem to influence the orders at all. I think it could more interesting if you were allowed to ship “faulty” products, but there was some penalty for it, like a customer satisfaction score.

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I also brainstormed “solve captchas for our robot overlords” but didn’t run with the idea (though I did end up with a car AI), so I was happy to find someone who did!

It started out a little too fast for me, but once I figured it out the speed felt pretty fun. I was mostly just using color in my peripheral vision to find the object since it was going so fast, so I struggled with the street light since it’s yellow and narrow and kind of looks like the road median line. It also looks like it is sometimes placed with the post in-frame but the hanging light out of frame? Really enjoyed the world building you did, it made it feel like my consciousness was on the line even though it is a simple game.

Sorry, but I did not care for this. It feels very passive, like I’m just watching a timer count down – albeit, an extremely polished one (really like the crunchy laser SFX and music). It seems you could “win” by just opening it and letting it run for a few hours with no interaction (I progressed from like #30 to #50 just by writing this comment and ignoring it). That said, a very small adjustment could completely change my mind, like having to dodge occasionally, and programming in a lose condition.

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Wow, love the character art! And their personalities, definitely felt like a collaboration, even if unwilling on Mirai’s part. The slash is pretty satisfying when it happens, but it took me a bit to figure out how to make it to damage, and it was unclear if I could even do damage alone at first. Once I figured it out, it seemed like I should always wait for SAM, since my own slash could only recharge at that same rate anyways. Plus with infinite range it was a no brainer to always double slash. Nice choice of music, and I like the bits of dialogue between fights, together they set the pace perfectly.

Not going to lie, I got bored with the maze pretty quickly, BUT, the music was fun and kept me engaged long enough to bake the cake. Difficulty curve feels backwards, first item is hardest since I don’t know the maze at all, last item is easiest. I dig the weirdness of a frog on wheels.

I enjoyed this a lot, had the right amount of back story to get me engaged quickly. I liked the goofy jokes. I’m actually a chemist in my day job so it always pleases me to see reactions in games! Especially fire related. It felt a little too easy, like I could just brute force try all the combinations and always win, I don’t think there is a lose condition. But overall had fun exploring the scene.

(2 edits)

Thanks for vibing with us


( •_•)>⌐■-■


Thank you! If you enjoyed the steering, I actually spend a fair amount of effort lerping the wheel rotation and messing around with accelerating the car displacement smoothly.

Thanks for playing! Agreed that “winning” is anti-climactic. I’d like setting the high score to unlock a new mini game, or perhaps better AI road assist, but alas, no time :)

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Should look like this in HD, might be a screen size issue with the UI if you can’t see it. Thanks for playing anyways!

Windows works! Definitely an AI collaboration. Seemed like I could always get a 2nd date, even if the date was going poorly. Had a good mix of characters, but I’d like to see one or two more developed. Music felt nice and casual and fit the theme well.

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This was super fun to play, especially in the earlier waves, had to actually think about if I was picking up resources quick enough. Made for some interesting upgrade decisions. Around wave 15 I was just holding both mouse buttons down and spraying, got me up to 27 before it crashed my browser! =D Difficulty curve felt backwards for me but overall engaging.

Thank you! Much appreciated.

Pretty fun and simple to play! The slow shooting speed was challenging in kind of a fun way.

On theme, and the art/color scheme looks good! It’s pretty hard and a little frustrating to have such limited visibility but not in a bad way. Seems like it would get easier with practice.

Nice color scheme and art, and the game was fun to play! Controls were pretty easy to use.

I couldn’t get the controls to work. Can you list the instructions?

Visuals and concept are great! Very on theme also.

Weird and fun, I like it overall. Doesn’t exactly feel like I should collaborate with the AI, but there is that path to go down.

Not what I expected at all, but had fun playing! What a wild ride. No obvious inclusion of AI though. Great writing generally and love the cat voice.

Like the simple and effective visuals, even getting blown up felt satisfying. I would play more levels!

This was extremely fun to play, maybe I’m just a sucker for the sense of progress from incremental upgrades, but I loved it. Excellent use of theme, I felt weak as the human, but it was fun watching Roby start to mow down lines of enemies with the laser upgrade. Choosing the upgrades made for some interesting decisions, and cool SFX.

Pretty fun! Controls are simple to understand, but not so easy that it’s boring. There’s a few corners I was tempted to try wedging myself into, but I couldn’t seem to do it right. Did a good job fitting the theme, felt like I was sharing control with AI, challenging but not so much that it’s frustrating.

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Really fun! It recognized my superb cat drawing, that was cool. I guess technically you are still competing with an AI here, not collaborating, unless perhaps your informant is also an AI. Wish there was more to play.

As a laser nerd/cat ownder: Cute graphics and music/sfx, A++ on that. It took me a bit to figure out exactly how to click in order to move Luna, and whether the dash was random or not. I think GMTK had a jam theme of “out of control” and this would be much more fitting for that IMO, still a fun concept though.

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Wow, I really like the visuals. Simple and effective, really felt like I was in a submarine stumbling around underwater. I don’t know if this is meant to be horror (edit: yes it is! good job!), but I was spooked a few times.

Was hoping to hear more of the story, but unfortunately got frustrated with the difficulty of the navigation pretty quickly. Took many tries to find my first sub, and when I did the read data button didn’t work at first. Maybe start off near the first sub, and give the player it’s coordinates as a tutorial?

It’d be nice to use arrow keys to move and space bar to pulse, don’t even need a windows for it. Movement was not very fun.

Really like the overall theme of the interface (felt like an under-staffed sub!) but they don’t all need to be big windows. Couldn’t fit everything on screen at one time, and e.g. the data button can just perform the action, no need to open a whole window for it.

Getting an error when loading the WebGL