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A member registered Dec 09, 2023 · View creator page →

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I enjoyed this game! The level design was really cool and all the parts felt cohesive. The moving tree stumps were very creepy which I liked. The controls were good as well. For critique, when I tried to see how far the level extended, I accidentally fell off the edge of the world. lol. While I did appreciate that there was a death zone, I think making walls around the level and removing their mesh renderers to make them invisible would have been a little less startling. I also think maybe the stumps that are not moving should also do damage as an obstacle or be a slightly different color compared to their enemy versions. I really enjoyed this game though and thought it was really fun!

I enjoyed this game! The Mechanics are great. The shooting and movement had a felt great and I really liked how the bullets slowed down at the end of their range. I also like how the difficulty got greater over time. I love how the enemies poured in and chased you. The difficulty was not too hard or to easy. For critique, I noticed if you let the enemies kill you on level one and try to replay the game, the player and bullets get stuck in place and the enemies never appear. Also, on round 3, there was a next level screen before going to the win screen.

I really enjoyed this game! The mechanics reminded me a lot of pac-man which I liked since I used to be very good at it. I liked the song and sound effects. They were very fun and fit the vibe. The characters you chose were super cute as well! I liked how the game got more difficult but not impossible as you continued. I also liked how the song increased speed. I really liked the teleport crystals and used them a lot. I thought the difficulty was at a good level. I was able to make it through level 1 and level 2, and only died on level 3. For critique, I would have liked to have a second chance at level 3 (maybe a life system) before being sent all the way back to level 1, since being sent all the way back after all that work felt a bit demoralizing. I also think it would be good to add a quit button on the help screen.

I enjoyed this game. I really liked the shooting mechanics and boost mechanics of this game. They felt very responsive and original. I loved the use of particle effects and the look of the projectile when shooting. I thought the speed of the shooting was great as well. For critique, I found I was able to defeat enemies by shooting through the walls.

I enjoyed this game! It was super addictive! The mechanics were easy to understand and fun. I kept trying again and again to solve the level and thought the level challenge was good. The enemies all moved smoothly and I liked how the player had a visor so I could see what direction he was facing. I think this could be a great portfolio game! For critique, I was unable to pick up the pizza piece on the bottom right corner of level 1.  Also, the help screen appeared warped.

(2 edits)

I really enjoyed this game. I thought it was difficult and addictive . I liked the game theme and interesting sprites. The controls felt very responsive, and the enemies' movements were interesting and challenging to predict. One thought I had was that it would be nice to add an option to switch the button controls, especially to fit a one-handed play option maybe with "1234" or "asdf".  I loved the aesthetic and design of this game though and I hope you decide to keep it up.

(4 edits)

I enjoyed the colorful theme and graphics and had fun playing the game! I liked that the difficulty wasn't too hard or too easy and that the movement of the dolphin felt very smooth and responsive. I liked how the fish were different colors based on how many points they gave, too, and I thought the difference in speeds for the fish and the sharks made the game feel challenging and addictive. I especially liked that the sharks were so large since it increased the difficulty and made the game feel more challenging.

I really enjoyed the game and I think the pixel art was really well done! The aesthetic was great and I liked the increase of difficulty over time. I look forward to seeing more of your work!

I really liked the <span class="NormalTextRun ContextualSpellingAndGrammarErrorV2Themed SCXW53630408 BCX8" <theme<="" span="">theme of this game and the dog sprite was really cute! The gameplay was also really well down and I liked how the game was challenging, but I was eventually able to complete it. The invincibility mode was especially cathartic since it allowed me to defeat the growing wall of monsters I collected.</span>

I walked left at one point when I noticed it wasn't blocked off, but I didn't see anything on that side of the game except monsters. I think it would be nice if there was an easter egg of some kind for if players decide to walk left instead of right. 

I enjoyed the game. The theme and the sprites were fun and so was the gameplay. The sprite chosen for the player was cute and I liked how clear it was which fruits were fresh and which were rotten. If he had delivered rotten fruit like that, I would have fired him too!

I really, really enjoyed this game. The animations of the main character made the game feel fast paced and so did the shooting speed and speeds of the enemy. The game was challenging and fun. My only critique is that it took me some time to notice that some enemies took multiple hits to take down. I think mentioning that in the description or making an enemy flash red to show some sort of visual sign when hit would made it more clear that they need multiple hits. I enjoyed the game a lot though and thought the theme and gameplay was great!